The Kremlin has promised to protect captured by the APU militia from Russia

Photo: RIA Novosti The Russian authorities will take measures to protect the rights of captured Ukrainian security forces of a Russian citizen Viktor Ageev, who fought for the militia proclaimed Lugansk people’s Republic, said the press Secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov. Peskov stressed that Russia does in respect of all of its citizens, reports TASS. Tuesday bi-Bi-si has informed that 22-year-old contractor from the Altai Republic Viktor Ageev was taken prisoner APU in a collision near the village of Zholobok in Luhansk region. The next day, the defense Ministry reported that Ageev never did military service under the contract, and was a conscript, who in may 2016 in the left margin. The LC reported that Ageev voluntarily decided to join the ranks of the people’s militia proclaimed Luhansk national Republic.

Peskov announced that the meeting between Putin and Kissinger

Photo: RIA Novosti Russian President Vladimir Putin will meet with former U.S. Secretary of state Henry Kissinger, said the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov, reports RIA “Novosti”. “The planned number of international contacts. It will take in Russia the Minister for foreign Affairs of Germany [Sigmar] Gabriel and also will be a meeting of the President — in the evening — with Kissinger. You know that they have a long dialogue, trust”, he said. According to Peskov, Kissinger is in Moscow in the framework of participation in the “Primako readings”. At the beginning of the year, it was reported that former adviser to Secretary of state Kissinger has denied his appointment as Ambassador to Russia.

Oliver stone in November, will visit Moscow and will speak at the business forum

Photo: © AP Photo / Alvaro Barrientos American film Director Oliver stone recently directed the documentary “Interview with Putin” will come to Moscow and will speak at the annual business forum Synergy Global Forum, told RIA Novosti the organizers of the event. “In November of 2017 will arrive in Moscow Oliver stone to speak at Synergy Global Forum, an annual event which is held in Moscow for the third time. The key audience of the forum are entrepreneurs and top managers, representatives of the Russian business community”, — said the Agency interlocutor. He added that the stone asked, in particular, to explain why he decided to do an interview with Vladimir Putin, and what is his opinion about the prospects of development of relations between Russia and the United States. Synergy Global Forum will be held on 27-28 November. Among the speakers also stated the economist and the author of

Entered into force the law on online-cinemas

Entered into force the law on online-cinemas In Russia came into force a law the bill on the regulation of audiovisual services, which includes online theaters. This was reported on the website of Roskomnadzor. President Vladimir Putin approved a bill in early may. Changes were made to the Federal law “On information, information technologies and about information protection” and certain legislative acts. According to the document, the owners of the online cinema is prohibited to disseminate information, which “contain public calls to terrorist activity or publicly justifying terrorism”. The law prohibits foreigners from owning more than 20% of the services, whose daily audience throughout the month, is over 100 thousand users across Russia and more than 20 thousand — in the same region. Online movie theaters must be registered in the registry of Roscomnadzor. In the message of Roskomnadzor noted that the Agency create and maintain a registry of audiovisual

MOE warned about the storm with a strong wind in Moscow in the coming hours

MOE warned about the storm with a strong wind in Moscow in the coming hours MOSCOW, 1 Jul — RIA Novosti. Capital rescuers warned residents and guests of the capital about the weather in Moscow until Saturday night, the expected strong winds, rain and thunderstorms, reports a press-service GUMCHS of Russia in the capital. “According fsbi “Central ahem” Hydromet, in the period from 13.00 to 19.00 on 1 July in the city of Moscow is expected in places, intermittent rain, storm, with thunder, the strengthening South-West wind 12 to 17 meters per second”, — is spoken in the message. Rescuers recommend to get around billboards and shaky structure and wait out bad weather in the capital structure. It is recommended to put the car in the garage, and in his absence to keep the cars away from trees and poorly fortified structures. Heavy rain from a thunderstorm fell on Moscow

Dmitry Medvedev honoured the memory of former Chancellor of Germany Helmut Kohl

Dmitry Medvedev honoured the memory of former Chancellor of Germany Helmut Kohl Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev honoured the memory of former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, who died June 16. Farewell ceremony held July 1 at the European Parliament building in Strasbourg, reports TASS. In the Central hall of Parliament more than three dozen invited to meet the President of the European Council Donald Tusk, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and President of the European Parliament Antonio Tajani. It is reported that Dmitry Medvedev paid tribute to the former Federal Chancellor with a moment of silence in the mourning room. The Prime Minister also signed the condolence book. At the farewell ceremony with the former Chancellor of Germany, came to the presidents and Prime Ministers from different countries — more than 30 current and former heads of state and government.

More than 12 thousand people were left without electricity due to thunderstorms

More than 12 thousand inhabitants of the Central Federal district remained without electricity from-for weather cataclysms June 30. On Saturday, July 1, according to the Ministry of energy of Russia. Immediately after the rain, without an electricity remained more than 86 thousand customers. Problems were observed in six regions: Moscow, Moscow, Kaluga, Vladimir, Tula, Ryazan and Lipetsk areas. By the morning of 1 July in Moscow and Lipetsk region the power was restored. In other regions, emergency works are continuing. 30 June in Central Russia there were heavy rains and thunderstorms. As a result of rampant disaster, according to unofficial data, in the Moscow region killed three people.

The number of victims from the storms rose to 16

The number of victims from the disaster in Moscow has increased up to 16 people. Such data journalists TASS provided in the medical services of the city on Saturday 1 July. It is reported that 12 people were hospitalized, other medical assistance was provided on an outpatient basis. The nature of the injury is not specified. Previously it was known about the nine victims. In the suburbs, according to the Agency, three hospitalized victims of weather disasters. Officially confirmed the death of one man in Moscow, according to unofficial data, in the capital region and the death toll was three. 30 June the main meteorological station in Moscow recorded a loss of 53 millimetres of rain. This is a record for this day in the history of meteorological observations. Previously, the biggest indicator was considered to be 22.3 mm (1923).

Muscovites warned of the imminent thunderstorm and strong wind

Moscow Glaucus MOE issued an emergency warning about the approaching storm. A message posted on the website of the Metropolitan EMERCOM. “In the period from 13:00 to 19:00, 1 July in Moscow is expected in places, intermittent rain, storm, with thunder, the strengthening South-West wind 12 to 17 meters per second,” — said the rescuers. The report also notes that in case of deterioration of weather possible damage to power lines and roofs, and felling trees. Muscovites and visitors of capital recommended in strong winds around billboards and shaky structure, not to hide under trees, it is possible to leave the car in the garage. In the emergency medicine TASS reported that as a result of the storm on June 30 in Moscow and the Moscow region, two people died. “In Moscow, 16 people were injured, six of them are in hospitals with injuries of varying severity, including one child”

Prosecutor close to solving the murder Boronenkov, said in Kiev

Prosecutor close to solving the murder Boronenkov, said in Kiev KYIV, 1 Jul — RIA Novosti. The Prosecutor General of Ukraine Yuriy Lutsenko said that the Prosecutor close to solving the murder of the former Deputy of the state Duma of the Russian Federation Denis Boronenkov. Earlier, the Prosecutor General of Ukraine announced the arrest of 36-year-old resident of Pavlograd of Dnipropetrovsk region, on suspicion of involvement in the murder Boronenkov. The court arrested him for two months without the right of bail. Voronenkov was killed March 23 in the center of Kiev. His bodyguard, a member of one of the Ukrainian secret service, shot and wounded the alleged murderer, who later died in hospital. The interior Ministry said that the killer had accomplices. “We are close to solving this case, and this is another line”, — said Lutsenko in interview to the project “Radio Liberty”. Details of the investigation