School holidays extended in the Russian region due to the situation with COVID-19

The Governor of the Irkutsk Region Kobzev announced the extension of school holidays due to COVID-19 with COVID-19 in the region, the Governor of the region Igor Kobzev said in his Instagram account. “We are forced to extend the holidays for schoolchildren of Irkutsk, Angarsk urban district, Bratsk, Svirsk, Usolye-Sibirskoye, Cheremkhovo for another week. , Ust-Ilimsk and Zhigalovsky district, as well as the villages of Novonukutsky and Ust-Ordynsky, “he wrote. The head of the Russian region noted that private educational institutions in these territories are also recommended to extend their holidays until November 14. Students will study remotely. According to Kobzev, such measures had to be taken due to the fact that the situation with morbidity in the region is not improving. “Since November 1, 836 children have contracted the coronavirus. This is a very large increase. 3205 children are undergoing treatment, 103 of them are in hospitals, “the message

Tymoshenko spoke about the catastrophic mistake of the Ukrainian authorities

Yulia Tymoshenko: Kiev did not buy cheap gas in the summer, having made a catastrophic mistake TV channel “Ukraine 24” told about the catastrophic mistake of the Ukrainian authorities. According to her, Kiev did not buy cheap gas in the summer, and now every citizen and every company will be responsible for this, RIA Novosti reports. According to the politician, the country could fill its underground storage facilities, which hold 38 billion of fuel to provide a trouble-free heating season and electricity to the population at the lowest price, but did not do this, so the energy crisis is man-made. “You understand what a disaster it is. Every Ukrainian and every enterprise will pay for this mediocrity and this corruption, ”Tymoshenko stressed. She added that such a situation occurred for the first time in 30 years of Ukraine's independence. Earlier, the former head of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine

Zelensky was predicted early resignation

Political scientist Zolotarev believes that President Zelensky may resign before the elections Volodymyr Zelenskyy early resignation before the end of his presidential term in the event that a number of factors do not work in his favor. According to him, there are currently some signs that indicate the incumbent’s early departure from office. until the new elections. The expert believes that Zelensky needs to prevent rolling power outages and an increase in tariffs for citizens, otherwise this could lead to his sudden resignation. Everything will go to the fact that Zelensky can even arrange an early departure. There are a number of indirect signs of a serious vacillation in this situation, in particular, informational stuffing. I already see that professional people who know how to work with the information environment have joined this business, ”the political scientist noted. He also added that in Ukraine there is a monstrous “devaluation” of

Figure skater Kolyada appreciated the role of his wife in his preparation for the competition

Figure skater Kolyada: we talk very little about figure skating with his wife, I create the mood myself his wife in his preparation for the competition. According to him, he and his wife rarely discuss professional topics, RIA Novosti reports. “My wife is not my coach, and we talk very little about figure skating. Everything that concerns the mood for the competition, I do myself, “the athlete emphasized. Kolyada and his US rival Jason Brown put on a free program based on the movie” Schindler's List “. The Russian noted that he liked the American's performance. The skater added that he puts a piece of his soul into each of his programs and tries to interpret it in his own way. As for the one with which he performed in Turin, the athlete did not disclose how he perceives it, calling it a little secret. Mikhail Kolyada won a silver

Facebook turned out to be harmful for every eighth of its users

Every eighth Facebook user has problems due to their dependence on the social network similar to dependence on a social network, this is evidenced by the results of a study conducted in the company, writes the Daily Mail. It turned out that using the platform is harmful: it affects sleep, work, parenting, productivity at work or relationships. Some people do not get enough sleep due to the fact that they are constantly scrolling the tape. In some cases, parents have placed more emphasis on Facebook than caring for or interacting with their children. 12.5 percent of Facebook users, or more than 360 million people, are affected. For example, in the United States there are about 10 percent of addicts, while in the Philippines and India, “the company's largest market,” this figure reaches 25 percent of the total. “Activities such as shopping, sex and using Facebook, if they are repeated and

The political scientist spoke about the “two-layer” relations between Ukraine and Belarus

Political scientist Shimov: Kiev continues economic relations with Minsk despite disagreements “” why Minsk continues economic relations with Kiev despite the fact that Ukraine does not recognize the legitimacy of the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko. He noted that Belarus continues to supply electricity to Ukraine, despite the fact that both countries are on opposite sides of the geopolitical front. According to the expert, Kiev and Minsk have a mutual need for each other in the presence of political disagreements and contradictions. “Belarusian-Ukrainian relations are of a” two-layer “nature. At the political level, there is antagonism between the two countries, and at the economic level, they are trying to maintain rather close ties. For Ukraine, ties with Belarus are a guarantee that Minsk will not finally go into the “Russian” camp, and the Belarusian-Ukrainian border will not turn into a front line. For Minsk, this is an opportunity to at

QR codes system extended in two Russian regions

In Kamchatka and Transbaikalia, the QR code system was extended due to the situation with COVID-19 In two Russian regions – by In Kamchatka and in Transbaikalia, the QR code system was extended due to COVID-19, RIA Novosti writes. So, in Kamchatka, the QR code system began operating on October 30 for catering, sports and culture establishments. From November 23, it will apply to intraregional transportation by air and bus transport. “Due to the difficult epidemiological situation with the spread of the new coronavirus infection, the operational headquarters decided to extend the operation of the system,” the press service of the Kamchatka government said. edges. The system will work until the end of November. Also, the ban on checking into hotels without documents confirming the passage of vaccination or medical removal will be extended. In addition, from November 7, the authorities will ban the operation of children's playrooms in shopping

Russia appreciated Zelensky's promises to “return” Crimea as Scythian gold

Political scientist Bezpalko: Zelensky's words about the “return” of Crimea are a pre-election hype appreciated the promises of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky to “return” Crimea as Scythian gold. This is reported by Izvestia. “We can safely promise that in 2050 Crimea will return to the composition, in general, the whole of Russia will become part of Ukraine, why waste time on trifles! Therefore, it means absolutely nothing. This is a hype, this is a promise, this is an attempt to increase his electoral rating, which is falling for Zelensky, “the expert emphasized. Related materials13: 06 – June 30 ” Are the countries in agreement? This is nonsense “Pandemic, conspiracy, Ukraine and rising prices: the main quotes from Putin's direct line00: 01 – July 19 “Russians, get out!” 30 years ago, a huge Soviet army was leaving Europe. How did this turn out for the country and the soldiers?

The German authorities have estimated the damage from the floods at a record amount

In Germany, the damage from the July floods was estimated at a record amount of 29.2 billion euros which affected several regions of the country, for a record amount of 29.2 billion euros. This was reported by the Funke media group, TASS reports. The German authorities have submitted a request for financial assistance from the European Union (EU) Solidarity Fund. In the request, Berlin announced the indicated amount. Thus, the damage from the July floods far exceeded the damage that was caused during similar disasters in 2002 and 2013. Slightly more than half of the declared damage occurs in the federal state of Rhineland-Palatinate, mainly in areas in the valley of the Ahr River, more than 40 percent – to North Rhine – Westphalia. Bavaria and Saxony suffered to a lesser extent. Earlier, the former German Chancellor Angela Merkel predicted a long time frame for the recovery of areas of

Nutritionist Recommended Four Spices for Reducing Joint Pain

Nutritionist Mosley: Turmeric, Cayenne Pepper, Ginger Help Relieve Joint Pain with arthritis, said nutritionist Michael Mosley, writes the Daily Express. Turmeric is the first of four spices that have a positive effect on the body. Its active ingredient, curcumin, is considered pain relieving. “Curcumin blocks inflammatory cytokines and enzymes in two inflammatory pathways,” the physician advised. Cayenne pepper and other dried chillies also help combat joint pain by relieving it. This type of pepper contains compounds known as capsaicinoids, which have anti-inflammatory properties. According to the expert, you need to include more cinnamon in your diet. “It contains cinnamaldehyde and cinnamic acid, both of which have antioxidant properties, and help suppress cell damage caused by free radicals,” the study said. Another beneficial ingredient, ginger, is naturally anti-inflammatory. Earlier, nutritionist Tatyana Dick urged Russians to include cinnamon, turmeric, thyme, sage and oregano in their diet. These spices are rich in antioxidants