“Communists of Russia” has suggested deputies to make laws with loop on the neck

The leader of Ugra branch of “Communists of Russia” Vadim Abdurrahmanov urged parliamentarians Khanty-Mansi Autonomous district to publicly declare legislative initiative. This was reported on the website of the party on Friday, June 30. “I asked them to make laws, to read their bills before the people in the square standing on stools or on barrels with a noose around his neck,” — said Abdurakhmanov. In his opinion, such a method would have insured from making laws that go to the detriment of the people. Meanwhile, local deputies the proposal of the Communist is not appreciated. “Also not supported by the deputies of proposals to punish their “fraud” for failure to fulfill campaign promises to cut the salaries of officials of the regional average”, — stated in the message. June 1, the Yakut, the Deputy from “United Russia” Viktor Fyodorov has proposed to develop a mechanism that will allow voters

The number of victims from the storms rose to 16

The number of victims from the storms rose to 16 The number of victims from the disaster in Moscow has increased up to 16 people. Such data journalists TASS provided in the medical services of the city on Saturday 1 July. It is reported that 12 people were hospitalized, other medical assistance was provided on an outpatient basis. The nature of the injury is not specified. Previously it was known about the nine victims. In the suburbs, according to the Agency, three hospitalized victims of weather disasters. Officially confirmed the death of one man in Moscow, according to unofficial data, in the capital region and the death toll was three. 30 June the main meteorological station in Moscow recorded a loss of 53 millimetres of rain. This is a record for this day in the history of meteorological observations. Previously, the biggest indicator was considered to be 22.3 mm (1923).

The SBU said about the involvement of Russian intelligence to cyber attack virus Petya

The SBU said about the involvement of Russian intelligence to cyber attack virus Petya The security service of Ukraine said that Russian intelligence services were involved in the cyber attack on the country, which began on June 27. In Kiev decided that the target of the attack was to “destroy important data.” To cyber attack of the virus Petya, which mainly affected the companies and agencies in Ukraine, involved the same hacker group that committed cyber attacks on the Ukrainian financial system in 2016. This indicates involvement in the attack, the Russian security services, said the security Service of Ukraine. Data on participation in the cyber attack hacker groups, the security service received at “cooperation with international antivirus companies.” In the SBU believe that the recent cyber attack was aimed at “destabilizing the social-political situation in the country.” That the virus is “a cover for a large-scale attack on Ukraine”

The first woman Chairman of Hong Kong has officially entered a post

The first woman Chairman of Hong Kong has officially entered a post The Chairman of Hong Kong Carrie Lam officially took office. On Saturday, 1 July, reports Reuters. Lam became the first woman in this post. In her speech, she said that will make every effort to keep the policy of “one country, two systems”. The inauguration ceremony was held on the day of the 20th anniversary of handover of Hong Kong under Chinese jurisdiction in the same place, where he resigned last British Governor Chris Patten. CNN reports that the ceremony was also attended by Chinese President XI Jinping. It is noted that this is his first visit to Hong Kong since coming to power in 2013. During his speech he warned the supporters of the independence of China, “any attempt to undermine national sovereignty and security, to challenge the authority of the Central government and the provisions of

The Pentagon chose to defer acceptance of transgender people in the army

The Ministry of defense for six months delayed the acceptance of transgender persons into the armed forces of the country. The corresponding decision was accepted the head of the Pentagon James Mattis, according to Reuters. It is noted that the announcement of the lifting of the ban transgender people to serve in the US army was scheduled for 1 July, but now it is postponed to 1 January. In June 2016, the then Minister of defense Ashton Carter announced the lifting of the ban on military service of transgender people in the U.S. army. In July 2015, it was reported that the Pentagon has decided to organize a special working group on the subject of the study of how a change imposed on transgender rules that will affect the combat capability of the armed forces. Carter stated that the existing rules of the Ministry of defense regarding sex soldiers obsolete.

The first woman Chairman of Hong Kong has officially entered a post

Carrie Lam The Chairman of Hong Kong Carrie Lam officially took office. On Saturday, 1 July, reports Reuters. Lam became the first woman in this post. In her speech, she said that will make every effort to keep the policy of “one country, two systems”. The inauguration ceremony was held on the day of the 20th anniversary of handover of Hong Kong under Chinese jurisdiction in the same place, where he resigned last British Governor Chris Patten. CNN reports that the ceremony was also attended by Chinese President XI Jinping. It is noted that this is his first visit to Hong Kong since coming to power in 2013. During his speech he warned the Pro-independence of Hong Kong from “any attempt to undermine national sovereignty and security, to challenge the authority of the Central government and the provisions of the basic law”. Hong Kong from 1842 to 1997 was a

The number of victims from the storms rose to 16

The number of victims from the disaster in Moscow has increased up to 16 people. Such data journalists TASS provided in the medical services of the city on Saturday 1 July. It is reported that 12 people were hospitalized, other medical assistance was provided on an outpatient basis. The nature of the injury is not specified. Previously it was known about the nine victims.

Zakharova Posts about rasledovanie is pure nonsense

Photo: TASS On Thursday the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova once again accused the American media of lying. This time they got the message that for the selected RF facilities of the Russian departmenet in the United States was allegedly discovered “aerial reconnaissance”. “A number of American media, starting with the “Washington post” reported that on selected objects belonging to the Russian Federation in Washington and new York, allegedly discovered “traces the dismantling of the antennas, computers and other exploration equipment”, in this case, reference is made to FBI agents who conducted a search there, – the Russian diplomat clarified its position. – Pro equipment is a spy again, this is pure lies. Unfortunately, at this level, more falling even Central American edition”. However, she noticed that a number of features can really define that the objects of the Russian diplomatic property in the United States was

Foreign Minister saw “thundercloud” in relations between Russia and the United States

Photo: RIA Novosti On the Russian-us relations faced a “storm cloud”, but Moscow is making efforts to restart the dialogue. Such a statement on Thursday, June 29, speaking at the “Primako readings” in Moscow, did Russian Deputy foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov. His words RIA Novosti reported. “I’m inclined to agree with the fact that on our relationship hung black “storm cloud”, but there is also lightning protection, and ways to escape. Therefore we do not lose our historical optimism,” — said Ryabkov. The diplomat also explained why consultations between Moscow and Washington at the level of Deputy foreign Ministers, scheduled for June 21 was postponed. “There are about 400 Russian organizations are under us sanctions, the number of Russian citizens under sanctions of close to two hundred years. And against this background, in a massive expansion of sanctions under the false pretext it was difficult to hold the event, but