El Salvadorian Air Force plane crashed with the son of the Minister of Defense on board

The plane of the Air Force of El Salvador crashed with the son of the Minister of Defense Gerardo Martino on board with Gerardo Martino, the son of Defense Minister Merino Monroy, on board. This is reported by Interfax with reference to the Armed Forces of El Salvador. The plane carrying three crew members was looking for a yacht that had disappeared the day before. Currently, planes and helicopters are involved in the search for the crew. Social media users have already begun to voice fears that all three have died. Thus, Nayib Bukele has already expressed his condolences to the Minister of Defense. Earlier in the United States, as a result of an incident involving two training aircraft, a pilot was killed. The T-38C Talon jet incident occurred on the runway. It is noted that two more people were injured, one of them is in serious condition.

In the Russian region, the introduction of QR codes in public transport was allowed

Governor of Uss: in the Krasnoyarsk Territory QR codes can be entered in transport transport. The introduction of digital documents was made by the regional governor Alexander Uss, he is quoted by Interfax. “Transport is a vital thing. But I do not rule out that we will have to switch to this practice, “- said the head of the region. According to him, the authorities of the Russian region have not yet begun to introduce additional restrictions and have given residents the opportunity to be vaccinated. This medical procedure will help “not to face additional problems.” According to him, such a measure is aimed at ensuring the safety of Russians and reducing the risk of their infection. Tatarstan was the first region in which QR codes for public transport were introduced. The new rules came into force on November 22 – documents are also checked when selling tickets. If a

Deadlines for determining the real threat from the Omiron

Independent citing scientists: the real threat from the omicron will be clear after the new year The real threat posed by the omicron strain will be understood only after the new year. The British newspaper The Independent writes about this with reference to scientists from the advisory group on coronavirus under the government of the United Kingdom. Experts from the scientific group on pandemic modeling believe that it will take about a month to determine the danger of the new COVID-19 strain omicron. calculating the level of hospitalizations to which it will lead, as well as to understand how he manages to bypass the already existing immunity. According to scientists, it will be possible to “begin to relax” if in a month there is no sharp increase in hospitalizations because of the omicron. However, in the event of a sharp deterioration in the situation, it will be noticeable much earlier

46-year-old Charlize Theron was photographed in a bikini while on vacation

Actress Charlize Theron was photographed in a one-piece swimsuit on the beach in Mexico Photos published by Page Six. The 46-year-old celebrity was captured in Mexico in the company of Gerda Maritz's mother and two adopted daughters, ten-year-old Jackson and six-year-old Augusta. The actress was dressed in a one-piece brick-colored swimsuit, her image was complemented by black sunglasses, gold pendants around her neck, as well as earrings and bracelets. The paparazzi photographed the star on the beach and while swimming in the ocean. It is known that the actress flew to Mexico on Saturday, November 27 to spend a vacation with her family and also celebrate Thanksgiving. Upon arrival, she and her daughters were photographed at Los Cabos International Airport. In August, Charlize Theron was photographed in a bikini on a luxury yacht. She traveled aboard a luxury ship on the Greek island of Paros in the Aegean Sea. Theron

Кто в 2022 году будет нарасхват на рынке труда, и как вырастут зарплаты

Расценки на рынке труда будет определять спрос. А он к концу года вполне отражает картину, которую мы сможем наблюдать в 1−2 кварталах 2022 года. Айтишники снова в цене Бизнес продолжает активно оцифровываться, соответственно IT-специалисты (разработчики, аналитики, тестировщики) будут опять нарасхват. В Минцифре докладывают о нехватке специалистов в отрасли от 500 тысяч до миллиона человек. В ближайшую пятилетку тренд на цифровизацию попросит еще примерно 2 миллиона специалистов. А там, где есть спрос, растут и гонорары. Мигранты подняли зарплаты К концу 2021 года так и не удалось решить проблему с нехваткой иностранной рабочей силы. Это привело к росту зарплат почти во всех сферах, где традиционно было занято много мигрантов: строительство, услуги, ЖКХ, аграрный сектор.

46-year-old Charlize Theron was photographed in a bikini while on vacation

Actress Charlize Theron was photographed in a one-piece swimsuit on the beach in Mexico Photos published by Page Six. The 46-year-old celebrity was captured in Mexico in the company of Gerda Maritz's mother and two adopted daughters, ten-year-old Jackson and six-year-old Augusta. The actress was dressed in a one-piece brick-colored swimsuit, her image was complemented by black sunglasses, gold pendants around her neck, as well as earrings and bracelets. The paparazzi photographed the star on the beach and while swimming in the ocean. It is known that the actress flew to Mexico on Saturday, November 27 to spend a vacation with her family and also celebrate Thanksgiving. Upon arrival, she and her daughters were photographed at Los Cabos International Airport. In August, Charlize Theron was photographed in a bikini on a luxury yacht. She traveled aboard a luxury ship on the Greek island of Paros in the Aegean Sea. Theron

The Central Bank revoked the license from the insurance company

The Bank of Russia revoked the license from PJSC ASKO-Insurance … This is stated in the order of the regulator dated December 3. According to the Central Bank, the company violated the minimum permissible value of the normative ratio of equity (capital) and assumed obligations. The functions of the temporary administration will be performed by the Deposit Insurance Agency. The company was founded in 1990 in Chelyabinsk as Yuzhural-ASKO. In 2018, she changed her name to the current one. In 2017, the company entered the Moscow Exchange. ASKO-Insurance worked in 35 regions of Russia. Earlier it was reported that by October 2022 almost 30 banks may disappear from the Russian market. The market may lose eight percent of credit institutions due to lower profits amid changes in the lending market. Over the past year, 45 banks ceased operations. Of these, 32 – on regulatory grounds, seven organizations voluntarily surrendered their

The Central Bank revoked the license from the insurance company

The Bank of Russia revoked the license from PJSC ASKO-Insurance … This is stated in the order of the regulator dated December 3. According to the Central Bank, the company violated the minimum permissible value of the normative ratio of equity (capital) and assumed obligations. The functions of the temporary administration will be performed by the Deposit Insurance Agency. The company was founded in 1990 in Chelyabinsk as Yuzhural-ASKO. In 2018, she changed her name to the current one. In 2017, the company entered the Moscow Exchange. ASKO-Insurance worked in 35 regions of Russia. Earlier it was reported that by October 2022 almost 30 banks may disappear from the Russian market. The market may lose eight percent of credit institutions due to lower profits amid changes in the lending market. Over the past year, 45 banks ceased operations. Of these, 32 – on regulatory grounds, seven organizations voluntarily surrendered their

In Russia, it was proposed to create a state service for renting housing

Senator Abramov: the state rental service will help citizens to legally rent apartments Senator Ivan Abramov spoke to the Federation Council, writes Parlamentskaya Gazeta. According to the parliamentarian, the launch of the service will allow owners to legally rent housing and pay taxes. As Abramov noted, it is necessary not only to collect taxes from landlords, but also to give them something. “The state rental service would help people rent out their apartments, they could register on the same site and pay taxes there,” the politician emphasized. Currently, Russian citizens pay commissions of up to 20 percent to foreign rental services, while they are not able to pay a tax of 6 percent in their country, the senator said. He also said that it is necessary to simplify the entry into business so that any Russian can try himself in the role of an entrepreneur. Earlier, Russians were warned about

In Russia, it was proposed to create a state service for renting housing

Senator Abramov: the state rental service will help citizens to legally rent apartments Senator Ivan Abramov spoke to the Federation Council, writes Parlamentskaya Gazeta. According to the parliamentarian, the launch of the service will allow owners to legally rent housing and pay taxes. As Abramov noted, it is necessary not only to collect taxes from landlords, but also to give them something. “The state rental service would help people rent out their apartments, they could register on the same site and pay taxes there,” the politician emphasized. Currently, Russian citizens pay commissions of up to 20 percent to foreign rental services, while they are not able to pay a tax of 6 percent in their country, the senator said. He also said that it is necessary to simplify the entry into business so that any Russian can try himself in the role of an entrepreneur. Earlier, Russians were warned about