Шторм в Британии превратил рождественскую ель в «Пизанскую башню»

Winds leave huge city centre Christmas tree 'looking like Leaning Tower of Pisa' https://t.co/Ciz3zE9dnG pic.twitter.com/CzwdVbaSys — The Mirror (@DailyMirror) December 5, 2021 Сразу же после происшествия, ель загородили лентой в целях безопасности, а местные власти пообещали вернуть рождественское дерево в вертикальное положение. Правда, пока этого сделать так и не удалось — в регионе продолжается штормовой ветер. Отметим, что на прошлой неделе шторм «Арвин» уронил большую рождественскую ель в Одлеме, графство Чешир, всего через несколько часов после того, как на ней официально зажгли огни. Новогодняя распродажа: скидки до – 60% Екатерина Гура Еще больше интересного о природе

The United States prepared to impose new sanctions against Russia

The US authorities are discussing new sanctions against Russia to deter the “invasion” of Ukraine Russia from “invasion” of Ukraine, CNN reports citing sources. As noted by journalists, restrictive measures will affect the “inner circle” of Russian leader Vladimir Putin, as well as energy companies. Washington is expected to disconnect Russia from the SWIFT system. The US leadership considers such a step as a “nuclear” option. The decision to impose sanctions has been prepared, is being discussed, but not yet adopted. The American authorities are trying to coordinate them with European partners in order to coordinate actions. The TV channel admits that Moscow can respond to the actions of the West by “using the extraction of energy as a weapon.” “There are fears that Russia will try to retaliate by curbing production,” a senior US official told reporters. The message about possible sanctions appeared on the eve of a call

USA promised military assistance to Ukraine against “Russian aggression”

White House: in the event of a Russian invasion, the United States will provide military assistance to Ukraine Russian invasion “. This was reported by RIA Novosti with reference to a White House representative. Related materials00: 02 – October 13 “Sanctions are for life” The US threatens Russia with new sanctions. Who makes these decisions and how? 00:01 – December 1 The Ministry of Friendship. Russia is trying to find new allies. Why is it so difficult to do this without military assistance and loans? A spokesman for the presidential administration said at a special briefing that at a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Biden would clearly explain to the Kremlin what measures the American side would be ready to take in the event of Russian aggression against Ukraine. At the same time, he added that Washington does not plan to use military measures against Moscow. An official from

The Kremlin expresses concern about the possibility of deploying NATO troops in Ukraine

Kremlin spokesman Peskov: Russia is concerned about the possible deployment of NATO troops in Ukraine Russia is extremely concerned about the possibility of deploying NATO troops in Ukraine. This was stated by the official representative of the Kremlin Dmitry Peskov. His words are quoted by TASS. The press secretary of the Russian president added that this situation forces Moscow to take measures to protect its interests.

Rosneft signs a number of contracts with Indian oil companies

Rosneft will supply up to 2 million tons of oil to India and will cooperate in education Rosneft and Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) signed a contract for the supply of up to 2 million tons of oil to India through the port of Novorossiysk by the end of 2022. Also, Rosneft and ONGC Videsh Ltd., acting as the coordinator of Oil India Limited, Indian Oil Corporation Limited, Bharat PetroResources Limited and Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited, entered into an agreement to develop cooperation in the field of education and training. This was reported to Lente.ru by the press service of Rosneft. The signing took place during the visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to India, during which he met with Prime Minister Narendra Modi and held bilateral talks in an expanded format. The leaders of the two countries attach great importance to the development of comprehensive trade, economic and investment

Threats to the development of mortgage in Russia are identified

Deputy Prime Minister Khusnullin: the current economic situation threatens the development of mortgages called the threats to the development of mortgages in the country. According to him, this is hindered by the current economic situation, RIA Novosti reports. “We clearly see that, as they say, we have dispersed the economy, construction, but now we see serious threats associated with inflation associated with development mortgages. Therefore, in order to implement all national projects, to achieve all the goals set by the president, we need to find new solutions and new answers to the challenges posed by both global inflation and the current economic situation, “Khusnullin said. Also vice -the prime minister added that by now a number of proposals have been prepared that require discussion to resolve this issue. Earlier it became known that Sberbank borrowers will now be able to receive up to 100 million rubles of a mortgage loan

The Kremlin expresses concern about the possibility of deploying NATO troops in Ukraine

Kremlin spokesman Peskov: Russia is concerned about the possible deployment of NATO troops in Ukraine Russia is extremely concerned about the possibility of deploying NATO troops in Ukraine. This was stated by the official representative of the Kremlin Dmitry Peskov. His words are quoted by TASS. The press secretary of the Russian president added that this situation forces Moscow to take measures to protect its interests.

Rosneft signs a number of contracts with Indian oil companies

Rosneft will supply up to 2 million tons of oil to India and will cooperate in education Rosneft and Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) signed a contract for the supply of up to 2 million tons of oil to India through the port of Novorossiysk by the end of 2022. Also, Rosneft and ONGC Videsh Ltd., acting as the coordinator of Oil India Limited, Indian Oil Corporation Limited, Bharat PetroResources Limited and Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited, entered into an agreement to develop cooperation in the field of education and training. This was reported to Lente.ru by the press service of Rosneft. The signing took place during the visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to India, during which he met with Prime Minister Narendra Modi and held bilateral talks in an expanded format. The leaders of the two countries attach great importance to the development of comprehensive trade, economic and investment

Threats to the development of mortgage in Russia are identified

Deputy Prime Minister Khusnullin: the current economic situation threatens the development of mortgage called the threats to the development of mortgages in the country. According to him, this is hindered by the current economic situation, RIA Novosti reports. “We clearly see that, as they say, we have dispersed the economy, construction, but now we see serious threats associated with inflation associated with development mortgages. Therefore, in order to implement all national projects, to achieve all the goals set by the president, we need to find new solutions and new answers to the challenges posed by both global inflation and the current economic situation, “Khusnullin said. Also vice -the prime minister added that by now a number of proposals have been prepared that require discussion to resolve this issue. Earlier it became known that Sberbank borrowers will now be able to receive up to 100 million rubles of a mortgage loan

Russia accused the United States of escalating the situation before the conversation between Putin and Biden

Senator Dzhabarov: Washington will escalate the situation before the conversation between the Presidents of the Russian Federation and the United States before the conversation between the presidents of Russia and the United States, Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden. His words are quoted by RIA Novosti. According to the senator, such an environment will be used by the United States in order to present any progress in the negotiations as an initiative of the American leader. Dzhabarov added that the United States is interested in avoiding military conflict with Russia, “because they will lose.” He concluded that Washington will drag out until they have weapons comparable to Russian ones. Earlier, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that reports on possible new US sanctions against Russia, American television channel CNN are information hysteria. Thus, he answered the question whether such reports could negatively affect the upcoming video conversation between Putin and Biden. On