Russian arrested in the USA accused of perjury by the FBI

Russian Igor Danchenko charged with perjury in the United States … This is reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the statement of the US Department of Justice. The department clarified that Danchenko will appear before the court on Thursday, November 4. The statement explained that the charges are related with the sources of information that the Russian allegedly used to transfer information to the British company. According to the Ministry of Justice, in the period from June to November 2017, a Russian analyst allegedly reported incorrect information to the FBI five times, clarifying information about the sources transferred to him information. Earlier it was reported that an analyst who took part in the investigation of the alleged ties of ex-President of the United States Donald Trump with Russia, was arrested in the United States. Sources of The New York Times assured that the Russian was detained as part of

The Russian who collected the “dossier” on Trump was suspected of concealing ties

Special Prosecutor Durham: Danchenko's information formed the basis of accusations against Trump Trump was suspected of concealing ties with an American politician. This is reported by TASS with reference to the indictment of Special Prosecutor John Durham. The document notes that companies in the United States and Great Britain were collecting deliberately false statements about the former American leader's ties with Moscow. In particular, ex-British intelligence officer Christopher Steele and his company in London worked on collecting information. According to investigators, it was Danchenko who was an important source for Steele in this matter: he helped compile the dossier, and the versions “formed the basis of accusations” against Trump. In addition, the Russian analyst allegedly passed information on to a certain person who held leading positions in the structures of the Democratic Party. The name of this person is not called. Danchenko is accused of giving false testimony to the

New skin symptom of coronavirus named

Izvestia: false frostbite of fingers or covid fingers became a new symptom of COVID-19 Almost 20 percent of patients with COVID 19, skin symptoms of the disease are observed. In particular, a new symptom was found in patients – “covid fingers”. They represent areas of redness and swelling of the tips of the fingers and toes, on which bubbles and abscesses began to appear, resembling frostbite, Izvestia writes. Experts from the Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology and the Kommunarka hospital have added false frostbite to the list of common skin manifestations of coronavirus. This symptom was called associated with vascular damage. “In appearance, such a pathology is similar to frostbite or injury, although patients deny such damage,” the doctors emphasize. Maria Petina, head of the Center for Diagnosis of Disorders in Patients with COVID-19, said that “covid fingers” are most common in children and adolescents, but

Fraudsters stole a large sum of money from the blockade woman

In Yekaterinburg, scammers stole 1.2 million rubles from an 85-year-old blockade woman a large sum of money – 1.2 million rubles, according to the portal E1. This was told by the niece of a pensioner who pretended to be a fraudster. “The woman who pretended to be me said that I had an accident, that she was crossing the road at a red light and I was hit by a car. In this fictional accident, the driver, a woman pregnant with twins, was injured. They demanded money from my aunt to keep me out of jail. She gave it away, “said the victim's niece. She also added that the attackers had carefully thought out the scheme of deception. So, when during a conversation at some point the pensioner nevertheless noticed the differences in her voice with her niece, the woman explained this by the consequences of the accident. They came

In the United States, the commanders of the submarine that collided with the seamount were removed

The commanders of the submarine USS Connecticut, which collided with the seamount, were removed from their posts mountain in the South China Sea, was suspended due to loss of confidence. This is reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the US Navy. According to the statement of the US military, the commander of the US Seventh Fleet, Vice Admiral Carl Thomas, said that this incident could have been avoided if the officers made prudent decisions and followed necessary procedures. It is noted that three senior officers of the submarine, including the captain of the ship, were removed from their posts. Earlier, the former chief of the main headquarters of the Russian Navy (1998-2005), Admiral Viktor Kravchenko said that the USS Connecticut submarine could collide with a seamount, since it probably did not use the sonar mode to hide its presence in the South China Sea. According to the military, the

Sputnik V vaccinated in Italy to receive COVID certificate after booster dose

Sperantza: those vaccinated with Sputnik V after boostering with an mRNA vaccine will receive an EU COVID certificate Vaccinated with coronavirus vaccines not recognized by the European agency for medicines, including the Russian “Sputnik V”, will be able to receive a COVID-certificate from the European Union (EU) after a booster dose of an mRNA vaccine. This was announced by the head of the Italian Ministry of Health, Roberto Speranza, reports ANSA. As Speranza explained, the booster will need to be received no later than six months after the completion of vaccination. According to a circular from the Italian Ministry of Health, published earlier, we are talking about the drugs of the companies Pfizer and Moderna. Earlier, Roberto Speranza called for mutual recognition of vaccines against coronavirus. He added that this is not a political issue and should be guided only by the opinion of the scientific community. Prior to this,

The United States announced its intention to get answers from China about the origin of the coronavirus

White House spokesman Jean-Pierre called identifying the origins of COVID-19 as a key priority Understanding the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic remains a key focus of the administration President of the United States Joe Biden. This was stated by the spokesman for the White House Karin Jean-Pierre, writes Reuters. According to her, the United States and its partners intend to continue to put pressure on China in order to receive answers about the origin of the coronavirus. Jean-Pierre stressed that the American authorities will insist on transparency in this matter. “It is extremely important for us to get to the bottom of the truth,” she said. Earlier, US intelligence rejected the version of the creation of the coronavirus as a biological weapon. The intelligence community concluded that SARS-CoV-2 first infected a person no later than November 2019 in Wuhan. At the same time, the Chinese authorities were unlikely to know

Russians listed the consequences of smoking at an early age

Early smoking leads to neuroses and disruption of the growth process, warned in the Ministry of Health Smoking at an early age can seriously harm the formation and development of the body leading a person to various diseases. The corresponding consequences were listed by the head of the Center for the Prevention and Control of Tobacco Consumption of the National Medical Research Center of Therapy and Preventive Medicine of the Russian Ministry of Health, Marine Gambaryan, URA.RU reports. According to her, the lungs and respiratory functions develop before the age of 21, so the earlier a person starts smoking, the more harm it causes to the organs. In particular, this can lead to the development of chronic diseases of the lungs and cardiovascular system. “Smoking at a young age can lead to violations in the sphere of potency, irreversible changes in terms of anxiety neuroses, cognitive impairments can begin”, –

Ambulance doctors who changed their minds to resign explained

Ambulance driver: doctors in Obluchye changed their minds to quit, but they will have to vaccinate against COVID-19 Ambulance doctors in the city of Obluchye who changed their minds to quit due to refusal to be vaccinated against coronavirus, will still have to be vaccinated against COVID-19. This was told by the ambulance driver Ivan Krasnoslobodtsev, RIA Novosti reports. According to Krasnoslobodtsev, the doctors managed to create a resonance and began to talk to them, and also offered to donate blood for antibodies. “We all had a hope that if the titer is high, we will not be vaccinated. However, the doctors told us that the presence of antibodies would not be a waiver for vaccination and by November 15, it will still be necessary to vaccinate, “he explained. He noted that the situation, in fact, has not changed, since The chief physician will have to remove workers without vaccination

White House employee accompanying Biden in Europe infected with coronavirus

The assistant who accompanied Biden on his European tour tested positive for COVID-19 Assistant to US President Joe Biden, who accompanied him in during the European tour, contracted the coronavirus. Bloomberg reports. The test results became known before the return of the American leader to the United States. Due to fears of further transmission of the coronavirus, this White House official, as well as several people from the American delegation, remained in Glasgow, where the climate summit is currently taking place. The exact number of people in quarantine has not been specified. Earlier it was reported that the secret service “evacuated” Biden from the event at the climate summit in Glasgow, when he was preparing to announce a new plan to reduce methane emissions. The American leader was removed from the meeting for security reasons, as too many people gathered in the meeting room. The organizers of the summit were