The purpose of the visit of the head of the CIA to Moscow

( CIA) William Burns to Moscow to warn Russia in Ukraine. This is the purpose of his trip, cited by CNN, citing sources. According to them, Biden sent Burns to Moscow to warn the Kremlin that Washington is closely monitoring the increase in the number of troops near the border with Ukraine. Also, the CIA director had to try to determine what motivates Russia's actions. In addition, according to the TV channel, after a trip to Russia, Burns spoke by phone with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in order to “moderate the tension” between Kiev and Moscow . Trip The fact that Burns flew to Moscow on behalf of the American leader became known on November 2. It was noted that the purpose of the visit is to hold a series of meetings with representatives of the Russian authorities and discuss issues of US-Russian relations. The US Embassy in Moscow announced

Sberbank will open the first international research center in Europe

Sberbank will open in Berlin and will attract top IT developers Sber has announced the opening of its first R&D center in Europe at the largest technology conference in Europe Web Summit, which takes place in Lisbon. David Rafalovsky, Executive Vice President of Sberbank, CTO of Sberbank, Head of the Technology Block, spoke about this in his speech. The center will open in Berlin and will be focused on attracting high-quality IT developers, architects and specialists in the field of Machine Learning. Berlin has long been a center of attraction for high-quality IT specialists who speak Russian, English and other European languages. It is planned that professionals from all over the world will work at the center on Sberbank's breakthrough technological ideas, including the products and services of SberDevices, SberCloud and SberAutoTech. The R&D center will begin operations in Q1 2022, subject to regulatory approval. “The opening of the R&D

Russians were advised to buy New Year's gifts in advance due to price hikes

Economist Nikita Maslennikov advised Russians to buy New Year's gifts in November direction “Finance and Economics” of the Institute of Contemporary Development, economist Nikita Maslennikov. His words are quoted by The specialist believes that this issue should be taken care of in advance because of the prospects for price increases by the end of the year. “If you need to buy something from non-food products – household and computer equipment, gadgets, then it is advisable to do it now. Because in December there can be quite a serious jump in prices, ”he warned. Maslennikov also added that now is the time to buy clothes and shoes for the winter. Maslennikov explained that non-food products usually rise in price due to a gap in supply chains. And now it is impossible to predict whether they will be able to recover by the end of the year. Earlier, Rosstat concluded that

In the United States, the mandatory vaccination against COVID-19 in large companies has been suspended

The US Court of Appeal Suspends Compulsory Vaccinations for Employees of Large Companies 19 employees of large companies in the country, according to the court's decision, RIA Novosti writes. “Thus, the mandate is suspended pending further court decision on this issue,” the verdict says. The court also referred to “serious legislative and constitutional issues” when making the decision. Earlier, the US Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) allowed children from 5 to 11 years old to be vaccinated with a coronavirus drug produced by the American company Pfizer and German BioNTech. Members of the CDC commission unanimously voted to recommend that children be vaccinated with two doses of the drug. The United States has the largest number of cases of coronavirus infection in the world – 46.4 million.

Name of the person who provided the Russian with false information for the “dossier” on Trump

WP: Charles Dolan provided false information for the “dossier” on Trump to Russian Danchenko false information for the “dossier” on former American leader Donald Trump about alleged ties with Russia. According to The Washington Post, it turned out to be a public relations specialist, Charles Dolan, close to the US Democratic Party. It is noted that at first the American provided the Russian analyst with information, which he later tried to discredit. His name does not appear directly in the indictment, he is listed as “the number one public relations specialist,” but his lawyer, Ralph Martin, confirmed his involvement without disclosing details. The report also states that Dolan “ I often contacted high-ranking officials of the Russian Federation ”. The publication notes that he previously worked in the campaign headquarters of former US President Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton, who was Trump's opponent in the 2016 elections. On November 4,

German environmentalists demanded to stop certification of “Nord Stream-2”

German environmentalists from Deutsche Umwelthilfe demand to stop Nord Stream 2 ) Sasha Müller-Krenner called for a halt in the certification of Nord Stream 2 due to the German authorities' “ignoring” the Polish position on the gas pipeline. This is reported by TASS with reference to Der Spiegel. “The federal government is ignoring the well-founded fears of our neighbors,” said Müller-Krenner. In his opinion, the gas pipeline jeopardizes the energy security of Europe and compliance with climate targets. This is not the first attempt by environmentalists from DUH to interfere with the implementation of the project. In June, activists insisted on a temporary halt in the laying of the pipeline to assess its impact on the environment. The construction of Nord Stream 2 was completed on September 10. In early November, the Ministry of Economy and Energy of the Federal Republic of Germany reported that the certification process of the

Children attacked visitors to the shopping center with toy weapons

In England, a group of children threatened shopping center visitors with toy weapons BBC News writes about this. The West Midlands police said that the children pointed a gun at one of the motorists and demanded that he stop and give them the van. They also received a message that teenagers threw stones at cars and threatened the staff of the shopping center. Law enforcement officers detained four children: one of them was seven years old, two more were 11 years old, and the eldest was 12 years old. A black-painted toy pistol and a kitchen knife, which were in their backpack, were seized from them. Two boys were arrested for possession of weapons. The police said that they would conduct a conversation with their parents, and also send a request to social services. Earlier it became known that in the Ust-Abakan region of the Republic of Khakassia, a boy

Russia announced a chance to resume issuing US visas in Moscow

Counselor of the Russian Embassy in the USA Koshelev on the issuance of visas: there is a chance that we will solve this problem issuance of US visas in Moscow. This opinion was expressed on the air of the RTVI TV channel by the Minister-Counselor of the Russian Embassy in Washington Sergei Koshelev. “Diplomacy is the art of negotiations, it is the art of negotiating. As long as the diplomats talk, there is a chance that we will solve this problem, “he said. Earlier in November, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov asked the US to send additional diplomats to Moscow to normalize the work of the embassy. He recalled that now the issuance of American visas to Russians is not carried out. “Russians are literally required to travel abroad to apply for an American visa,” the deputy minister said.

The United States admitted the possibility of a new civil war

Professor Hill: There is a culture war in the United States that could escalate into a civil war civil. Jason Hill, professor of philosophy at De Paul University (Chicago, Illinois), made such an opportunity in an interview with According to Hill, a black Jamaican, the problems of racism in America have now been resolved. However, in recent years, a part of society, represented by neo-Marxists and supporters of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement, have unleashed an active struggle against “white supremacy” and with the so-called white privileges. Since 2020, this struggle, in his opinion, has reached unprecedented proportions. Related materials 00:03 – March 25 “You are white, so you are racist!” Americans are trying to eradicate racism in themselves. Why does this make it difficult for whites to live in the United States? 00:01 – November 6 “Whites are not culture!” with racism in the United States led

Children attacked visitors to the shopping center with toy weapons

In England, a group of children threatened shopping center visitors with toy weapons BBC News writes about this. The West Midlands police said that the children pointed a gun at one of the motorists and demanded that he stop and give them the van. They also received a message that teenagers threw stones at cars and threatened the staff of the shopping center. Law enforcement officers detained four children: one of them was seven years old, two more were 11 years old, and the eldest was 12 years old. A black-painted toy pistol and a kitchen knife, which were in their backpack, were seized from them. Two boys were arrested for possession of weapons. The police said that they would conduct a conversation with their parents, and also send a request to social services. Earlier it became known that in the Ust-Abakan region of the Republic of Khakassia, a boy