The foreign ministers of Russia and Iran supported the restoration of the “nuclear deal” in its original form

“The main focus was on the situation surrounding the & nbsp; Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) for the & nbsp; & nbsp; Iranian Nuclear Program negotiation process on the & nbsp; JCPOA in & nbsp; Vienna. The parties spoke in favor of & nbsp; restoration of the & ldquo; nuclear deal & rdquo; in & nbsp; its original balanced configuration, approved by the UN Security Council. Confirmed that & nbsp; this is the only correct way to & nbsp; ensure the rights and & nbsp; interests of all participants in the comprehensive agreements & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said in the & nbsp; message. In addition, the parties raised the topic of the upcoming visit of IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi to Tehran, and & nbsp; also discussed a number of topical issues of the bilateral and & nbsp; regional agenda, in & nbsp; including the situation in

Lukashenka took off his mask in the red zone to prove that he is not a double

Lukashenka is not & nbsp; in the & nbsp; first time removes the mask in the & nbsp; red zone. So, the press secretary of the Belarusian president Natalya Eismont said earlier that & nbsp; in & nbsp; on the issue of wearing a mask, the President of Belarus acts on & nbsp; the same & nbsp; principle, which designated for & nbsp; all citizens of the country, & nbsp; & mdash; everything should be voluntary. She emphasized that the & nbsp; & nbsp; same & nbsp; principle the Belarusian leader adheres to & nbsp; vaccination, & nbsp; and & nbsp; all related to covid things. Earlier, the President of Belarus said that & nbsp; is ready to be vaccinated, but & nbsp; Belarusian drug. With & nbsp; this, he & nbsp; noted that & nbsp; vaccinated people are less likely to get a severe form of coronavirus infection, and

The Austrian Ministry of Health told how those vaccinated with “Sputnik V” can receive a COVID certificate

The Austrian government announced the & nbsp; record for & nbsp; a record for & nbsp; year of daily growth in the number of cases of COVID-19 and & nbsp; increase in the number of hospital beds & nbsp; ; restrictions for & nbsp; unvaccinated from & nbsp; 8 & nbsp; November. For example, a trip to & nbsp; restaurants, beauty salons, check-in at & nbsp; hotels will be possible only for the & nbsp; vaccinated and & nbsp; recovered. The unvaccinated will no longer be able to present PCR tests for & nbsp; visits to such places. In & nbsp; connection with & nbsp; the fact that & nbsp; grafted by “ Sputnik V '' are considered unvaccinated in & nbsp; Austria, they & nbsp; also had to pass tests for & nbsp; coronavirus for & nbsp; a trip to & nbsp; cafes or hairdressers. Answering the & nbsp;

QR codes for public transport will be introduced in the Russian region

Tatarstan will introduce QR codes for public transport in two weeks codes for public transport. This was reported in the press service of the President of the Republic, reports TASS. They specified that residents over 18 years old can get into public transport in the Russian region only if they have a QR code or a certificate of medical evacuation from vaccination. In addition, the government plans to suspend the transport cards for people over 60 years old. According to Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov, new restrictive measures will be introduced due to high mortality rates from COVID-19 among the elderly. The head of the republic stressed that the proportion of residents over 60 years old among the deaths from coronavirus is 85 percent. “This is statistics. I can be criticized, but we will take action. We have no other choice, “Minnikhanov said. Earlier, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov clarified the issue

The killer who escaped from a mental hospital tried to escape five years ago

Mash: a criminal from a psychiatric hospital in Chekhov was caught by the leg by a nurse while escaping 5 years ago the patient, who was on compulsory treatment after the murder, had previously tried to arrange the same escape, according to the Telegram channel Mash. As the former roommate of the escaped Alexander Kutuzov told the channel, five years ago he hoped to be discharged, however the necessary improvement marks were removed from him, and Kutuzov was sent to the department for violators. After that, during a walk, the patient ran to the guard booth, climbed on it, but at the last moment he managed to grab leg of a nurse. Kutuzov was closed in the department and the dose of drugs was increased, the interlocutor added. Upon a successful escape on November 4, Kutuzov, convicted of murder, climbed over the same booth. Earlier it became known that from

Russian citizen linked to IS detained in Colombia

Colombian Police Director General: A Russian associated with IS was detained at El Dorado airport militants of the “Islamic State” (IS, a terrorist organization banned in Russia) . This was reported on Friday by TASS with reference to the director general of the Colombian police, Jorge Vargas. As Vargas specified, Vladimir Taranets, known as Ali Ali, is a Russian citizen and was declared by the authorities on the international wanted list as a member of a terrorist group. He was caught at the El Dorado airport in the capital of Colombia, Bogota. Earlier, on November 3, the Islamic State claimed responsibility for the terrorist attack that took place in the Afghan capital of Kabul. His target was the Taliban militants (a terrorist organization banned in Russia) . It was clarified that a group of militants attacked the capital's hospital, during the attack a suicide bomber blew himself up. As a

Merkel called relations between Germany and Russia special

Merkel: contacts between Russia and Germany must be maintained despite the difficulties Contacts between Germany and Russia must be maintained despite all the difficulties. Acting Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel said this at the ceremony of presenting the Walter Rathenau medal for achievements in politics, RIA Novosti reports. According to her, dialogue with Moscow should be conducted, despite the conflict in Donbass and the situation around Crimea that “deeply shook the European order.” At the same time, she called Russia's relations with Germany special. The politician also added that Berlin and Paris continue to work in the “Normandy format” to fulfill the Minsk agreements. Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin recalled that before leaving the post of Chancellor of Germany, Merkel had been in this position for 16 years. “It was not my decision, it was hers. She was in power for 16 years. This is decent, “Putin answered when asked

Macron will appeal to the French

French President Macron will address the nation due to the worsening coronavirus situation French President Emmanuel Macron will address the nation due to the situation due to the coronavirus pandemic in the country. This was stated by the official representative of the French government Gabriel Attal, TASS reports. “Very soon the president will again address the nation,” he told reporters during a visit to a vaccination center in Paris. According to Attal, the French president in his address intends to touch upon issues of vaccination, economic recovery and some reforms. As Agence France-Presse clarifies, Macron may address the citizens of the country on the evening of Tuesday, November 9, that is five months before the first round of the presidential elections. Earlier, Emmanuel Macron presented the interim Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel, one of the main awards of France, the Grand Cross of the Order of the Legion of Honor,

Gas pumping to Germany via the Yamal-Europe pipeline was stopped again

Gas supplies stopped from & nbsp; 09:00 to & nbsp; 10:00 Moscow time. After that, gas began to reverse along the & nbsp; pipeline in the & nbsp; direction from & nbsp; Germany to & nbsp; Poland. Now it & nbsp; is about & nbsp; 139.5 thousand cubic meters. m in & nbsp; hour. In & nbsp; the last time direct gas pumping to & nbsp; Europe via the Yamal pipeline & mdash; Europe stopped in the morning, October 30 & nbsp; Then pumping dropped sharply, and then stopped altogether. After that, gas began to reverse through the pipeline in the opposite direction from Germany to Poland. Then in & nbsp; Gazprom; stated that & nbsp; European consumers' requests for & nbsp; Russian gas supplies are being & nbsp; fulfilled in full, and & nbsp; & quot; fluctuations in demand for & nbsp; Russian gas depend on & nbsp; actual

The Russian Embassy in the United States said it was perplexed by the comments on the movement of troops near Ukraine

“We are & nbsp; at & nbsp; perplexed by & nbsp; concerns expressed by the US Department of Defense press and forces on the & nbsp; territory of the country within the & nbsp; Russian borders. Look in the & nbsp; mirror. It is the American military who recklessly roam the & nbsp; world and & nbsp; leave behind chaos & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; indicated in the & nbsp; account of the embassy on & nbsp; Twitter. In & nbsp; at the end of October, The Washington Post reported & nbsp; activity of Russian troops near & nbsp; Ukraine. Later, Politico published satellite images with a & nbsp; accumulation of military equipment near the & nbsp; city of Yelnya in & nbsp; Smolensk region. On November 4 & nbsp; the day of the embassy's statement on & nbsp; local time, US Defense Department spokesman John Kirby said that