Введение во храм Пресвятой Богородицы: традиции и приметы праздника

Как появился праздник Введение во храм — наиболее поздний двунадесятый праздник (так называют двенадцать важнейших после Пасхи праздников в православии). По одной из гипотез историков, его начали праздновать после того, как византийский император Юстиниан построил новую Богородичную церковь в Иерусалиме в 543 году. В месяцесловах Введение во храм появляется лишь в VIII веке. В этот день православные вспоминают важное событие в жизни Девы Марии. Его описания нет в Евангелиях — оно упоминается в апокрифах и легендах. Согласно преданию, родители Богородицы святой Иоаким и святая Анна в трехлетнем возрасте привели свою дочь Марию в Иерусалимский храм, чтобы исполнить обет. Первосвященник ввел ее во Святая святых храма — место, доступ к которому строжайше запрещен. Только первосвященник мог входить в него, да и то раз в году.

Muscovites were warned of ice and urged not to use personal transport

Deptrans warned Muscovites to refuse to travel by personal transport due to icy conditions personal transport. The Department of Transport of the capital warned about unfavorable weather conditions in its Telegram channel. Muscovites were urged to maintain distance and speed when driving a personal car. The Department of Transport also asked residents of the capital not to be distracted by the phone while driving. Earlier in Moscow, forecasters announced a yellow level of weather hazard due to ice from 26 to 28 November. Deptrans reminded Muscovites of the need to change summer tires to winter ones and recommended using public transport.

Muscovites were warned of ice and urged not to use personal transport

Deptrans warned Muscovites to refuse to travel by personal transport due to icy conditions personal transport. The Department of Transport of the capital warned about unfavorable weather conditions in its Telegram channel. Muscovites were urged to maintain distance and speed when driving a personal car. The Department of Transport also asked residents of the capital not to be distracted by the phone while driving. Earlier in Moscow, forecasters announced a yellow level of weather hazard due to ice from 26 to 28 November. Deptrans reminded Muscovites of the need to change summer tires to winter ones and recommended using public transport.

Проверка «Спутника V» состоится не ранее января 2022 года, сообщили в ВОЗ

В организации отметили, что в конце ноября прошла встреча с представителями РФПИ с целью обсуждения необходимости получения дополнительных данных о качестве, безопасности и эффективности вакцины. «Компания обязалась представить подробную дорожную карту подачи данных, чтобы ВОЗ могла ускорить оценку вакцины. Представление данных ожидается к концу декабря 2021 года. Нельзя ожидать проведения инспекции до того, как данные будут представлены и оценены», — заявили в ВОЗ. В начале октября министр здравоохранения России Михаил Мурашко заявил, что все барьеры для признания вакцины «Спутник V» в ВОЗ сняты, остались некоторые административные процедуры. Позднее глава РФПИ отмечал, что фонд ждет одобрения со стороны ВОЗ в ближайшие пару месяцев. «Спутник V» одобрен в 71 стране с общим населением 4 миллиарда человек, это более 50% населения Земли. По количеству полученных одобрений государственными регуляторами «Спутник V» занимает второе место в мире. Эффективность вакцины составила 97,6% по результатам анализа данных 3,8 миллиона вакцинированных россиян, это выше, чем данные, опубликованные ранее медицинским журналом The Lancet (91,6%), сообщали ранее РФПИ и НИЦ Гамалеи. Данные о применении «Спутника V» в ходе вакцинации населения в ряде стран (Аргентина, Сан-Марино, Сербия, Венгрия, Бахрейн, Мексика,

UAE to buy record number of Su-75 analogues from France

Dassault Aviation: UAE to buy 80 Rafale fighters from France The UAE will buy a record number of Rafale fighters from France, Dassault Aviation reports. In July, the head of the Rostec state corporation Sergey Chemezov called this French aircraft an analogue of the promising Su-75. The corresponding contract, involving the supply of 80 fighters, was signed in the presence of the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces Muhammad bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyani and French President Emmanuel Macron. “This contract, which is the largest ever awarded by the French military aviation industry, consolidates a national industrial base that is undoubtedly unique in Europe “- said the CEO of Dassault Aviation Eric Trappier. According to The Drive, the total contract value is $ 16 billion, and the first Rafale should arrive in 2024. The publication notes that initially, the UAE wanted

UAE to buy record number of Su-75 analogues from France

Dassault Aviation: UAE to buy 80 Rafale fighters from France The UAE will buy a record number of Rafale fighters from France, Dassault Aviation reports. In July, the head of the Rostec state corporation Sergey Chemezov called this French aircraft an analogue of the promising Su-75. The corresponding contract, involving the supply of 80 fighters, was signed in the presence of the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces Muhammad bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyani and French President Emmanuel Macron. “This contract, which is the largest ever awarded by the French military aviation industry, consolidates a national industrial base that is undoubtedly unique in Europe “- said the CEO of Dassault Aviation Eric Trappier. According to The Drive, the total contract value is $ 16 billion, and the first Rafale should arrive in 2024. The publication notes that initially, the UAE wanted

US intelligence predicted Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022

AP: the United States announced Russia's impending offensive against Ukraine in early 2022 The United States announced that Russia was preparing an offensive against Ukraine in the first weeks of 2022. The Associated Press (AP) and The Washington Post wrote about this, citing sources in American intelligence. According to intelligence, up to 175,000 Russian military personnel can be involved in the invasion, half of which are already on the border with Ukraine.

USA and Russia have made progress in issuing diplomatic visas

The US State Department reported on the progress of Washington and Moscow in issuing diplomatic visas progress on issues related to the issuance of diplomatic visas. TASS writes about this. This is how the representative of the department commented on the information that Moscow and Washington have reached preliminary agreements on the issuance of Russian entry visas to the staff of the American embassy. “A functioning embassy is of decisive importance for diplomacy, so we continue to work hard to resolve this problem, ”said the agency's interlocutor, expressing the hope that the United States and Russia will continue to move in this direction. He added that the United States continues to discuss with Russia the issue of issuing visas to diplomats. Earlier, Russian Ambassador to Washington Anatoly Antonov said that 27 Russian diplomats would leave the United States on January 30, and the same number would leave on June 30,