Russian schoolchildren kicked and bullied a teenager

In the Khabarovsk Territory, schoolchildren brutally beat and mocked a child In the Khabarovsk Territory, Russian schoolchildren brutally beat a teenager and mocked him kicked him on the head. The incident was reported by KP.RU. The incident took place in the town of Sovetskaya Gavan. According to the newspaper, one of the students is studying at a sambo school. A teenager is forgiven a lot because he wins in many competitions and his coach knows about it. “A teenager who was beaten is constantly subjected to systematic violence and humiliation at school. I don't know why mom is silent. Perhaps it is beneficial for someone, “said Sergei Savelyev, a member of the Amur.Poisk organization. Children's Ombudsman of the Khabarovsk Territory Viktoria Tregubenko stressed that the police have begun a check. Earlier in the Nizhny Novgorod region, Russian high school students beat a teenager. High school students extorted five thousand rubles

The United States admitted the possibility of a new civil war

Professor Hill: There is a culture war in the US that could escalate into a civil war civil. Jason Hill, professor of philosophy at De Paul University (Chicago, Illinois), made such an opportunity in an interview with According to Hill, a black Jamaican, the problems of racism in America have now been resolved. However, in recent years, a part of society, represented by neo-Marxists and supporters of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement, have unleashed an active struggle against “white supremacy” and with the so-called white privileges. Since 2020, this struggle, in his opinion, has reached unprecedented proportions. Related materials 00:03 – March 25 “You are white, so you are racist!” Americans are trying to eradicate racism in themselves. Why does this make it difficult for whites to live in the USA? 00:01 – November 6 “Whites are not culture!” with racism in the United States led to the

Aide to the French President sentenced to jail will appeal against the court ruling

Lawyer Lafon: Former aide to French President Benall will appeal against the court decision to three years in prison, will appeal against the decision of the court. This was stated by his lawyer Jacqueline Lafon on the air of the BFM TV channel. According to her, Benall will appeal the court decision. She also spoke about the “unprecedented severity” of the verdict. Lafon noted that he was disproportionate to “the facts and petitions of the prosecutor’s office.” Benall was sentenced to three years in prison, two of them on probation. He was found guilty in the case of the use of force at a demonstration in 2018. In July 2018, the French media published a video in which Benall beat a protester during a demonstration on May 1 in Paris. In the video, a man in a black protective helmet and civilian clothes at first behaves rudely and pushes the

In the United States, the purpose of the visit of the CIA director to Moscow was revealed

CNN: CIA Director William Burns traveled to Moscow to warn Russia about Ukraine Head of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) William Burns traveled to Moscow to warn Russia about Ukraine. This is reported by CNN. According to unnamed sources, American leader Joe Biden sent Burns to Moscow to warn the Kremlin that the United States is closely monitoring the increase in the number of troops near the border with Ukraine. Also, the CIA director had to try to determine what motivates Russia's actions, the sources of the TV channel said. Earlier it was reported that Burns came to Moscow on behalf of the American leader to hold a series of meetings with the Russian authorities and discuss issues related to the American -Russian relations. On November 2, he met with the Secretary of the Russian Security Council (SC) Nikolai Patrushev.

Merkel called relations with Russia “special”

“We need to stay in & nbsp; dialogue with & nbsp; Russia. Relations between Germany and & nbsp; Russia have always been special & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; She said. Merkel added that & nbsp; Germany and & nbsp; France will continue to work in the & nbsp; Normandy format on the & nbsp; implementation of the Minsk agreements on & nbsp; the situation with & nbsp; Donbass and & nbsp; Crimea. These events “deeply shocked our European order “, but this does not mean that it is necessary to end the dialogue with Moscow, she emphasized. on & nbsp; gas. According to & nbsp; sources, Merkel told the leaders of the EU countries that & nbsp; Russia promised to increase gas reserves in & nbsp; German storage facilities. As of & nbsp; today, gas reserves in & nbsp; European storage facilities are & nbsp; low, but & nbsp;

Zelensky signed “law on oligarchs”

“Signed an anti-oligarchic law that radically changes the relationship between big business and politicians. Now all economic players will be equal before & nbsp; the law and & nbsp; will not & nbsp; be able to buy political privileges for & nbsp; themselves. We won't let you break the law & nbsp; & raquo; & nbsp; & mdash; the president wrote on his Twitter. At the end of September, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted a bill restricting the activities of oligarchs. It was initiated by Mr. Zelensky. The essence of the law is & nbsp; to legislate the concept of “ oligarch '', to introduce a number of prohibitions into & nbsp; in relation to persons falling under this concept, and & nbsp; to define sanctions for & nbsp; their & nbsp; violation.

EU decided to exclude Ukraine from the “green list” due to the outbreak of Covid-19

“It is important to understand that & nbsp; time restrictions & nbsp; EU & nbsp; are not visa-free cancellation and only & nbsp; & nbsp; ; said on the & nbsp; website of the department. & mdash; & nbsp; EU & nbsp; regularly updates & ldquo; green list & rdquo; & nbsp; and, if the epidemic situation improves, decides to & nbsp; return a country to & nbsp; such a list & raquo ;. It is expected that & nbsp; The & nbsp; EU decision will come into & nbsp; force next week. Ukraine has been on the & nbsp; green list since & nbsp; 15 & nbsp; July. Citizens of countries from this list can enter Europe without restrictions (for example, for tourist trips). Typically, this list is reviewed every two weeks. For & nbsp; last week in & nbsp; Ukraine, the average daily incidence of coronavirus exceeded 23

The Ministry of Health announced a fourfold increase in the rate of vaccination in Russia

Murashko: the rate of vaccination against COVID-19 in Russia has increased four to five times four to five times. The head of the Ministry of Health Mikhail Murashko announced a significant increase in the number of vaccinated during a working trip to the Ryazan region, he is quoted by RIA Novosti. “Those measures that were taken, including to push the population for vaccination, they also worked.” , – he specified. The Minister also spoke about the supply of additional volumes of Sputnik Light – they will begin on November 8. He stressed that the authorities see a high demand for the drug. Earlier, the head of Rospotrebnadzor, Anna Popova, said about the increased rates of vaccination in the country. She stressed that while the level of herd immunity among the adult population has not yet been achieved, it should be at least 80 percent.

Russian MP called for a ban on indicating the nationality of criminals in the media

Deputy Khamzayev: it is unacceptable to label the nationalities of criminals in the media suspected of crimes and convicted. He wrote about this on his Instagram. “I consider it unacceptable when individual bloggers and journalists publish all kinds of unverified comments in the media even before the official version of the investigation, highlighting and labeling nationalities,” he said. Khamzayev stressed that he would seek the adoption of the relevant law. According to the deputy, such formulations humiliate the dignity of third parties who did not take part in the conflict. Thus, the deputy commented on the fight in New Moscow, during which four men attacked a father with a child. Initially, the media reported that Caucasians staged a fight, later it turned out that all the detainees were natives of one of the states of the Transcaucasus, and three of them received Russian Federation citizenship. After the attack, a case

Russian diplomat found dead in Germany turns out to be the son of an FSB general

The Russian diplomat found dead near the embassy in Berlin turned out to be the son of an FSB general Russian diplomat Kirill Zhalo, found dead near the embassy the son of the head of the FSB department for the protection of the constitutional order, Lieutenant General Alexei Zhalo. This was announced by Kommersant. Previously, 35-year-old Sting fell from one of the upper floors of the embassy building on Behrenstrasse in the Mitte district of Berlin. The body of the diplomat was transferred to Russia, Moscow did not allow an autopsy to be carried out on the territory of Germany. An undercover FSB agent? Germany, the deceased son himself was considered an undercover FSB agent. ” This was reported by RBC. Related materials 00:01 – September 22 “Tired of the government and the people” Migrants, the crisis and Russian gas: what did Germany get over 16 years of Angela Merkel's