Morgue employee raped dead women and girls for years

BBC: an electrician in a British hospital abused the bodies of more than 100 women and girls for 12 years raped dead women and girls. This is reported by the BBC. According to the publication, David Fuller (David Fuller) shared shocking details during the trial in another case – the murder of two girls in 1987. Two years later, the man got a job as an electrician at Kent & Sussex Hospital, where he worked until 2011. He was then transferred to Tunbridge Wells Hospital, where he continued to rape until his arrest. Over the years, he abused the bodies of more than 100 women and girls. Fuller worked the evening shifts and made his way to the morgue when the rest of the staff left. He filmed and recorded what was happening on hard disks, DVDs and flash drives, which he kept at home. According to Sky News, his

FBI raided Biden's daughter's diary theft

NYT: FBI agents ransacked Project Veritas office after stealing Biden's daughter's diary FBI agents searched for theft and the publication of the diary of the daughter of US President Joe Biden, Ashley Biden. This was reported by The New York Times. The agency's employees came to the office of a group of activists-whistleblowers Project Veritas. They are associated with the theft of a diary, information from which was published in 2020 on the National File blog. At the same time, Project Veritas denied their involvement in the theft of the document, but said they knew who it might be.

Russia demanded compensation from the United States for the loss of access to diplomatic property

Diplomat Koshelev: Russia demanded that the US compensate for the loss of access to diplomatic property diplomatic property. This was announced on the air of the RTVI TV channel by the Minister-Counselor of the Russian Embassy in Washington, Sergei Koshelev. The Embassy Counselor explained that in total we are talking about six seized objects. “We do not have access, we cannot say the state of engineering communications, we cannot say in what state the material values ​​left there are. I can assure you that this is many tens, or even hundreds of thousands of dollars, “he noted. He also noted that the issue of diplomatic property is the most acute irritant in bilateral relations between states, which are already on a fairly large scale. low level. “We are most urgently demanding at all levels an unconditional return and, of course, compensation for the losses we have suffered,” the diplomat said.

Prince William brought Kate Middleton to tears

Prince William refused to celebrate the New Year with Kate Middleton and brought her to tears British Prince William brought his future wife Kate Middleton to tears, refusing to celebrate the New Year with her at the beginning of their romance, writes the Daily Express with reference to the book of the royal biographer Katie Nicholl. A young man in 2006 promised a girl that he will celebrate the New Year with her, but in the end chose to stay with his family. According to the arrangement, the prince was to celebrate Christmas in Sandringham, as is customary in the royal family, and then travel to Kate's family home on New Year's. Middleton was upset when her lover changed his mind. Prince Uiyalm brought her to tears. Earlier, the Duchess and Duke of Cambridge appeared in old clothes, in which they had already appeared in public several years ago. Paparazzi

The main loser of the confrontation between the United States, China and Russia is named

Analyst Zoran Meter: The EU will lose the most from the confrontation between the US, China and Russia The European Union (EU) will lose the most from the confrontation USA, China and Russia. This opinion was voiced by analyst Zoran Meter in an article for the Croatian edition of According to him, the United States chose the path of customs, economic and financial sanctions instead of globalization cooperation. At the same time, Washington's allies and partners are destined for a secondary role – to create an image of a democratic world opposing an authoritarian world, which is personified by the main opponents of the United States – China and Russia. “Against the background of this ideological battle, the main battle will be fought – for technological superiority and the mastery of natural resources, without which it is impossible to achieve this technological superiority,” Meter noted. Related materials00: 00 –

Biden called on to send weapons to Ukraine because of the situation on the border with Russia

Congressman McCall called on Biden to provide additional military assistance to Kiev to provide Kiev with additional military assistance, including sending weapons, due to the situation on the border with Russia, where Moscow is allegedly stepping up its military activity. The congressman's statement is cited by TASS. The politician asked the United States and the European Union to express support for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine. It includes, among other things, clearly defined and serious measures against Russia, which will be used for the “intensification of aggression.” “This support should include additional US security assistance, including lethal weapons “- said McCall. He also called on the US administration to abandon its decision not to impose sanctions against Nord Stream 2. On October 30, The Washington Post wrote about the buildup of Russian troops near Ukraine. According to the newspaper, “unusual movements of equipment and military” in the west

The State Duma named a way to annex Donbass to Russia

State Duma deputy Vodolatsky: to annex Donbass, the act of 1922 must be declared illegal illegal act of the Council of People's Commissars of 1922. This method of annexing the territory was named by the first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on CIS Affairs, Eurasian Integration and Relations with Compatriots Viktor Vodolatsky, reports. , instantly, “- said the deputy. He added that lawyers of international law need to work with this – they must file claims in various international instances. According to Vodolatsky, the document of the Council of People's the commissioners became tragic for many people. According to the act signed by Lenin, the territory of Donbass was withdrawn by the Ukrainian SSR. Earlier in Ukraine, Russia was accused of seeking to annex Donbass. According to the first president Leonid Kravchuk, Moscow plans to create Russian national state formations in the region. In addition, she also

An elderly Muscovite teenager who knocked down on an electric scooter was taken to the police

A teenager who hit an elderly woman on an electric scooter in Moscow was taken to the police taken to the police. This was reported on the website of the Moscow Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The department said that the 13-year-old teenager and his parents were interviewed by police officers. The issue of bringing the child to administrative responsibility is being resolved, they said in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. A minor knocked down an elderly woman on an electric scooter on Manezhnaya Square in the center of the capital on November 5. After hitting a pedestrian, the culprit fled the scene. As a result of the collision, a 77-year-old Muscovite received a fractured shoulder and a head injury. Earlier, the Ministry of Internal Affairs named the number of deaths in accidents with electric scooters. According to the ministry, ten people became victims of such

Russia reacted to the idea of ​​transferring five regions to Ukraine

Political scientist Solonnikov: the idea of ​​transferring five regions of the Russian Federation to Ukraine is a sick fantasy writer and philosopher Peter Kraluk transfer five Russian regions to Ukraine by virtue of their ethnic factors. This is reported by Izvestia. “In my opinion, Russia should not pay attention to the statements of not very healthy people. The percentage of sick people per head is approximately the same all over the world, in Russia the same as in Ukraine, in Ukraine – as much as in the whole world, “the expert emphasized. Solonnikov added that Kiev often nominates fantastic theories, altering the story in their own way. As an example, he cited statements that Alexander the Great and Christ were Ukrainians, and that they dug up ancient ukry in the Black Sea. According to the expert, the question of the belonging of the Russian regions to Ukraine is only the

In Ukraine, they took offense at Lithuania because of the purchase of electricity from Russia

Rada deputy Buzhansky took offense at Lithuania because of the purchase of electricity from Moscow and Minsk Belarus, decided to import it from Moscow and Minsk at prices lower than Ukraine is forced to do. This was stated by the deputy of the Verkhovna Rada from “Servant of the People” Maxim Buzhansky in his Telegram channel. The deputy recalled that in March this year, President of Lithuania Gitanas Nauseda, speaking in the Rada, called on Ukraine to refuse to purchase electricity from Russia and Belarus, which is why “I got wild applause from grateful listeners.” “Apparently,“ you ”didn’t mean“ us, either. ” Therefore, right now, on November 6, 2021, Lithuania received 522 megawatts from Belarus and 499 megawatts from Russian Kaliningrad. And Ukraine is an unfortunate five megawatts from Belarus, “Buzhansky took offense. Earlier, the deputy of the Verkhovna Rada from the Opposition Platform – For Life party, Vadim Rabinovich,