В мире появился сомелье с искусственным интеллектом

Винная компания Vagabond создала сомелье с искусственным интеллектом под названием SOMM, который будет помогать клиентам находить и выбирать вино. В компании надеются, что сомелье будет работать по принципу музыкальных сервисов, которые предлагают похожие песни на основе уже прослушанных, сообщает Daily Mail. Сперва клиентам предлагают ознакомительную дегустацию. Им нужно будет оценить 5 вин по ряду параметров (бутылочки по 100 мл отправят к ним домой). На основе этих оценок SOMM предложит клиентам варианты вин. ИИ будет уточнять вкусы потребителей после каждой поставки, чтобы создать «винный профиль» покупателя и найти для него идеальные сорта вин. Новогодняя распродажа: скидки до – 60% Анна Лысенко Еще больше интересного о людях

Ученые выяснили, что сделало омикрон-штамм «более человечным»

Эксперты установили, что указанная генетическая последовательность не встречалась у предыдущих вариантов SARS-CoV-2, однако ее можно обнаружить в других вирусах, включая респираторные, а также в геноме человека. «Включив в себя этот фрагмент, “омикрон” стал более человечным, что позволит ему избежать атак со стороны иммунной системы», — пояснил руководитель исследовательской группы Венки Сундарараджан. По его мнению, благодаря такой модификации вирусу проще попадать из одного организма в другой, но само заболевание будет проходит в легкой или бессимптомной форме. Согласно результатам более ранних исследований, клетки легких и ЖКТ могут одновременно содержать как SARS-CoV-2, так и вирус простуды. Впоследствии такая коинфекция становится основой для вирусной рекомбинации (процесс, когда два вируса заражают одну и ту же клетку, создают свои и новые копии с генетическими фрагментами обоих «родителей», — Прим. Ред.). Новый штамм коронавируса B.1.1.529 обнаружили в Ботсване и ЮАР в середине ноября. По мнению ученых, он отличается тремя десятками мутаций в S-белке и может быть устойчивым к защитным антителам переболевших и привитых. В ВОЗ заявили, что этот вариант «вызывает беспокойство» и присвоили ему название «омикрон» — по 15-й букве греческого алфавита.

Honored Doctor of Russia said about the “war” COVID-19 with the flu

FMBA infectious disease specialist Nikiforov: coronavirus and influenza are “fighting” for food supply – you and I Coronavirus and influenza started a “war food base – you and me, said on the air of the radio station “Moscow speaking” the head of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology of the Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Honored Doctor of Russia, chief infectious disease specialist of the FMBA Vladimir Nikiforov. Materials on the topic00: 01 – 25 November “Almost a miracle happened” The coronavirus has disappeared in Japan. When this happens in Russia, the biologist answers 00:01 – November 12 “There will always be dissent” Some Russians deny the coronavirus and do not want to be vaccinated. How to convince them? The specialist noted that in 2020, the coronavirus infection “won” this battle. Therefore, the Russians had little flu. “The coronavirus regrouped, re-sharpened. He is surrounded by a flock of

Lolita was mistaken for a transvestite and did not want to let her on the flight

Singer Lolita remembered how in China she was mistaken for a transvestite because of her looks. The story of the singer's life is published by the 7days.ru portal. According to the singer, at the Chinese border she was mistaken for a transvestite and did not want to let her on the flight without additional conversation, for which an interpreter was specially invited. “We took a passport, there the surname is“ Milyavski ”, the gender is female, and the voice is naturally low. For the Chinese, this is a nightmare, they all have a high. As a result, they called in an interpreter, began to figure it out, to interrogate me, whether I was really a woman and not a man. So they kept them for another 20 minutes, but then they let them go, “the artist recalled. Earlier, Lolita admitted that she had a relationship with a crime boss, which

Lolita was mistaken for a transvestite and did not want to let her on the flight

Singer Lolita remembered how in China she was mistaken for a transvestite because of her looks. The story of the singer's life is published by the 7days.ru portal. According to the singer, at the Chinese border she was mistaken for a transvestite and did not want to let her on the flight without additional conversation, for which an interpreter was specially invited. “We took a passport, there the surname is“ Milyavski ”, the gender is female, and the voice is naturally low. For the Chinese, this is a nightmare, they all have a high. As a result, they called in an interpreter, began to figure it out, to interrogate me, whether I was really a woman and not a man. So they kept them for another 20 minutes, but then they let them go, “the artist recalled. Earlier, Lolita admitted that she had a relationship with a crime boss, which

Honored Doctor of Russia said about the “war” COVID-19 with the flu

FMBA infectious disease specialist Nikiforov: coronavirus and influenza “fight” for food supply – you and I food base – you and me, said on the air of the radio station “Moscow speaking” the head of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology of the Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Honored Doctor of Russia, chief infectious disease specialist of the FMBA Vladimir Nikiforov. Materials on the topic00: 01 – 25 November “Almost a miracle happened” The coronavirus has disappeared in Japan. When this happens in Russia, the biologist answers 00:01 – November 12 “There will always be dissent” Some Russians deny the coronavirus and do not want to be vaccinated. How to convince them? The specialist noted that in 2020, the coronavirus infection “won” this battle. Therefore, the Russians had little flu. “The coronavirus regrouped, re-sharpened. He is surrounded by a flock of comrades who are not at all interested

Dr. Myasnikov warned about the dangers of taking antibiotics

Doctor Myasnikov: uncontrolled intake of antibiotics can cause deafness Uncontrolled intake of antibiotics can lead to dangerous consequences. This was stated by the doctor and TV presenter Alexander Myasnikov on the air of the TV channel “Russia 1.” In addition, he noted that treatment without medical supervision can threaten the development of kidney failure. “They kill the kidneys. Sometimes you end up in intensive care. (…) They change the alkaline balance, lead to the fact that potassium is washed out from us. People are dying of cardiac arrest, “the doctor warned, calling antibiotics a weapon in the hands of an unprofessional person. Earlier, Myasnikov warned Russians about the dangers of vitamin A. fetal deformity in pregnant women.

Dr. Myasnikov warned about the dangers of taking antibiotics

Doctor Myasnikov: uncontrolled use of antibiotics can cause deafness Uncontrolled use of antibiotics can lead to dangerous consequences. This was stated by the doctor and TV presenter Alexander Myasnikov on the air of the TV channel “Russia 1.” In addition, he noted that treatment without medical supervision can threaten the development of kidney failure. “They kill the kidneys. Sometimes you end up in intensive care. (…) They change the alkaline balance, lead to the fact that potassium is washed out from us. People are dying of cardiac arrest, “the doctor warned, calling antibiotics a weapon in the hands of an unprofessional person. Earlier, Myasnikov warned Russians about the dangers of vitamin A. fetal deformity in pregnant women.

The State Duma commented on the possibility of introducing new QR-certificates

State Duma Deputy Khubezov: There are no plans to introduce QR certificates on the level of antibodies coronavirus infection. This was stated by the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation and the chairman of the parliamentary committee for health protection Dmitry Khubezov to the Interfax agency. According to him, so far such a possibility is only being discussed, but there is no decision. “The point here is that there is simply no clearly established level of antibodies, which will indicate that a person is guaranteed not to get sick,” the politician commented. Earlier it became known that the State Duma is discussing bills on the introduction of the norm , according to which a digital document will be issued not only for vaccination against COVID-19 or medical treatment, but also in the presence of a negative PCR test. On November 12, draft amendments on the use of

The State Duma commented on the possibility of introducing new QR-certificates

State Duma Deputy Khubezov: There are no plans to introduce QR certificates on the level of antibodies coronavirus infection. This was stated by the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation and the chairman of the parliamentary committee for health protection Dmitry Khubezov to the Interfax agency. According to him, so far such a possibility is only being discussed, but there is no decision. “The point here is that there is simply no clearly established level of antibodies, which will indicate that a person is guaranteed not to get sick,” the politician commented. Earlier it became known that the State Duma is discussing bills on the introduction of the norm , according to which a digital document will be issued not only for vaccination against COVID-19 or medical treatment, but also in the presence of a negative PCR test. On November 12, draft amendments on the use of