Ukraine will increase imports of electricity from Belarus by almost 27 times

Ukraine will increase electricity supplies from Belarus to 400 MW from November 8 instead of 15 MW Ukraine will increase electricity imports from Belarus by almost 27 times from November 8. This is evidenced by the data of the European Network of Electricity Transmission System Operators (ENTSO-E), TASS reports. Deliveries will take place from 00:00 to 23:00 without interruptions, increase or decrease in capacity. It is planned to import 400 MW instead of 15 MW announced the day before. On November 6, the press service of the Ministry of Energy of Belarus said that electricity began to flow into the Ukrainian energy system. The schedule of resumed supplies was formed by Minsk taking into account the available technical capabilities: operating modes of the power system and the capacity of generating equipment. Later, State Secretary of the Union State of Russia and Belarus Dmitry Mezentsev urged not to dramatize the sale

The defense will appeal the arrest of the participants in the brawl in New Moscow

Masyutenko's lawyer: the defense will appeal the arrest of the accused in the attack in Novaya Moscow Moscow. This was reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the lawyer of one of the participants in the fight, Roman Masyutenko. According to Masyutenko, in such cases, when the principal does not agree with the decision of the court and the prosecutors, an appeal is always planned. He stressed that, probably, a similar decision will be made for all the defendants. Earlier it was reported that four participants in the attack in Novaya Moscow were arrested. The defendants in the criminal case refused to plead guilty to the attempted murder, but do not deny participation in the fight. They also called the victim the instigator of the conflict. On November 4, a man with a child was attacked in the Novye Vatutinki area. Law enforcement agencies opened a criminal case. The Moscow

Russians were told a way to save money on Black Friday

Psychologist Zberovsky: before “Black Friday” you need to plan a limit of funds To save money on Black Friday and not spend a monthly budget, you need to prepare in advance. Psychologist, Doctor of Science, Professor Andrei Zberovsky told the way to save the salary, his words are quoted by “360”. The expert recommended planning a budget in advance, as well as a list of purchases that are in priority. “It is important that the buyer has an adequate loved one nearby, who is able to stop in case of waste,” explained the psychologist. When buying a large number of unnecessary things, some people begin to blame themselves for this. The professor advises looking for pluses even in such a situation. He suggested using unnecessary things as gifts, which will act as a rehabilitation for a person who has lost his temper and bought an excessive amount of things. Previously,

Spartak in the minority drew with Lokomotiv in the Moscow derby

Spartak drew with Lokomotiv in the RPL match, the red and whites played the half with ten men Moscow the field drew with Lokomotiv in the match of the 14th round of the Russian Premier League (RPL). This was reported by the correspondent. The meeting took place on Sunday, November 7, and ended with a score of 1: 1. Spartak responded to Girano Kerk's goal with an accurate blow from Nail Umyarov. Since the end of the second half, the red and white have played in the minority. The hosts' midfielder Ruslan Litvinov received two yellow cards. Spartak scored 19 points and is in ninth place in the championship. Lokomotiv is fourth with 25 points. Spartak will play Krasnodar away in the next round on November 20. Lokomotiv will play Akhmat at home on the same day.

The doctor revealed the unique properties of tomatoes

Nutritionist Kruglova: Tomatoes are a source of lycopene and contain vitamin C Nutritionist Natalia Kruglova revealed the unique properties of tomatoes that stimulate the immune system. She told about this in an interview with radio Sputnik. According to the specialist, tomatoes are a source of lycopene, an antioxidant that has immunostimulating and antitumor effects. It protects the body from substances that can cause diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as cancer. “Tomatoes also contain vitamin C, dietary fiber, beta-carotene is a provitamin A, it is important for good health skin, hair, nails, for sight, ”- said Kruglova. She also added that tomatoes retain lycopene even after cooking, and tomato paste contains more of it than fresh vegetables. Since tomatoes are a low-calorie product, they can be included in the diet of people who are overweight , obesity, and type 2 diabetes. However, this vegetable should be excluded at the

The Russian has exposed the Crimeans in the desire to cash in on tourists

The Russian told about the way of deceiving tourists in Crimea by means of parking for cars tourists using car parks. He shared his revelation on his personal blog on the Yandex.Zen platform. So, he learned about this trick from his relatives, who decided to visit the Vorontsov, Livadia and Massandra palaces. According to them, travelers wishing to go to attractions by car are required to pay 300 rubles for parking. He noted that tourists were asked for money for parking on an ordinary street, where there was no checkpoint or information stand with prices. The blogger decided to check the situation himself and went to the Livadia Palace – as a result, a man also approached him, presented a receipt and named the cost of parking. “Do you feel the pressure? Everything is presented as if I have no options, and you have to pay for parking, “he said

Former Kremlin speechwriter predicted 90s after Putin left

Former speechwriter Gallyamov: after Putin's departure, there will be no new 90s chaos and the new 90s will begin, the former Kremlin speechwriter, political strategist Abbas Gallyamov, who worked in the department for preparing public speeches of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, predicted. He wrote about this in his Telegram channel. “Ahead of the new federalization and the new 90s. The center will weaken, and the regions “take as much sovereignty as they can take away,” the political scientist wrote. Gallyamov believes that after Putin's departure the new government will have nothing to rely on. This will lead to new conflicts and devastation. “Without the new 90s, with their chaotically flaring up here and there conflicts will not do,” – said Gallyamov. Earlier, Russian President Vladimir During an interview with CNBC journalist Headley Gamble, Putin answered a question about a possible successor, explaining that this topic has not

An explosion thundered in a cafe in Kazakhstan

An explosion thundered in a cafe in the Kazakh city of Aktau An explosion thundered in one of the cafes in the city of Aktau in Kazakhstan. This was reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the regional department of emergency situations. The incident took place on the evening of November 7. As a result of the explosion, the building was completely destroyed. The cause of the explosion, as well as the area of ​​destruction, are currently being established. No information about the victims has been reported at the moment. Earlier, a fire broke out at a warehouse in a military unit in the Zhambyl region. An hour later, ammunition explosions began. At least 10 explosions were recorded.

Saakashvili refused medical treatment in prison after publishing with his food intake

Saakashvili's doctor: the ex-president of Georgia refused to take medications and transfusions the politician refused to take medications in prison after the Ministry of Justice published a video in which he takes food. His words are reported by TASS. The physician clarified that Saakashvili will not take medications, undergo tests and do transfusions. “He no longer wants to have something done to him in this institution,” Kipshidze emphasized. Earlier, Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Yelizaveta Yasko called a video published in which former Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili allegedly eating food was fake in prison. On November 6, the Georgian Penitentiary Service published a video showing Saakashvili eating porridge. There is also a bottle of juice next to him.