Sobyanin will retain a number of restrictions after the end of non-working days in Moscow

Sobyanin: after the end of non-working days in Moscow, the restriction on reduced travel will remain however, he noted that the situation remains tense, therefore a number of restrictions will remain after November 7. His words are quoted on the official portal of the Moscow government. “In particular, the rule remains that enterprises must transfer at least 30 percent of their employees to teleworking, including all employees with chronic diseases and those over 60 years, “- said the mayor. In addition, free and reduced travel on public transport for those observing the home regime will continue to be suspended. Restrictions on visits to theaters and museums in the city will also remain. Login will be possible only with a QR code. It is mandatory to show them, as well as wear protective masks, at concerts, entertainment, cultural, entertainment, sports events where more than 500 people are present. Earlier, Sobyanin said

Political scientist predicted the loss of European interest in Ukraine

Political scientist Golovachev: after stopping gas transit, Europe will forget about Ukraine will stop dealing with fuel transit, Ukrainian political expert Andrey Golovachev predicted. His words are quoted by Glavred. “Europe dealt with us only when we were a transporter of Russian gas. We will lose this status in a year and a half, and then we will get a cold shower, “the specialist explained. He noted that Kiev greatly overestimates its importance for the world, and in particular for Europe. He also believes that the United States is using Ukraine exclusively to contain Russia. Earlier, the Ukrainian political scientist Alexander Lazarev assessed the possibility of the country's complete independence from other states. He admitted that Ukraine cannot be a self-sufficient country.

The lawyer of the detained participants in the fight in New Moscow spoke about the new skirmish

Lawyer Masyutenko: victims in a fight in Novaya Moscow almost fought with the accused during the confrontation, they almost fought with the accused of the attack. The lawyer of one of the accused, Roman Masyutenko, told TASS about the new clash. At the confrontation, the victims behaved aggressively. Moreover, lawyer Masyutenko claims that they give the investigators conflicting testimony about how the conflict began. “According to the father, the fight began after his son was hit on the cheek. At the same time, the second victim named Utkin claims that the conflict began after one of the accused pushed him with his shoulder, ”the lawyer of the detainees explained. attackers. They were employed as laborers and received Russian citizenship about nine years ago. A group of people attacked a man with a child in the Novye Vatutinki area on November 4. The police opened a criminal case. Four suspects were

Former coach Medvedeva explained the skater's departure from him

Orser said that skater Medvedeva's departure from him is associated with the coronavirus pandemic became a coronavirus pandemic. The Canadian specialist himself told about this “”. As the coach explained, the athlete really wanted to train in Canada, but went to a show in Japan, and from there she could only return to Russia. “Then she fell ill with covid, she felt very bad, and then she decided to stop performing,” Orser said. The coach also stressed that Medvedev herself told him about leaving. The Russian woman sent a message to the Canadian. Medvedev in September last year announced her return to Eteri Tutberidze. From 2018 to 2020, she trained under Orser.

The detention of the Yakut shaman Gabyshev in Yekaterinburg was denied

Yakut shaman Gabyshev was detained in Yekaterinburg – another shaman was detained false. The refutation is published by the Vechernie Vedomosti Telegram channel. They reported that a shaman was indeed detained in the Ural city, but not Gabyshev, but a certain Dylyk Khan from Ulan Ude. It is noted that he also has a certificate from a psychiatric hospital. The channel also cited a photo of Dylyk Khan. Gabyshev's lawyer Aleksey Pryanishnikov, in turn, said that he had phoned all the district police departments of Yekaterinburg and the Sverdlovsk regional psychiatric hospital. He was not confirmed anywhere that a Yakut shaman was brought to them. Earlier, TASS, citing a source in law enforcement agencies, reported that Gabyshev was detained in Yekaterinburg and placed in a mental hospital. At the same time, his representatives noted that he should be in a hospital in Novosibirsk. In February, a criminal case was opened

The pilot argued with the airline about the fate of the plane landed in the corn field

Honored Pilot of the USSR Zabolotsky: scrapping an Airbus A321-211 will not make a profit year in the cornfield will not give the airline a profit. Such an opinion about the fate of the liner in a conversation with was expressed by the ex-president of the Federation of Aviation Lovers, Honored Test Pilot of the USSR Viktor Zabolotsky. He also believes that there is no need to make a monument out of the liner. Zabolotsky stressed that such planes occupy a huge area as monuments. “The question arises – where to put it? Leave it in a closed place – as they say, a folk path will not sprout to it. In an open place, they will immediately make a garbage can of it, and you will need to constantly look after it, “he explained. Earlier, the main co-owner and CEO of the carrier Sergey Skuratov noted that the

Participants in the brawl in New Moscow refused to admit guilt in attempted murder

Lawyer: four participants in the fight in Novaya Moscow do not plead guilty to attempted murder Moscow pleads guilty to hooliganism, but denies attempted murder charges. This was stated by their lawyer, the Zvezda TV channel reports in its Telegram channel. On November 6, the MIA headquarters in the capital gave details about the attackers. They were employed as laborers and received Russian citizenship about nine years ago. A group of people attacked a man with a child in the Novye Vatutinki area on November 4. The police opened a criminal case. Four suspects were detained.

Andriy Shevchenko found a job in Italy

Coach Andriy Shevchenko headed the Italian Genoa, the contract is valid until 2024 Ukrainian specialist Andriy Shevchenko headed the Italian football club Genoa … This was reported on the team's website. The contract with the 45-year-old Ukrainian is valid until the summer of 2024. The club wished the coach fruitful work. Prior to that, Shevchenko headed the Ukrainian national team for five years. The coach left the team in August this year, as the leadership of the Ukrainian Football Association was unable to meet his financial needs. Under Shevchenko's leadership, the national team reached the quarterfinals of the European Championship 2020. At the club level, Shevchenko is known for his performances for Dynamo Kiev, Milan Italian and Chelsea London. As part of the Ukrainian national team, he played 111 matches and scored 48 goals.