In London, a car crashed into a group of teenagers

In London, a car crashed into a group of teenagers South London Audi A3 at high speed crashed into a group of teenagers. On Sunday, 2 July, reports BBC News. According to preliminary data, killed 16-year-old girl. Six people taken to hospital with non life-threatening injuries. According to police, sat behind the wheel of the Audi A3, the man received a head injury and may soon seek medical assistance. Militiamen doubt that hitting on teenagers was intentional. 19 June in London, the van did hit a mosque located in the district of Finsbury Park. The man tied the Imam of the mosque, he defended him from an angry mob to allow the police to detain. The evening of June 3, three men made a car hitting pedestrians in the area of London bridge, and then drove to borough market, where he got out of the car and with knives attacked

Source: militants in Idlib are preparing provocations with the use of sarin

Source: militants in Idlib are preparing provocations with the use of sarin MOSCOW, 2 Jun — RIA Novosti. Terrorists from the group “Dzhebhat EN-Nusra”* store in a warehouse in Idlib preparing provocations with the use of sarin in the Syrian city of Khan Shaykhun and Kefraya, said Sunday RIA Novosti informed military-diplomatic source. According to the information received, in the village of al-Magar (Idlib) in the premises of a large engineering building preparations for the organization of the provocation with the use of a chemical agent, “sarin”. In this warehouse are presumably the ammunition filled with this poison gas. The spokesman added that for the preparation of provocations in Idlib came a group of foreign citizens, including the US and Turkey, as well as one of the leaders of “al-Nusra”. “There is reason to believe that this provocation will be implemented in the towns of Khan Shaykhun and Kefraya. Her

China called the entry of the US destroyer in the waters of the disputed Islands military provocation

China called the entry of the US destroyer in the waters of the disputed Islands military provocation The Chinese foreign Ministry expressed protest in connection with the entry of the US destroyer USS Stethem into the waters of disputed Islands, Xisha (Paracel Islands) in the South China sea, which Beijing claims as its. It is reported RIA Novosti citing a statement by Chinese foreign Ministry. The Ministry of foreign Affairs of China said that the actions of the US destroyer is a serious political and military provocation. It is also reported that warships and fighter jets of China issued a warning to the destroyer. The foreign Ministry stressed that the United States had flagrantly violated the sovereignty of China and international law. “US, hiding behind the banner of “freedom of navigation”, once again sent a military ship that illegally entered the waters of the Chinese Xisha Islands, violating China’s laws

The representative of CNN: trump encourages violence against journalists

The representative of CNN: trump encourages violence against journalists WASHINGTON, 2 Jun — RIA Novosti. The representative of CNN in response to published President of the United States Donald trump mounted a video where he allegedly “beat up” person, instead of a head which has a large logo of the TV channel CNN reported that trump promotes violence against journalists. “It’s a sad day when the President of the United States encourages violence against journalists”, — quotes the representative of CNN to the associated Press. The representative of the company noted that the behavior of the trump “similar to the behavior of minors,” and is “beneath the dignity” of his position. #FraudNewsCNN #FNN — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 2, 2017. Trump has published and edited the video in his microblog on Twitter, in which he “beats up” person, instead of a head which has a large logo of

China called the entry of the US destroyer in the waters of the disputed Islands military provocation

USS Stethem The Chinese foreign Ministry expressed protest in connection with the entry of the US destroyer USS Stethem into the waters of disputed Islands, Xisha (Paracel Islands) in the South China sea, which Beijing claims as its. It is reported RIA Novosti citing a statement by Chinese foreign Ministry. The Ministry of foreign Affairs of China said that the actions of the US destroyer is a serious political and military provocation. It is also reported that warships and fighter jets of China issued a warning to the destroyer, sending him warships and fighter jets. The foreign Ministry stressed that the United States had flagrantly violated the sovereignty of China and international law. “US, hiding behind the banner of “freedom of navigation”, once again sent a military ship that illegally entered the waters of the Chinese Xisha Islands, violating China’s laws and relevant rules of international law, grossly violating China’s

Trump posted a video with the “beating” CNN

Donald Tramploline: CNN responded to trump posted a video with the “beating” channel The President of the United States Donald trump Sunday, 2 July, posted on his Twitter page to a video in which he beat a man with the head, closed with a logo of CNN. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 02 July 2017, 13:21 The action takes place near the Boxing ring. At the end of the 28-second clip in the lower right corner appears FNN News Network Fraud (“fraudulent news network”). It is the same font that is used in the original logo CNN (this abbreviation stands for Cable News Network, “cable news network”). The head of state has not accompanied his post with any explanation, except for the hashtag #FraudNewsCNN and #FNN. 1 Jul trump in his Twitter already offered to rename CNN, FNN. He has repeatedly accused several American media, including this channel, to spread

The media learned about preparing himataki militants in Idlib

The militants of the terrorist group “Jabhat EN-Nusra” (banned in Russia) are planning the chemical attack in the Syrian province of Idlib. On Sunday, July 2, reported RIA Novosti source in the military-diplomatic circles. The message is marked from Moscow. According to the interlocutor of the Agency, the extremists intend to use the poison gas sarin in the city of Khan Shaykhun and Kefraya. Preparing for provocations allegedly being conducted in the village of al-Magar, also located in Idlib province. There is a warehouse with ammunition loaded with sarin, according to the source. He noted that the purpose of himataki is “discrediting the Syrian government and the failure of negotiations in Astana, scheduled for July 4-5”. The source also stressed that in preparing for the assault in addition to militants “Dzhabhat EN-Nusra” involved foreign nationals, including from the United States and Turkey. Earlier, on 2 July the official representative of

UK independence Party called for improving relations with Russia

Photo: © Fotolia / Bikeworldtravel Party United Kingdom independence (UKIP) is in favour of building a deep and mutually beneficial relations with the Russian Federation. About it RIA Novosti said a member of UKIP and a potential contender for the post of party leader Elizabeth Jones. “British-Russian relations are now clouded by the fact that the UK is a magnet for many of the oligarchs, and the fact that the UK is in NATO, – said the Agency interlocutor. The first problem can be solved by using the proceeds of crime act, however, it is unlikely that in the foreseeable future we will leave NATO”. Moreover, according to Jones, there are “sensitive issues in relations with Russia, due to the fact that it is regarded as a country of one party, intolerant of criticism”. The representative of the British independence Party said that the UKIP plan “is to reduce friction

Traffic police can change into another uniform

Traffic police can change into another uniform MOSCOW, July 2. /TASS/. Uniforms for employees of the state traffic Inspectorate may become more convenient and comfortable. This was announced by the head of traffic police of Russia Mikhail Chernikov. “You must have many questions to solve in terms of availability of personnel material and technical resources, and the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia supports us. We today, for example, examined our research the centre for road safety, the change of uniforms for inspectors,” said he in an interview to “Rossiyskaya Gazeta”. According to him, it is necessary to make the form more convenient for employees. “To use good quality material, suitable climatic conditions. To reflective elements that will night time to operate safely on the roads,” — said Chernikov.

Four people were killed in a road accident near Nizhny Novgorod

In Arzamas district of Nizhny Novgorod region a passenger car slid into a ditch and crashed into a tree. It is reported GU MVD in the region. The accident occurred on Sunday, July 2, Medyntsevo between the village and the village of Uspenskoe. “At the time of accident in salon of the car there were six persons. In result of road accident the driver born in 1982 and three passengers of the vehicle 1983, 1986 and 1979 of a birth was lost”, — is spoken in the message. According to RIA Novosti, two of the injured passengers after medical aid was allowed to go home. According to preliminary data, the driver lost control. On the night of July 2 in the zainskiy district of the Republic of Tatarstan experienced bus and truck. The victims were 13 people, 15 were injured. The culprit, according to preliminary data, became a bus driver.