Scientists have created the sharpest knife made of wood

In the United States, scientists have created a knife made of wood, which is three times sharper than stainless steel devices made of wood. The products created using the new technology turned out to be three times sharper than knives made of stainless steel familiar to humans, reports EurekAlert. Chemists from the University of Maryland in the United States have removed from the tree its “weak part” that makes it soft – hemicellulose and lignin. – retaining the structure of cellulose, making it 23 times stronger. It is noted that after the removal of lignin, the wood became more flexible and brittle, but this problem was solved by pressing the material at a high temperature. Finally, specialists coated the finished material with mineral oil to prevent water from absorbing into the wood. As a result, cutlery was made from the treated wood, with which they repeatedly cut medium-rare steaks and

Russian woman suffered under the rubble of a collapsed house

In the Novosibirsk region, a 60-year-old woman suffered fractures after a private house collapsed In the Novosibirsk region, a 60-year-old Russian woman several floors collapsed in a private house. This is reported by the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the region. A woman born in 1916 with bruises and fractures was hospitalized in the central regional hospital on the night of Sunday, November 7. The incident was reported at 00 : 35 local time (20:35 Moscow time). Within 20 minutes, rescue units arrived at the scene, removed the victim and handed over to the ambulance. 18 people and 6 pieces of equipment took part in the operation. Earlier, an explosion occurred in the industrial zone in the Krasnolissye area in Yekaterinburg. A gas cylinder exploded at the enterprise, and then a fire started. There were three people at the plant at the time of the explosion – they evacuated on

State Department commented on the attempt on the Prime Minister of Iraq

The United States called the assassination attempt on the Iraqi Prime Minister terrorism and offered assistance in the investigation Iraqi Mustafa al-Kazemi, RIA Novosti reports. Price called the assassination attempt “an obvious terrorist act” and offered US assistance in the investigation. He stressed that the United States is watching the reports of the attack on the Prime Minister's residence and “was relieved to learn” that the politician was not hurt. “This obvious terrorist act, which we strongly condemn, is aimed at the very heart of the Iraqi state. We are in close contact with the Iraqi security forces, which are working to defend the sovereignty and independence of Iraq, and have offered our assistance in the investigation of this attack. Our commitment to our Iraqi partners is unshakable. The United States is with the government and people of Iraq, ”Price emphasized.

In Japan, the name of the new head of the Foreign Ministry was announced

NHK: Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs will be headed by Yoshimasa Hayashi Served as Minister of Defense, Minister of Science and Education and Minister of Agriculture of Japan Yoshimasa Hayashi will head the country's Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This was reported by the NHK TV channel. Earlier it became known that Japan wanted to renew the composition of the government. According to Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, the country's leadership needs to “meet face to face with public opinion.” At the same time, the head of Japan's main opposition force, the Constitutional Democratic Party, Yukio Edano, emphasized that “the entire government needs to be changed, since the LPD will not change.” Foreign Minister and Prime Minister.

The girl managed to escape from the pedophile thanks to a gesture from TikTok

In the USA, a girl escaped from a pedophile by showing the driver of a nearby car a gesture from TikTok In the USA, a missing 16-year-old girl managed to escape from being kidnapped by a pedophile due to the fact that she showed the driver of a nearby car a gesture that she had previously seen on TikTok. This is reported by Fox 8 News. A man driving next to the kidnapper's car drew attention to the fact that the passenger was showing him with gestures an international universal signal for help in case of domestic violence or other problems – she turned her hand to him, squeezed thumb and covered it with the rest of her fingers. He understood her gestures and immediately called the police. As a result, law enforcement officers stopped the car and detained a 61-year-old man right on the highway. In the back seat,

Meghan Markle reprimanded for interfering in American politics

British Prince Harry's wife Meghan Markle has been criticized for calling senators Prince Harry's wife Meghan Markle tried to intervene in US politics and was criticized by the Americans, writes the Daily Express. The Duchess of Sussex called several American senators on their personal phone numbers. She turned to the Republicans to ask them to support initiatives at the government level. These are the parental leave bill and climate change regulations. In particular, Markle spoke with Senators Shelley Moore Capito and Susan Collins. She called them on a hidden number. The Americans chastised Markle for interfering in politics. They wrote on Twitter that America is not in the interests of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. “Everyone in the US doesn’t care about Meghan Markle, Prince Harry or Charles,” said one of the users. “There are no special ones here,” they clarified in the comments. “She wanted to return to

Russian village completely got rid of emergency housing

The working village of Dorogino, Cherepanovsky District, Novosibirsk Region, completely got rid of emergency housing – in 2020, 5 emergency houses were resettled, in which 116 lived human. This is reported on the website of the regional government. Resettlement measures were carried out within the framework of the national project “Housing and Urban Environment” at the expense of federal funds, they allowed to resettle the entire emergency housing stock located on the territory of the district village. In 2019-2020, it was planned to resettle 22.36 thousand square meters of emergency area in the region, where 1,250 people lived. By the end of 2020, they managed to resettle 1,657 people, 25 thousand square meters of housing – this is 112 percent of the plan. In Russia, until December 2030, it is planned to implement the national project “Housing and Urban Environment”. Its budget is about a trillion rubles. The project is

Priamurye for the first time will receive funding for regional roads under the national project

Starting from 2022, the repair of regional roads in the Amur Region will be financed under the Safe and High-Quality Roads National Project. The Ministry of Transport and Roads of the region reported that they had been seeking inclusion in the program for two years, TASS reports. “To attract additional federal funding for regional roads, the indicators of the share of road compliance have been adjusted – from an erroneous 75.2 percent to actual 33.2 percent “, – said Governor Vasily Orlov. It is noted that federal funding is provided from 2022 to 2024. Until December 2030, Russia plans to implement the national project” Safe and high-quality highways ”. The goal of the project is to create comfortable and safe travel on Russian roads. Within its framework, regional municipalities and roads in military towns are being repaired, places where traffic accidents are concentrated, intelligent traffic control systems are being introduced,

School certificates wanted to be marked with QR codes

The Ministry of Education of Russia wanted to mark school certificates with QR codes to protect the document from counterfeiting. The corresponding order is published on the portal of legal information. According to the text of the order, a white field in the form of a square of 20 by 20 millimeters will appear on the back of the title page of the certificate. A two-dimensional matrix code will be put in this field. On the same side there will be a coat of arms, the inscriptions “Russian Federation” and “Certificate of basic general education”, as well as the document number and date of issue. Earlier it became known that digital profiles of students will be created in Russia , and they will begin to receive diplomas of graduation in electronic form. Elena Druzhinina, deputy head of the Ministry of Education and Science, noted that the ministry is now striving

Putin raised the age of youth

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law on youth policy, which, in particular, involves raising the age of Russian youth. The document was published on the portal of legal information on Wednesday, December 30. Now the youth in Russia is considered to be people aged 14 to 35 years. Also, the law enshrines such concepts as “young family”, “youth policy”, “youth public association” and “young specialist.” Support for youth initiatives and young families, as well as assistance interregional and international cooperation in the field of youth policy, and so on. Members of the working group of the State Council in the direction of “Youth Policy” began work on the document with the participation of members of the Federation Council and deputies of the State Duma in 2019. First, the document was finalized taking into account the proposals received from the regions, and then it was discussed in committees with the