The Russians were reminded of the ten-day New Year weekend

Lawyer Bondareva: Russians will have a rest from December 31, 2021 to January 9, 2022 “Reminded the Russians about the upcoming ten-day New Year's weekend. According to her, this New Year, Russians will have a rest from December 31, 2021 to January 9, 2022. “On January 10, it is already necessary to go to work,” Bondareva said. She added that this year December 31 is an official day off. At the same time, holidays do not apply to everyone. So, employees of emergency services and continuous production, as well as employees of commercial organizations, in which there are shift and irregular schedules, will continue to work as usual. These include, in particular, shops, trucking companies, taxis and delivery services. Earlier, the Russians revealed what they would do on non-working days from December 31 to January 9. It turned out that most of the study participants (27 percent) admitted that they

The Russians were reminded of the ten-day New Year weekend

Lawyer Bondareva: Russians will rest from December 31, 2021 to January 9, 2022 Lawyer Elena Bondareva in an interview with Rossiyskaya Gazeta “Reminded the Russians about the upcoming ten-day New Year's weekend. According to her, this New Year, Russians will have a rest from December 31, 2021 to January 9, 2022. “On January 10, it is already necessary to go to work,” Bondareva said. She added that this year December 31 is an official day off. At the same time, holidays do not apply to everyone. So, employees of emergency services and continuous production, as well as employees of commercial organizations, in which there are shift and irregular schedules, will continue to work as usual. These include, in particular, shops, trucking companies, taxis and delivery services. Earlier, the Russians revealed what they would do on non-working days from December 31 to January 9. It turned out that most of the

The IMF has named the amount to overcome the climate crisis

IMF Head Georgieva: mitigating the consequences of the climate crisis will require up to $ 10 trillion ten trillion dollars over the next decade. This was stated by the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Kristalina Georgieva during the Reuters Next conference. Her words are quoted by TASS. The head of the fund emphasized that now, not billions, but trillions of dollars are needed. The IMF is addressing this issue because it is important to its members. “I don’t think there are many people today who believe that climate change is not macro-critical for economic stability, growth and employment. It matters, “Georgieva said. Earlier, the International Monetary Fund warned of the risks to the global economy due to the spread of the omicron strain of the coronavirus. As the IMF Managing Director said, the pace of recovery could slow down for this reason.

The IMF has named the amount to overcome the climate crisis

IMF head Georgieva: mitigating the consequences of the climate crisis will require up to $ 10 trillion ten trillion dollars over the next decade. This was stated by the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Kristalina Georgieva during the Reuters Next conference. Her words are quoted by TASS. The head of the fund emphasized that now, not billions, but trillions of dollars are needed. The IMF is addressing this issue because it is important to its members. “I don’t think there are many people today who believe that climate change is not macro-critical for economic stability, growth and employment. It matters, “Georgieva said. Earlier, the International Monetary Fund warned of the risks to the global economy due to the spread of the omicron strain of the coronavirus. As the IMF Managing Director said, the pace of recovery could slow down for this reason.

Ukraine recognized the inability to defend NATO

Retired SBU Colonel Starikov said that Ukraine is not capable of defending NATO Defense and security expert, retired SBU Colonel Oleg Starikov on the air of the NASH TV channel admitted that if we adequately assess the situation, it is obvious that Ukraine is not capable of defending NATO. “NATO is more of a political-military bloc, because the military budget of NATO countries is allocated to European theater of military operations – $ 250 billion. The military budget of Russia is 60-70 billion dollars, this is what I lead to the fact that when some myth-makers say that Ukraine is in the foreground and protects NATO countries, it’s not true, because they are defending themselves, “the specialist said./p> In addition, he added that the country needs to conduct a political dialogue with the countries of the alliance. In his opinion, those who claim that Ukraine is capable of joining NATO

Ukraine recognized the inability to defend NATO

Retired SBU Colonel Starikov said that Ukraine is not capable of defending NATO Defense and security expert, retired SBU Colonel Oleg Starikov on the air of the NASH TV channel admitted that if we adequately assess the situation, it is obvious that Ukraine is not capable of defending NATO. “NATO is more of a political-military bloc, because the military budget of NATO countries is allocated to European theater of operations – $ 250 billion. The military budget of Russia is 60-70 billion dollars, this is what I lead to the fact that when some myth-makers say that Ukraine is in the foreground and protects NATO countries, it’s not true, because they are defending themselves, “the specialist said./p> In addition, he added that the country needs to conduct a political dialogue with the countries of the alliance. In his opinion, those who claim that Ukraine is capable of joining NATO and

The doctor revealed the deadly danger of alcohol to the heart

Arrhythmologist Ardashev: alcohol abuse causes “festive heart syndrome” ) Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov, arrhythmologist Andrei Ardashev said that after the holidays, the number of visits to doctors with complaints about the work of the heart is increasing. In an interview with the Prime Agency, the physician revealed how these factors are connected. The doctor said that in people who are generally healthy, alcohol abuse causes bouts of arrhythmias – irregular contractions of the heart when it beats very quickly and then freezes. This state persists for no more than 24 hours. “The most common of these arrhythmias is atrial fibrillation, which is called the holiday heart syndrome in medicine. As a rule, this condition is associated with the use of large doses of alcohol in a short period of time “, – said Ardashev. According to him, this phenomenon threatens a mortal danger. The arrhythmologist added that such an

Fitch Retains Russia's Long-term Credit Rating with Stable Outlook

Fitch: Russia's credit rating at 'BBB' remains with a stable outlook forecast, as reported by TASS. “Russia's credit rating at 'BBB' is supported by a stable level of external fiscal balance and the lowest level of public debt in relation to GDP in a group of peer countries,” the agency said . Related materials 00:03 – October 31 Don't give up. Muslims live by strict rules, but want to earn money. How did they come up with their financial world? 00:01 – November 11 The illusion of stability. A small firm has become the largest financial pyramid and manipulates bitcoin. How did she do it? Russia's Short-term Issuer Default Rating (IDR) was confirmed at F2. The Russian Ministry of Finance has positively assessed the confirmation of the sovereign credit rating, said the head of the department Anton Siluanov. He added that the combination of factors indicated by Fitch, such as

The doctor revealed the deadly danger of alcohol to the heart

Arrhythmologist Ardashev: alcohol abuse causes “festive heart syndrome” ) Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov, arrhythmologist Andrei Ardashev said that after the holidays, the number of visits to doctors with complaints about the work of the heart is increasing. In an interview with the Prime Agency, the physician revealed how these factors are connected. The doctor said that in people who are generally healthy, alcohol abuse causes bouts of arrhythmias – irregular contractions of the heart when it beats very quickly and then freezes. This state persists for no more than 24 hours. “The most common of these arrhythmias is atrial fibrillation, which is called the holiday heart syndrome in medicine. As a rule, this condition is associated with the use of large doses of alcohol in a short period of time “, – said Ardashev. According to him, this phenomenon threatens a mortal danger. The arrhythmologist added that such an