In the area of the crash of bus and tanker truck in Tatarstan introduced a state of emergency

Continued: the Number of victims of road accident in Tatarstan has increased to 13 State of emergency introduced in the zainskiy district of the Republic of Tatarstan, where on Sunday in the accident, ten people were killed and 12 injured. It is reported TASS with reference to the press service of the emergencies Ministry of Tatarstan. “A regime of emergency municipal character entered by the decision of the Chairman CSPB [of the Commission on prevention and liquidation of emergency situations and ensuring fire safety] Zainsk district,” — said the press service. To the place of accident flew the Prime Minister of Tatarstan Alexei Pesoshin and head of service Rafis Khabibullin. Press Secretary of the regional Ministry of health Aigul Salimzyanova told RIA Novosti that among the dead are two children. In hospitals are 12 victims, four of them in serious condition. They are all adults, said a representative of the

The interior Ministry of Tatarstan told the details of bus collision with a truck

The interior Ministry of Tatarstan told the details of bus collision with a truck KAZAN, 2 Jun — RIA Novosti, Irina Durnitsyna. The bus driver got in an accident 13 dead in Tatarstan on Sunday night, faced with moving in the passing direction the truck, according to the interior Ministry in Tatarstan. The message on road accident with participation of the truck “KAMAZ” and the passenger bus “the Neoplan” nine kilometers from the city of Zainsk were received in 0.40 GMT on Sunday. The bus followed the route Samara — Izhevsk, there were 28 people. As a result of collision the bus overturned on the roadway and caught fire. According to Ministry of health of Tatarstan killed 13 people, including two children, 15 injured (12 of them were hospitalized). The police opened a criminal case under article “violation of traffic rules and operation of vehicles, entailed on care the death

Former Israeli Prime Minister Olmert released early from prison

Former Israeli Prime Minister Olmert released early from prison Earlier, Olmert was convicted of corruption. He became the first convicted head of government in the history of the Jewish state. Former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, already convicted for corruption, on Sunday ahead of schedule left on freedom. In February last year, he began serving a 19-month sentence, which was sentenced for accepting bribes in exchange for assistance in the construction of elite residential complex “Holyland” in Jerusalem, and obstruction of justice. He became the first head of government in the history of the Jewish state, visited the prison. Olmert was serving a sentence in prison “Maasiyahu” 20 kilometers South of tel Aviv, where mainly convicted for economic crimes. Last week he went to the hospital with complaints of pain in the chest area. During the hospitalization, which lasted a few days, a number of Israeli politicians called for early release

The number of victims of road accident with participation of the bus in Tatarstan has risen to 13

The number of victims of road accident with participation of the bus in Tatarstan has risen to 13 At the scene of the completed investigations. Moscow. July 2. INTERFAX.RU Victims of accidents in Zainsk region of Tatarstan, where in the night on Sunday faced the intercity bus and truck were 13 people, reported the Agency “Interfax” source in emergency services of the region. “Dead already 13. 12 injured”, — he said. Earlier it became known that the police had completed investigations on the scene of an accident. “The police conducted investigations. At 5:53 rescuers and firefighters began working to retrieve bodies of the victims,” — said the head of the press service of the Main Department of EMERCOM of Russia across Tatarstan Andrey Rodygin reporters. Earlier it was reported that in the night of Sunday at nine kilometers from the city of Zainsk of an accident involving a truck “KAMAZ”

The Consulate reported no Russians among the victims in the club in USA

Russian Consulate in Houston (Texas) reported that no Russian citizens among the victims in the shooting at a nightclub in the us city of little Rock (Arkansas). This is stated in the message of Embassy on Twitter. “According to the police, Russian citizens were not injured,” wrote the diplomats. At the same time, Twitter of police of the city of little Rock has reported that the number of victims amounted to 28 people. We mentioned earlier the 17. The lives of all the wounded out of danger, say police. Shooting in a night club happened on Saturday. As a result, no one died. The youngest of the victims 16 years of age. The identity of the person who opened fire, not installed. The police Department of the city in his Twitter said that the cause of the fire was the conflict between the visitors and the incident is not related

The Paris court has fined the Ukrainian criticism of the film on the Maidan

The court in Paris on 29 June ruled against Ukrainian translator Anna Chesovskoy, which criticized the French film directed by Paul Moreira “Ukraine: Mask of the revolution.” This writes the Ukrainian edition of “true European”, publishing a screenshot of a court decision. The total amount of fine which the court imposed on the woman has exceeded 13,5 thousand euros. In particular, five thousand euros Cheshnovsky must pay to the Director as compensation for moral damage, three thousand euros — payment of his attorney fees, five thousand euros — the fee for publication of a retraction in the newspaper, which will choose a Director, a 500 — Euro fine to the state for violation of the law and 127 Euro court costs. Paul Moreira during the preparation of the film Cheshnovsky hired as a translator for a small part of the picture. After the film, the woman in the newspaper Le

Media reported about the possibility of a UK exit from the EU without negotiation

Theresa may and Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel Britain may abandon negotiations with the EU on the release of the Kingdom from the Union due to disagreements on the account, which Brussels makes the London. This publication reports The Telegraph, citing a senior official in the government. According to the newspaper, about such variant of development of events, representatives of the Prime Minister Theresa may warned the British business community. This step can show the “internal market” that Mei does not intend to pay compensation in the amount of more than € 100 billion required by some European politicians, the newspaper writes. In late may, the media also reported that Mae had warned that the country could leave the EU without signing a special agreement with Brussels. This may be the case if the United Kingdom does not agree with the terms Brexit put forward by the European Union. May

Lavrov held a telephone conversation with Tillerson

Photo: RIA Novosti The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov held a telephone conversation with U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson. About it reports a press-service of the Russian Ministry of foreign Affairs. “They discussed topical issues in Russian-American agenda”, — stated in the message. It is noted that the conversation took place on the initiative of the American side. Earlier it was reported that Lavrov and Tillerson will hold a meeting on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Hamburg.

Near entrances of homes ban Smoking

Photo: Fotolia In elevators, common areas and areas outdoors at a distance of less than ten meters from the entrances of apartment buildings ban Smoking. This will happen if the parliamentarians and the President will approve the bill submitted to the Duma. It sets out these restrictions. As stated in the explanatory note to the document adopted anti-Smoking law imposed a lot of restrictions on places for Smoking, and it’s pretty strictly enforced. The following is also prohibited to “smoke” on stairways in homes, in the hallways, elevators, basements, near the entrances to stations, airports, metro stations. But at the same time, the law says nothing about not Smoking at the exit from the entrance. However, many people, especially the residents of the first floor, or children with asthma suffer from the fact that people smoke at the entrance to the house. In this regard, and it is proposed to

Moscow and Seoul have signed a Memorandum of cooperation

Photo: RIA Novosti The authorities of the capitals of Russia and South Korea signed a Memorandum on further cooperation between the governments of Moscow and Seoul, told reporters on Thursday the mayor of Moscow Sergey Sobyanin. “Our cities are very similar on the issues that we face every day and to solve these problems together, using the experience and potential of our cities”, — said Sobyanin. The mayor of Seoul Park Won-soon thanked in turn, his Moscow colleague and agreed that the city have similar problems that need to be addressed together. “Our new President-elect noted that our new administration will strive to strengthen, to implement our strategic partnership,” he said.