Friendship between Russia and China was called a strategic nightmare for the United States

19Fortyfive columnist: Russia and China have plunged the US into real strategic horror powerful opponents will lead to a weakening of Washington's position at the global level. This opinion was expressed by the columnist for the American publication 19Fortyfive Clint Mallory. The expert called the rapprochement between Moscow and Beijing against the United States a real strategic nightmare for Washington and suggested a way to solve this problem. He is confident that the United States can start a substantive dialogue with Russia, which will displease China and generate mistrust between the allies. The analyst stressed that Russia sees NATO's eastward expansion as the main threat, as this weakens its strategic positions. “This means that even a small, one might say, symbolic contribution to the security of this country from the United States can have a disproportionate impact on Russia's behavior and change its position on China in our favor,” Mallory

Scarecrow of Boris Johnson burned in London

RIA Novosti: participants in the London Million Mask March burned effigy of Boris Johnson burned in Trafalgar Square an effigy of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson. This was reported by RIA Novosti. Participants of the action put a cardboard doll of Boris Johnson on the square and later burned it. Police officers have been pulled into the area of ​​the square, but so far they have not intervened. Some protesters are demanding the release of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, while others are demanding the abolition of COVID passports. Another group of protesters came with a huge banner that said “Trump won.” . October 27 in the High Court of London began hearings on the appeal of the US Department of Justice. It was handed down in response to a refusal to extradite WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. Protesters gathered outside the courthouse with banners and signs bearing slogans in defense of

Volodin announced the need for a system of control over the budget ruble

State Duma Speaker Volodin: money from the budget for health care should go to the person funds for health care. His words to the channel “Russia 24” are quoted by “Rossiyskaya Gazeta”. “We need to build a system so that there is control over the budget ruble, so that it is effective, so that money reaches the person and the entire health care system effectively fights for the life of a citizen, ”said the speaker of the lower house of parliament. Volodin added. ” In 2019, 3 trillion 811 billion rubles were allocated for this, and in 2021 – 5 trillion 60 billion. Next year, according to the plan, the amount will increase to 5 trillion 187 billion. In mid-October, Volodin said that the specialized committees of the State Duma with the government will work out the issue of combating poverty.

The diagnosis of the hospitalized President of the Czech Republic is disclosed

Physician Pafko: President of the Czech Republic Milos Zeman has cirrhosis of the liver, a probe was inserted into the stomach Member of the medical council Pavel Pafko Chekhia revealed the president's diagnosis Zeman, who was hospitalized in October. This is reported by RIA Novosti. According to the doctor, the head of state has cirrhosis of the liver, he suffers from a chronic disease. A feeding tube was inserted into his stomach. The day before, the head of the medical council said that Milos Zeman is currently not able to fully fulfill his duties. Doctors noted the improvement in the health status of the head of state, but believe that it is better for him to stay in the hospital. Earlier it was reported that the Czech Senator Milos Vystrchil at a meeting of the upper house of parliament demanded the resignation of President Zeman. According to the parliamentarian, he

A man kept his daughters and nieces locked up for eight years

Spanish police: a native of Yemen kept his daughters and nieces locked up for eight years locked up their daughters and nieces for eight years. RIA Novosti reports. As told in the department, the man left his country in 2014 with two daughters and two nieces – the daughters of his sister, without having her permission. They lived in Malaysia, South Korea, Indonesia, Ecuador, Colombia, Turkey. As a result, in March 2020, the family moved to Spanish Murcia in March 2020. It is clarified that one of the daughters and one niece is underage. In September last year, an activist of a non-governmental organization that helps people in difficult life situations turned to the police to the effect that four girls in one of the families they are helping live “in complete subordination of a man.” Investigators found out that the girls communicated only with representatives of the organization and

Diplomats from Russia and the USA will hold “consultations on bilateral irritants”

The Russian and US diplomats will hold “consultations on bilateral irritants” in the coming days on bilateral stimuli “. During the meeting, issues of consular support will be resolved, Sergei Koshelev, Counselor-Envoy of the Russian Embassy in Washington, said on RTVI TV. – during which, among other things, issues related to the provision of consular support will be resolved, “the diplomat said. According to Koshelev, consultations of consular services with the State Department are conducted on a regular basis, and all operational issues are resolved during negotiations . Earlier, the US State Department ranked Russians wishing to obtain an American visa as a “homeless nationality.” This category includes citizens of those countries in which the United States does not have a consular mission, or where the political situation is considered so unstable that it does not allow the diplomatic mission to consider their citizens' visa applications.

The doctor spoke about the dangers of vitamin K

Endocrinologist Pavlova: abuse of vitamin K can lead to problems with blood vessels Abuse of vitamin K can lead to dangerous problems with blood vessels and thrombophlebitis. Zukhra Pavlova, an endocrinologist at the Moscow State University clinic, spoke about this in her Telegram channel. Pavlova clarified that her patients who faced this problem had a predisposition to these diseases, but the situation was aggravated by the intake of vitamin K. “Vitamin K is produced in our own body, and its total deficiency can occur only with a complete resection (removal) of the large intestine. That is, this is an unlikely event, ”explained the specialist. She added that with a lack of this substance, a person could die even if a finger was cut. Pavlova noted that men should not abuse vitamin K either, despite the fact that women develop varicose veins a little more often. At the same time, vitamin

The Russian Orthodox Church urged to introduce fines in Russia for the lack of QR codes as soon as possible

Metropolitan Hilarion: the sooner fines for the lack of QR codes are introduced in Russia, the better In Russia, you need to enter QR as soon as possible -codes and penalties for their absence for the fight against coronavirus. This was called for by the chairman of the Department for External Church Relations (OVCC) of the Moscow Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeyev) of Volokolamsk, on the air of the Russia 24 TV channel, RIA Novosti reports. “Sooner or later we will come to this, and how the sooner we come to this, the better, “he said. According to the Metropolitan, every day the country loses about a thousand people, which is tantamount to the daily loss of a regiment in a war. He suggested that the current situation can be compared to a national catastrophe. At the same time, Hilarion believes that the revolution will not

The White House will consider the possibility of the US not using nuclear weapons first

Politico: White House to Consider US Non-Use of Nuclear Weapons First be the first to use nuclear weapons. This is reported by Politico, citing sources in the White House. Biden's aides will explore the possibility of announcing that the “sole purpose” of the US nuclear arsenal is to contain a nuclear conflict, rather than use it in response to conventional military action or another strategic attack. The Pentagon opposes these opportunities in connection with the alleged “arms build-up by Russia and China”, follows from the material. Earlier, The Washington Post reported that the US administration will hold a series of closed meetings that will nuclear policy. In particular, officials will discuss the transition to the principle of non-use of nuclear weapons first. Biden himself supported the idea of ​​updating the US strategy on nuclear weapons. Moreover, in 2017, he questioned the idea that the American side would one day need