Russia demanded compensation from the United States for simple diplomatic property

Diplomat Koshelev: the issue of diplomatic property is an irritant in relations between the Russian Federation and the United States said Moscow had demanded hundreds of thousands of dollars in compensation from Washington for the loss of access to diplomatic property. According to him, a total of six seized objects are involved. He also added that the issue of diplomatic property is the most acute irritant in relations between Russia and the United States, which are already at a rather low level. We do not have access, we cannot say in what state the engineering communications are, we cannot say in what state the material values ​​left there are. I can assure you that this is many tens, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars Sergey Koshelev consulate general At the end of December 2016, the Barack Obama administration expelled Russian diplomats and closed access to suburban residential embassy complexes

The United States will pay five million dollars for information about the leaders of the drug cartel

State Department: we will pay $ 5 million each for information about 4 leaders of the Mexican drug cartel “Sinaloa” , which will help arrest four leaders of the Mexican drug cartel “Sinaloa”. This is reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the State Department. Five million dollars will be paid to everyone who helps the United States in the capture of Aureliano Guzman, the brother of Joaquin Guzman (considered the main drug lord of our time, also known as El Chapo, Shorty). Also on the list of those for whom the award is provided are the brothers Ruperto, Hode and Heriberto Salgueiro-Nevarez. Previously, the US Department of Justice accused all of those listed in the illegal trade in fentanyl. In February of this year Emma Coronel Ispuro, the wife of Joaquin Guzman, was detained in the United States. According to the police, she was involved in the supply of

Nikolay Valuev supported Olga Amelchenkova's competition

Nikolai Valuev supported Olga Amelchenkova's competition for the positions of deputy assistants First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Tourism and Development of Tourism Infrastructure Nikolai Valuev supported the competition as assistants to the deputy, who was recently launched by his colleague in the faction, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee for the Development of Civil Society, Issues of Public and Religious Associations Olga Amelchenkova (United Russia faction). “I recommend trying your hand. I am sure it will be interesting and useful, “the deputy wrote about the competition on his Instagram page. Many public figures and volunteers have entered the State Duma of the new convocation. They are open and kind people, Valuev wrote. “Among them is the leader of the Victory Volunteers Movement Olga Amelchenkova. Recently, she launched a competition for the position of her assistants on a voluntary basis both at the federal level and

Kudrin called the amount of damage to the global economy from the pandemic

Kudrin: losses of the world economy from the pandemic amounted to 4 to 10 trillion dollars -19 showed the unpreparedness of the world health and social support systems for global shocks, RIA Novosti quoted him as saying. He called this one of the main damages caused by the pandemic. Kudrin also said that the financial losses of the global economy from the pandemic are estimated at between 4 and 10 trillion dollars, with a significant part of them falling on the budgets of regions and municipalities. “Today the task of state authorities and control and supervisory agencies is at all levels to develop mechanisms that will allow health systems to become more resilient and efficient, “he said. Kudrin emphasized that since the beginning of the pandemic, the Accounts Chamber has actively participated in the audit of the most affected sectors, with particular attention to health … The head of the

A Turkish journalist who lived for three years in Moscow described the Russians

Turkish journalist Guven: Russians have positive traits and deserve respect stated that the Russians deserve respect. In the text, he also described the characteristics of the people. According to him, Russians are honest, and their children are not spoiled and calm, which is associated with genetic characteristics, the style of upbringing and education. At first it may seem that the Russians are “calm, even angry people,” the author noted. “But I would say that they do not like to exaggerate themselves and those who do it. For the most part, Russians are honest, they want friendship to develop over time, based on trust. Cold and restrained behavior at first may change after people recognize you and begin to trust you, “Guven noted. The author also said that he had been watching Russians for three years when he lived in Moscow. “It was always interesting for me to observe old, plump

Russia reacted to accusations of excessive military activity in Crimea

Diplomat Belousov: Russia's military presence in Crimea is legitimate and defensive in nature Russia's military presence in Crimea is legitimate and defensive in nature. This is how the deputy head of the Russian delegation to the First Committee of the UN General Assembly Andrei Belousov reacted to accusations of excessive military activity of Russia in Crimea, RIA Novosti quoted him as saying. According to him, all actions of the Russian military are aimed at ensuring the safety of citizens and the country … The diplomat stressed that the statements of Georgia and Ukraine that the military presence of Russia in the Black and Azov Seas threatens regional security are groundless. “Moreover, it is obvious that our military presence in the Crimea, the adjacent waters of the Black and Azov Seas and in the Transcaucasus is just a factor of stability,” he noted. Earlier, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

The Ministry of Health announced an increase in the incidence of coronavirus in children

Murashko: Children's incidence of COVID-19 in Russia is growing Russian Minister of Health Mikhail Murashko announced an increase in the incidence of coronavirus among children in the country. His words are quoted by TASS. The head of the Ministry of Health said this during a working trip to the Ryazan region, where, according to Murashko, more than three thousand children are under surveillance due to COVID-19. < p> He added that a vaccine based on Sputnik V has been developed for children. “It is very important to protect young children, now the examination of a new dosage form is being completed. In the near future, we expect that [the vaccine] will be available, “Murashko noted. Earlier, the Gamaleya Center said that the concentration of the Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine was reduced by 5 times to vaccinate adolescents. 10 times for younger children.

Infectionist questioned the effectiveness of vitamin C in the treatment of COVID-19

Professor Meskina: the effectiveness of vitamin C in the treatment of coronavirus has not yet been proven The effectiveness of vitamin C in the treatment of coronavirus has not yet been sufficiently proven. In such treatment of COVID-19, an infectious disease specialist, pediatrician, professor of the Department of Pediatrics of the Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute named after M.F. Vladimirsky Elena Meskina, RBC reports. Previously, scientists said that intravenous vitamin C would help protect the body from a severe form of coronavirus. It increases the rate of recovery from coronavirus by 70 percent compared to placebo, they found. “Infection, including COVID, and inflammation make the body's environment more acidic than necessary. And ascorbic acid in high doses also leads to “acidification”, so to speak, “- said Meskina. The infectious disease specialist suggested that vitamin C can negatively affect metabolic processes in the body. According to her, it is not yet

In Austria, the method of obtaining COVID-certificates vaccinated “Sputnik V” was revealed

Austrian Ministry of Health: Sputnik V vaccinated will receive a COVID certificate after a dose of mRNA vaccine Inoculated with the Russian drug “Sputnik V”, it is necessary to receive a booster dose of the mRNA vaccine. This was announced by the Austrian Ministry of Health, TASS reports. An important condition is a sufficient amount of neutralizing antibodies produced after vaccination with a Russian drug. To do this, those wishing to receive a COVID certificate must first pass a special test. In case of satisfactory results, they will be able to apply for a booster dose of one of the mRNA vaccines recognized in the European Union. On the eve of a similar method of obtaining a COVID certificate with vaccinated vaccines not recognized in the European Union, the head of the Italian Ministry of Health, Roberto Speranza, revealed. According to him, the booster will need to be received no