Austria assessed the importance of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline for Europe

Austrian Foreign Minister: Nord Stream 2 contributes to Europe's energy security energy security of Europe in the context of the current gas crisis. The significance of the project in an interview with RIA Novosti was assessed by the new head of the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) Michael Linhart. According to him, Vienna, despite ambitious goals in addressing climate issues, will continue to use gas until complete decarbonization. “In this context, Nord Stream 2 contributes to energy security,” Linhart stressed. Bloomberg analysts have previously accused Russia of unwillingness to save Europe with additional gas supplies amid the ongoing energy crisis. In addition, Moscow has been criticized, claiming that it wants to use the energy crisis in Europe to put pressure on Brussels and speed up the certification of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline. On November 4, it became known that German Bundestag deputies doubted in the launch of

FBI raids Biden's daughter's diary case

Agents visited the & nbsp; houses of former and & nbsp; current Project Veritas employees who were allegedly involved in the publication of & nbsp; one of the & nbsp; right-wing resources for & nbsp; a week and a half before the & nbsp; presidential elections in 2020. It is noted that & nbsp; as part of this case, at least one person who collaborated with the & nbsp; organization was interrogated. The content of the records was not disclosed. In & nbsp; October 2020, a spokesman for the Biden family informed law enforcement that & nbsp; and & nbsp; during the & nbsp; hotel burglary, several of Ashley's belongings were missing. Project Veritas founder James O & rsquo; Keefe denied allegations of & nbsp; that & nbsp; & nbsp; ; his organization is somehow & nbsp; related to the & nbsp; loss of the diary. According to & nbsp;

Attacking a man with a son in New Moscow did not admit their guilt

Suspects in the Novye Vatutinki attack denied the use of a knife in a fight Moscow did not admit guilt in the incident, TASS reports, citing a law enforcement source. It is noted that those who arrived from Orenburg confirmed the conflict between them and the man who was attacked, but deny the charge of attempted murder … They claim that they did not threaten his life. One of the suspects also denied the use of a knife during the fight, his lawyer Roman Masyutenko claims. The investigation believes that his brother, another suspect, got the knife. On November 5, a group of people attacked a man with a child in Novye Vatutinki. The police opened a criminal investigation into the attack. Four suspects were detained.

For the first time since the beginning of the pandemic, more than 41 thousand cases of coronavirus were detected in Russia

In Russia, a new maximum of COVID-19 cases was recorded – 41,335 a new high since the start of the pandemic. The total number of infections amounted to 8,755,930. The operational headquarters for combating the spread of infection reported on its Telegram channel. 41,335 cases of COVID-19 were detected in Russia per day 40,735 cases of COVID-19 were recorded the day before. The growth rate is 0.47 percent. Most infections were detected in Moscow (6880 cases), St. Petersburg (3138 cases) and the Moscow region (3085 cases). Least of all – in the Magadan region (31 cases), Chukotka (18 cases) and Nenets (16 cases) autonomous districts. The number of deaths registered per day was 1188, a total of 245 635 people have died since the beginning of the pandemic. The daily rate of recovery was 29 201, the total – 7 535 172.

Russian diplomat who died in Germany turned out to be the son of an FSB general

Kommersant: Russian diplomat Kirill Zhalo, found dead in Berlin, turned out to be the son of an FSB general FSB for the protection of the constitutional order of Lieutenant General Alexei Zhalo. His identity was revealed by Kommersant. Previously, Kirill Zhalo fell from one of the upper floors of the embassy building on Berenstrasse in the Mitte district of Berlin. Since the summer of 2019, he has been accredited as the second secretary of the diplomatic mission. However, later, an undercover secret service officer was suspected of him. At the same time, from November 1 to 4, his name was removed from the diplomatic list of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany. The body of the 35-year-old diplomat was transferred to Russia, Moscow did not allow an autopsy to be carried out in Germany. The Russian Embassy in Germany, for ethical reasons, declined to comment

Doctors spoke about the state of the President of the Czech Republic after hospitalization

Reuters: Doctors believe that Czech President Zeman cannot fully fulfill his duties Czech President Milos Zeman, who was hospitalized in October, in currently unable to fully fulfill their duties. This was reported on Friday by Reuters with reference to the head of the medical council Tomasz Zima. According to the agency, doctors noted an improvement in the state of health of the head of state, but believe that it is better for him to stay in the hospital. Zima also did not say when Zeman will be discharged. It is planned that the president on Saturday, November 6, will receive in the hospital the candidate for the Czech prime minister from the two coalitions of liberal parties that won the recent elections in the country, Petr Fialu, as well as instruct him to form a new government for the republic. So, the question of temporarily removing the powers of the

Pfizer Claims Effectiveness Of COVID-19 Cure In Capsules

Pfizer's Coronavirus Cure Could Reduce Hospitalization Risks by 89% reduce the risks of hospitalization or death after suffering from COVID-19. This became known as a result of a study of the drug, according to the company's website. It is specified that the studies involved 1.2 thousand COVID-19 patients, in whom the disease could develop in an unfavorable scenario. < p> A number of volunteers in the study received a placebo. It turned out that those taking the real drug were much less likely to be hospitalized compared to those receiving the placebo. In addition, none of those taking the medicine died. Ten patients died among those taking the placebo. Pfizer CEO Albert Burla said the drug would help avoid nine out of ten hospitalizations in case of COVID-19 infection. Formerly a European agency The Medicines Agency (EMA) has responded to reports of a breach in Pfizer's coronavirus vaccine trials. They

Zhirinovsky urged Russians to go to the toilet more often

LDPR head Vladimir Zhirinovsky urged Russians to go to the toilet more often It is necessary to go to the toilet as often as possible, as needed. The chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia Vladimir Zhirinovsky called for this on the air of the Komsomolskaya Pravda radio station. “I advise everyone who hears us to go to the toilet as needed. At least every hour! Some [will say]: no, three times a day is enough. It's not up to you to decide how many times a day you walk. Your body demands – go! ” – said the politician. Zhirinovsky explained that he had a security guard who had previously worked for the former Prime Minister of Afghanistan Babrak Karmal. According to the LDPR leader, the man boasted that he could stand behind the curtains in the prime minister's office for at least 12 hours and not go

Part of the ambulance doctors who changed their minds to quit signed up for vaccinations

Some of the ambulance doctors in the Jewish Autonomous Region, who changed their minds to quit, signed up for the vaccination changed their minds to quit due to refusal to be vaccinated against COVID-19, signed up for vaccinations. This was reported on the website of the regional government. “At the moment, ambulance workers are being examined by an infectious disease specialist. If someone is found to have objective contraindications to vaccination against a new coronavirus infection, these people will receive a medical treatment. Several people have already signed up for vaccinations. of the regional health department Andrei Lebedev, chief physician of the station Vladislav Kogan and members of the Legislative Assembly and the district administration. On November 4, in Obluchye, a team of employees of an ambulance station, consisting of 15 people, refused to be vaccinated against coronavirus and resigned. Later, another 12 of their colleagues did the same. The

In an Austrian brothel began to vaccinate against coronavirus

Heute: coronavirus vaccination station opened in Vienna brothel Coronavirus vaccination station opened in an Austrian brothel. According to Heute, people began to vaccinate in one of the institutions located in Vienna. Brothel manager Peter Laskaris said that not only men can get vaccinated. “Of course, women and children are not allowed to enter the brothel, but we have foreseen it. There is a separate entrance to the vaccination room, “the NTV channel quotes him. It is noted that all vaccinated will be given a voucher to pay for the services of a brothel for 30 euros. Earlier it was reported that the cafe in the Austrian federal state of Salzburg refused to serve clients who were vaccinated against COVID-19. The employee said that only those residents who have not received the coronavirus vaccine are allowed to visit the institution.