FSB detained a migrant propagandizing terrorist ideas

A propagandist of a terrorist organization from Central Asia was detained in Krasnoyarsk In Krasnoyarsk, the FSB detained a migrant propagandizing terrorist ideas. On Thursday, December 2, Interfax reported with reference to the press service of the regional department of the FSB. According to the FSB, the detainee is a native of one of the countries of Central Asia. He dealt with calls to destabilize the work of the authorities and the situation in the region. The migrant was identified as part of a criminal investigation into aiding a terrorist organization. The security forces are finding out who else the detainee was in contact with and checking his involvement in other crimes. On November 24, it was reported that the FSB detained in Khabarovsk a foreign citizen involved in financing the terrorist organization Dzhebhat al-Nusra, banned in Russia.

Проценко назвал количество ложноотрицательных ПЦР-тестов: почти треть

Проценко отметил, что такое соотношение не только в России, но и во мире. Дело в том, что даже при наличии коронавирусной клиники ПЦР может быть отрицательным. Ложноотрицательные ответы на этот тест фиксируются почти в 30% случаев. И не только у нас, это мировая статистика.Денис Проценко Ранее он сообщил, что медики в России научились оперативно реагировать на волны пандемии COVID-19, в частности, увеличивая количество коек и госпиталей. При этом врач подчеркнул, что есть проблемы в системе здравоохранения. По его словам, речь идет о недостатке кислорода, кадровых вопросах и выгорании медперсонала. Елизавета Сапкова

OPEC + increased oil production

OPEC + countries agreed to increase oil production in January by 400 thousand barrels per day OPEC + countries agreed to increase oil production in January by 400 thousand barrels per day, TASS reports. Under the agreement, Russia and Saudi Arabia will be able to increase production by 109 thousand barrels per day each. The next meeting of the OPEC + countries will be held on January 4, 2022.

OPEC + increased oil production

OPEC + countries agreed to increase oil production in January by 400 thousand barrels per day OPEC + countries agreed to increase oil production in January by 400 thousand barrels per day, TASS reports. Under the agreement, Russia and Saudi Arabia will be able to increase production by 109 thousand barrels per day each. The next meeting of the OPEC + countries will be held on January 4, 2022.

A military-historical reconstruction “Let's Defend Moscow!”

A military-historical reconstruction will take place at the Vadim Zadorozhny Museum of Military Equipment The events of 80 years ago will be recreated by more than 100 reenactors in Moscow and the Moscow region. All actions will unfold around the original German train, loaded with military equipment. “There are dates that must not be forgotten. The battle for Moscow and the events of early December 1941 were a turning point in the Great Patriotic War. Pyrotechnic special effects, historical costumes and decorations will allow guests to travel back in time, plunge into the reality of the reproduced historical period and remember the exploits of our ancestors, at what cost they defeated fascism, “Vadim Zadorozhny, Director of the Museum of Technology, commented on the preparation of the event. > In the reconstruction of the battle, equipment of the Great Patriotic War from the museum collection will be involved, including: T-26, T-60

Music festival “December Evenings” will be held in Krasnoturyinsk

The Krasnoturinsk Local Lore Museum will hold an online festival of live music »In online format. This is reported by the local portal “Vecherny Krasnoturyinsk”. According to the publication, musical performances will be available to local residents and guests of the city for several weeks. It is noted that the video recordings from the concerts will be published by the museum's social networking groups VKontakte and Odnoklassniki. For example, the first recording of the Big Rehearsal will appear on the network on December 2. Those interested will be able to get acquainted with the performance of the pupils of the Krasnoturyinsk Children's Music School No. 3. The musicians will hold a reporting concert and demonstrate the results of the work, which is based on the combination of educational and concert activities. The second broadcast will be posted on social networks on December 9. It is known that the audience will