Roscosmos will be able to deliver tens of tons to Jupiter

Roscosmos: nuclear tug Zeus will be able to deliver tens of tons to Jupiter's satellites tons of payload to the satellites of Jupiter, said at the All-Russian forum of cosmonautics and aviation “CosmoStart 2021” the executive director of “Roscosmos” for promising programs and science Alexander Bloshenko. His words are reported by TASS. “The solutions that we are laying down will make it possible to deliver tens of tons of payload, for example, to the satellites of Jupiter. Now you cannot deliver such a mass of payload by any other means. It is not about the mass of the entire apparatus, but about the mass of the payload, which is scientific equipment, special sounding radar equipment, “the specialist said. The Executive Director of the State Corporation for Advanced Programs and Science recalled that in at present, only light loads can be delivered to the largest planet in the solar system. “If

A wounded water bird was rescued in Novosibirsk

Novosibirsk rescuers took out a wounded crested crested bird from the water Novosibirsk rescuers helped a bird with a damaged wing. Eyewitnesses noticed her at the South-West residential area the day before, on December 1, at about five in the evening. This was reported in the group “Rescuers MASS” in “VKontakte”. Two rescuers in wetsuits went down to the water and tried to catch a bird, which, trying to swim away from people, was constantly diving. As a result, the bird went out onto the ice, where the rescuers caught it. It turned out that it was a bird of prey crested grebe. The video shows that she is trying to escape from the hands of the rescuers. As a result, a crested grebe with a damaged right wing was added to the Novosibirsk zoo. Rescuers contacted the staff of the institution and delivered the bird. Great crested grebe, also

A wounded water bird was rescued in Novosibirsk

Rescuers from Novosibirsk took a wounded bird crested grebe out of the water Novosibirsk rescuers helped a bird with a damaged wing. Eyewitnesses noticed her at the South-West residential area the day before, on December 1, at about five in the evening. This was reported in the group “Rescuers MASS” in “VKontakte”. Two rescuers in wetsuits went down to the water and tried to catch a bird, which, trying to swim away from people, was constantly diving. As a result, the bird went out onto the ice, where the rescuers caught it. It turned out that it was a bird of prey crested grebe. The video shows that she is trying to escape from the hands of the rescuers. As a result, a crested grebe with a damaged right wing was added to the Novosibirsk zoo. Rescuers contacted the staff of the institution and delivered the bird. Great crested grebe,

The account of the dwarf blogger Hasbik disappeared from Instagram

Dwarf blogger Hasbik said that he blocked his Instagram because of complaints Popular Dagestan dwarf blogger Khasbulla Magbikomedov said on Instagram about blocking one of their social media accounts. According to the young man, he restricted access to the profile due to user complaints. Before that, Hasbik threatened an unknown woman on Instagram, according to Mash, his profile was blocked by Instagram. According to Mash, Magomedov's profile disappeared because he was blocked by the social network itself due to threats of murder to an unknown woman. The blogger got angry with her for filming his sister's video. The Telegram channel also showed a screenshot from Hasbik's stories, in which he told subscribers about the woman who shot the video. “I will not leave this girl alive until she apologizes to the whole Instagram, because she shot a video of my sister and posted it all over Instagram, ”wrote Magomedov.

The account of the dwarf blogger Hasbik disappeared from Instagram

Dwarf blogger Hasbik said that he blocked his Instagram because of complaints Popular Dagestan dwarf blogger Khasbulla Magomedov said on Instagram about blocking one of their social media accounts. According to the young man, he restricted access to the profile due to user complaints. Before that, Hasbik threatened an unknown woman on Instagram, according to Mash, his profile was blocked by Instagram. According to Mash, Magomedov's profile disappeared because he was blocked by the social network itself due to threats of murder to an unknown woman. The blogger got angry with her for filming his sister's video. The Telegram channel also showed a screenshot from Hasbik's stories, in which he told subscribers about the woman who shot the video. “I will not leave this girl alive until she apologizes to the whole Instagram, because she shot a video of my sister and posted it all over Instagram, ”wrote Magomedov.

Kolesnikova refused to ask for pardon

Maria Kolesnikova: no requests for clemency are out of the question refused to ask for pardon. She stated this in an interview with DW. “Any pressure has the opposite effect. Naturally, there can be no question of any requests for clemency. After all, I, like Maxim Znak and all political prisoners, are innocent. You can't admit what you haven't done, “Kolesnikova said. She noted that the Belarusian authorities are leading the country to nowhere. “It is important for everyone to look for a way out of the dangerous peak and already now think about solving problems for the future,” the oppositionist said. When asked what could force President Alexander Lukashenko to leave her post, Kolesnikova replied: “The situation is very difficult and we have already lost more than a year. I really want to believe that common sense will finally win. Leaving will take place, it is a matter of

Guzman called the anti-Axis statements a crime

Director Yuli Gusman believes that opponents of vaccinations “are utter nonsense” … An interview with him was published on the YouTube-channel RTVI. According to Guzman, many opponents of vaccinations, including his acquaintances, are “complete nonsense.” He noted that at the same time he is very fond of the actress Maria Shukshina, who opposes vaccination. “People are offered a cure for death in the literal sense of the word. This is terrible, as a doctor, I tell you, this is the hardest death. And these intelligent people, as it were, my good friends, actors, all kinds of writers – this is complete nonsense that they are talking about, “- said the director. Earlier, the chief doctors of large covid hospitals in Russia were invited to red zones of hospitals where patients with COVID-19, known anti-vaccines, lie. These are the leaders of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and “Fair Russia”

В Хабаровском крае водители сняли гуляющего по дороге тигренка

Тигренок без матери вышел на дорогу в Хабар-ом крае, охотнадзор проверяет место съемки,потому что из-за снегопадов хищникам сложно добывать корм “На вид малышу месяцев8-10.В таком возрасте они любопытны и неопытны,и могут достаточно долго гулять без сопровождения матери-тигрицы” — Nadejda.S (@Sorokin5Nadezda) December 2, 2021 Центр «Амурский тигр» опубликовал в соцсетях видео, снятое водителями на дороге в районе имени Лазо Хабаровского края. Прямо посреди проезжей части среди белого дня там сидел тигренок, который, увидев автомобиль, побежал по дороге, а затем скрылся в лесу. На вид малышу около 8−10 месяцев. Эксперты говорят, что в таком возрасте они любопытны, неопытны и могут достаточно долго гулять без сопровождения матери-тигрицы. Однако сейчас в месте обитания амурских тигров сложилась неблагоприятная ситуация с кормовой базой, которую усугубляют тяжелые погодные условия. А потому на место сразу выехала специальная группа охотнадзора, чтобы проверить место съемки и удостовериться в том, что тигренок благополучно покинул территорию, примыкающую к дороге, и что рядом находится его мать. Екатерина Гура