In Croatia, the patient shot the psychiatrist from the machine

In Croatia, the patient shot the psychiatrist from the machine BELGRADE, 2 Jun — RIA Novosti. Patient Serjan Smojver Sunday was shot from a Kalashnikov psychiatrist Sinisa Rakic on the Croatian island of RAB, the wife of the psychiatrist escaped by jumping from the window, reports the portal of the newspaper Jutarnji list. The patient and the doctor lived in an apartment house in the village of Barbat on island of RAB in the Adriatic sea. At about 11.00 GMT on Sunday Smojver, according to media reports, killed Rakic of all of the machine, the doctor’s wife escaped by jumping through the window from the second floor. After the gunman barricaded himself in his apartment and stated that he prepared the explosive device. The Ministry of internal Affairs of the Republic reported the incident, without naming names, without specifying the occupation of the participants in the events. “On arrival of

The Prime Minister of South Korea invited the DPRK to resume the meetings of separated families

The Prime Minister of South Korea invited the DPRK to resume the meetings of separated families While Lee NAK-Yeon said that the policy of Seoul is not different from the position of the world community, advocating for pressure on Pyongyang. SEOUL, July 3. /TASS/. The Prime Minister of the Republic of Korea Lee NAK Yeon proposed the DPRK to hold a new meeting of separated families of South and North. He declared it today in interview to TV channel KBS. A meeting would be desirable during the celebration of the 72th anniversary of Korea’s liberation from Japanese colonial rule or the autumn harvest festival and commemoration of the ancestors Chuseok.If NAK Aspremier-Minister of South Korea The current state of inter-Korean relations he likened to a river which “flows under the ice”. Lee NAK-Yong stated that North Korea policy of Seoul is not different from the position of the world community,

Four Arab countries have agreed to extend the ultimatum to Qatar

Four Arab countries have agreed to extend the ultimatum to Qatar MOSCOW, 3 Jul — RIA Novosti. Four Arab countries accepted the proposal of Kuwait to extend the ultimatum to Qatar for 48 hours, transfers TV channel “al Arabiya”. Earlier, the government of Kuwait has urged Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain and Egypt to give Qatar an additional 48 hours to reply to the ultimatum. The foreign Minister of Qatar Mohammed bin Abdurrahman al Thani had intended to send a response to Doha for an extended number of Arab countries demands on Monday. Later, the Egyptian foreign Minister said that the foreign Ministers of four Arab countries will meet Wednesday in Cairo to discuss the situation with Qatar. Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain and Egypt on 5 June broke off diplomatic relations with Doha and stopped with Qatar every message, accusing him of supporting terrorism and interference in their internal Affairs. The

Ryabkov: the US tightening of a question with Dipartimento Russia will lead to a mirrored response

Sergei Ryabkov © Sergey Fadeichev/TASS MOSCOW, July 3. /TASS/. The delay by Washington seized of the situation around the Russian diplomatic property would lead to a mirrored response. This was stated in interview to the newspaper “Izvestia” Deputy foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov. “No movement [around the situation with diplomatic property] no. Our constant complaints to Washington with the demand without any conditions, immediately return our property, which is protected by diplomatic immunity, have no effect”, – stated the diplomat. According to him, the United States, from a legal point of view, “grossly violate the provisions of the Vienna Convention on diplomatic relations”. “And they are inconsistent even with their own law, which prevents such an encroachment on private property – said Ryabkov. She was acquired the Soviet Union and then transferred to Russia. There can be no other interpretation or reading.” The Deputy Minister stressed that it was “a flagrant

The Serbian President said about the importance of Russian arms

Aleksandar Vucic The President of Serbia Aleksandar vučić spoke about the importance of the supply of Russian weapons to improve the defense capacity of the country. He told this in an interview with RIA Novosti. “Expect the imminent visit of the Minister of defence of Russia Sergey Shoigu, as well as the arrival of tanks and scout vehicles. It is of great importance for us”, said Vucic. He added that Russian weapons “for the day will allow to increase the combat readiness of the Serbian army, to prevent the scenario in 1999, when the country came under NATO bombing”. June 25, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin in Belgrade made a joke about the relations of Serbia with the West. The official mentioned outdoor five years ago in NIS, the Russian-Serbian humanitarian centre, noting that for some reason this scares Western countries. “Therefore, I say, s-300 Serbs is not necessary.

In Washington state, a train with 250 passengers derailed

In the U.S. state of Washington passenger train Amtrak derailed. About it reports CNN TV channel. As have told in rescue service, the incident occurred on the coast of the town of University place next to a Golf course chambers Bay. With derailed four cars of a train in which there were 250 passengers. The incident resulted in no injuries, with severe injuries the doctors did not. Rescuers said that no the car was not in the water. May 13, in Greece a train traveling from Athens to the second largest city of Thessaloniki, derailed, the locomotive crashed into a house. According to updated information, the train was 70 passengers and five staff members. According to specified data, two persons were lost, seven more got wounds. April 8 in Moscow, the trains crashed into commuter train. Injuries to 50 people. The emergencies Ministry said that hospitalization was required to 12

Unknown opened fire at a mosque in the French city of Avignon

Unknown persons in masks opened fire at a mosque in the city of Avignon in Southeast France. About this newspaper La Provence. Two men armed with a pistol and a rifle, got out of the car and started shooting at people leaving the mosque. In the result of incident eight people were injured, including a seven year old girl. The attackers managed to escape. Police have ruled out an act of terrorism. Allegedly, the incident occurred after a quarrel between young people, the newspaper writes. June 29, a man tried to enter by car into a crowd outside a mosque in créteil 11 kilometers from the French capital. The offender failed to realize his plan because of the set front of the mosque of the barrier. According to the newspaper Le Parisien, citing its sources, he wanted to avenge the terrorist acts in the club Bataclan in 2015 in the

NATO has been unable to respond to the growth of terrorism, says Lavrov

Photo: RIA Novosti NATO has been unable to respond to the growth of terrorism, the Alliance continues seriously to shake the structure of security in Europe, said Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. “The Alliance is still in the logic of the cold war, trying to find justification for their own existence”, — said Lavrov, speaking at the Second Acceptance readings. “While NATO has been unable to give an adequate response to the growth of the main threats — terrorist. And at the same time their actions seriously rocked and continues to rock the structure of security in Europe. This, of course, is contrary to the aspirations of the peoples of the European continent”, — said the head of the foreign Ministry.

Lavrov commented on the forthcoming meeting of Putin and trump

Photo: RIA Novosti The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov said that Moscow expects that a meeting between President Vladimir Putin and US leader Donald trump in Hamburg at the G20 summit will bring clarity to the future of relations between the two countries. He said this in his speech on “Acceptance readings” in Moscow. “Of particular importance in today’s world is given to the relations between Russia and the United States, from which depends the solution of many international problems, ranging from the provision of strategic stability, settlement of regional crises,” — said Lavrov. However, he noted “abnormal state” of relations between the US and Russia. “We expect our presidents’ meeting in Hamburg, which was announced, will bring clarity to the question about the prospects of Russian-American cooperation”, — said the head of Ministry of foreign Affairs. Earlier the adviser of the us leader’s national security, Herbert

In the network massively looked for the hidden cats

In the network massively looked for the hidden cats Netizens have launched a new flashmob #spotthecat (“mind the cat”), in which divided images hidden in the house or outside Pets. The number of participants photographed hidden under furniture or bushes cats so that netizens could not find them after the first glance at the picture. The first pictures under the same hashtag were posted on Twitter in early June, but gained popularity only after a month. The number of participants photographed hidden under furniture or bushes cats so that netizens could not find them when you first look at the. Spot the cat — feeb (@pipson_) 29 June 2017. #SpotTheCat #Cat. — Susie ? (@Siouxie1999) 2 Jul 2017 Sometimes the shot fall just ears or a part of the muzzle of the animal. #SpotTheCat — #Juanformation (@JuanCPineda) 2 Jul 2017 #spotthecat returns with an ‘earie’ edition