Russian region complained about coal shortage

The authorities of the Omsk region appealed to the Ministry of Construction and the Ministry of Energy with a complaint about the coal shortage rising prices and a series of refusals by suppliers to fulfill contracts, writes TASS with reference to the Deputy Minister of Energy and Housing and Communal Services of the region, Sergei Tsukanov. Local authorities sent complaints to the Ministry of Construction, the Ministry of Energy of Russia, the Prosecutor's Office and the Office of the Federal Antimonopoly Service in the Omsk Region. The press service of the regional Ministry of Energy reported that the situation has not yet been resolved. “The issue of allocating funds from the reserve fund of the region for the purchase of fuel is being considered,” said a representative of the department. At the end of November, 11 municipal districts of the region announced possible problems with maintaining the standard stock of

Gradsky found unpaid taxes for half a million rubles

After the death of Alexander Gradsky, they found tax debts for 523 thousand rubles rubles. This is reported by KP.RU. It is clarified that the artist's debt is 523 thousand rubles. The largest amounts (363, 67, 21 and 2 thousand rubles) are associated with his Moscow real estate. The amount of debt for land tax has reached 27 thousand, and for transport – 43 thousand. “When a person dies, according to the law, his heirs receive not only property, but also debts. If they are not paid off voluntarily, the tax authorities will sue and then through bailiffs the funds will be debited from the heir's bank account. At the same time, the heir who receives this property is obliged to pay off the tax debt, ”explained lawyer Andrei Aleshkin. Gradsky died in Moscow on November 28. He was taken to hospital with suspected stroke. The coronavirus infection suffered by

USA imposed sanctions against Belarus against 20 people and 12 organizations

The & nbsp; US sanctions list includes Belarusian Potash Company, Transaviaexport, Slavkali and & nbsp; Beltechexport, and & nbsp; also JSC & nbsp; Agat-Electromechanical Plant, LLC & nbsp; Agrorozkvit; JSC & nbsp; 140 Repair Plant; Peleng State Enterprise Tsentrkurort Presidential Sports Club and & nbsp; three Belarusian planes. 20 people also fell under the sanctions: the second son of the President of Belarus Dmitry Lukashenko (holds the post of chairman of the central council of the Presidential Sports Club and & nbsp; is a member of the National Olympic Committee of Belarus); Head of the Main Directorate for & nbsp; Combating & Nbsp; Organized Crime and & nbsp; Corruption of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Andrey Parshin; the husband of the press secretary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus Olga Chemodanova Denis Chemodanov; Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Dmitry Korzyuk; head of the State Border Committee Anatoly Lapo;

The head of the DPR allowed an appeal for help to Belarus in the event of hostilities

DPR head Pushilin: the republic can turn to Belarus for help in case of war The head of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) Denis appeal for help not only to Russia, but also to Belarus in the event of a war with Ukraine. RIA Novosti reports this on December 2. “I do not exclude the possibility that we will address Russia. Maybe we also heard the statements of Alexander Grigorievich [Lukashenko] about Belarus. Therefore, we will see and act according to the situation, “said Pushilin. He claims that Ukraine is” preparing to unleash full-scale hostilities “, which is evident” from the list of obvious and hidden signs. < p> Earlier, Pushilin said that the DPR is counting on its own strength, but can turn to Russia for help. Lukashenko said that “if Russia is facing aggression from Ukraine,” then Belarus will be “in the closest tie legally, economically, politically

The head of the DPR allowed an appeal for help to Belarus in the event of hostilities

DPR head Pushilin: the republic can turn to Belarus for help in case of war The head of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) Denis appeal for help not only to Russia, but also to Belarus in the event of a war with Ukraine. RIA Novosti reports this on December 2. “I do not exclude the possibility that we will address Russia. Maybe we also heard the statements of Alexander Grigorievich [Lukashenko] about Belarus. Therefore, we will see and act according to the situation, “said Pushilin. He claims that Ukraine is” preparing to unleash full-scale hostilities “, which is evident” from the list of obvious and hidden signs. < p> Earlier, Pushilin said that the DPR is counting on its own strength, but can turn to Russia for help. Lukashenko said that “if Russia is facing aggression from Ukraine,” then Belarus will be “in the closest tie legally, economically, politically

The benefits of cycling revealed

Colorado State University Scientists Uncover Benefits of Bicycles in Preventing Death save several hundred thousand people from premature death. The benefits of mass bicycle use are detailed in an article published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives. Experts analyzed the trends in the widespread use of bicycles, as well as the level of urban cycling in 17 countries, including Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, Egypt, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Russia, South Africa, UK and USA. They also modeled a scenario of widespread use of bicycles by 2050, which could rise with policies to improve cycling conditions. The mortality rate in this case was associated with the number of road traffic accidents, air pollution and physical activity. According to researchers, up to 205,424 premature deaths can be prevented annually among the urban population aged 20-64, provided if all cycling trips replace road trips. In the United States, it

The benefits of cycling revealed

Colorado State University Scientists Uncover Benefits of Bicycles in Preventing Death save several hundred thousand people from premature death. The benefits of mass bicycle use are detailed in an article published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives. Experts analyzed the trends in the widespread use of bicycles, as well as the level of urban cycling in 17 countries, including Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, Egypt, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Russia, South Africa, UK and USA. They also modeled a scenario of widespread use of bicycles by 2050, which could rise with policies to improve cycling conditions. The mortality rate in this case was associated with the number of road traffic accidents, air pollution and physical activity. According to researchers, up to 205,424 premature deaths can be prevented annually among the urban population aged 20-64, provided if all cycling trips replace road trips. In the United States, it

TVs with broadcasts about the dead appeared on the graves of Novosibirsk

The first Russian monument with a TV was erected at the Novosibirsk cemetery Instead of a photo of a dead man, a video with moments of his life is broadcast on the screen of the building, reports. The structure is a crypt with two niches: an urn with ashes is located at the bottom, and a liquid crystal monitor that plays a video is located above about the deceased. The idea of ​​such a monument came from the engineer from Naberezhnye Chelny Marsel Mukhametshin – he was afraid to lose the memory of two deceased relatives. In 2018, he presented a project of a building with a TV at an exhibition in Yekaterinburg, where representatives of the Novosibirsk crematorium became interested in him. The cemetery employees are confident that the digital monument better preserves and conveys the real appearance of a person – so the descendants will be able

Lavrov announced the seizure of Russian diplomatic property in the United States

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov: American seizure of Russian diplomatic property is unacceptable in Washington DC. His words are reported by RIA Novosti. Related materials 00:01 – July 8 “America is looking for external enemies” Why in 150 years After the Civil War, the US was again on the verge of a split? 00:01 – December 1 Ministry of Friendship. Russia is trying to find new allies. Why is it still difficult to do this without military assistance and loans? “It is absolutely unacceptable and violates all imaginable diplomatic canons and conventions that the Americans have seized and controlled our diplomatic property,” the Russian minister said. He also noted that embassy employees are not allowed to work places so that they can understand “what is happening there now.” quickly solve the problem with the functioning of the embassies of both countries. He noted that the Kremlin is sending a signal to