The Kremlin reacted to the fight in Vatutinki

Kremlin spokesman Peskov called the participants in the fight in Vatutinki Russians fight in Vatutinki in New Moscow. This was stated by the press secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov, RIA Novosti reports. According to him, all parties to the conflict are Russians. “In fact, it is about violations committed by Russian citizens, and this is what is important. And the investigating authorities are bringing charges, investigative actions are underway. If these charges are proven in court, then, accordingly, these Russian citizens will be held accountable. There is no national motive here and there cannot be. All citizens of Russia, “Peskov said. The conflict in the Novye Vatutinki area took place on November 4 – four young men attacked a man with a child. Law enforcement agencies opened a criminal case. The Moscow headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs said that the attackers were employed as laborers.

The Kremlin assessed the effectiveness of non-working days

Dmitry Peskov: it is too early to draw conclusions about the effectiveness of non-working days in the fight against COVID-19 coronavirus is too early to do. This is how the Kremlin press secretary Dmitry Peskov assessed the past long weekend, TASS reports his words. The Kremlin spokesman noted that conclusions about non-working days in Russia could be drawn no earlier than in a week. < p> This opinion is shared by the epidemiologist, candidate of medical sciences Alexander Vygonaylov. According to him, any assessment of the lockdown in Russia can be given using the data on the incidence of the headquarters, which will appear next week. The long weekend ended in Moscow and the Moscow region. The authorities said that the decision not to extend them is due to the stabilization of the epidemiological situation with the coronavirus in the region. In a number of other Russian regions, the non-working

Russia has created its own medicine for COVID-19

Kommersant: the Russian company Valenta Pharm produces the drug innoviron against COVID-19 innovation, the developer of the drug was Valenta Pharm, Kommersant reports. Experts conducted the second phase of drug testing back in June. At the end of October this year, documents were sent to register the development. Valenta Pharm had previously attempted to create a drug against coronavirus. According to Kommersant's information, Ingavirin was tested, but the results were not so successful. Last week, Britain announced the registration of the world's first COVID-19 drug – molnupiravir from Merck. In addition, Pfizer announced its own development – poxlavir. These drugs act on coronavirus enzymes, blocking them. Earlier, virologist Sergei Netesov said that acute respiratory viral infections and COVID-19 do not differ between symptoms, the disease can only be clarified through testing.

Gunzburg called the level of antibodies sufficient to protect against COVID-19

Gunzburg: the level of 500 neutralizing antibody units is ideal for protection against COVID-19 The head of the Gamalea Center Alexander Gunzburg revealed the level of antibodies, sufficient to protect against coronavirus. He told about this in an interview with Izvestia. Gunzburg noted that, according to a study by the Gamaleya Center, conducted jointly with the Moscow Department of Health, 300 antibodies in international units fully protect against the delta strain COVID-19. According to him, if a person has less, then he should be vaccinated with Sputnik Light. The head of the center also added that if after vaccination with “Light” the patient has only 350-400 antibodies, then it is worth being vaccinated with the second component of “Sputnik V”. “If you have 500 units or more, then this is ideal for protection against infection with COVID-19,” he summed up. It is noted that recently the World Health Organization (WHO)

Pakistan fired on Indian fishing boat

Pakistani military opened fire on an Indian fishing vessel, there is a deceased The Pakistani Maritime Security Agency fired at an Indian fishing vessel. This was reported by the NDTV channel. The incident occurred in the Arabian Sea. There were seven fishermen on board. As a result of indiscriminate shooting, one person hid in a cabin, but received three bullets in the chest and died. The ship's captain was wounded and taken to a hospital in the Indian state of Gujarat. The Indian side claims that the fishermen were outside the 12-mile economic zone of the countries and did not provoke the Pakistani military. In February, Pakistan admitted that it is holding 270 fishermen with Indian citizenship in prisons. In India, 77 Pakistani fishermen were arrested. In December 2019, the nuclear powers Pakistan and India fired on the border area in the disputed Kashmir. Two Pakistanis and two Indians, including

Musk's followers advised him to sell Tesla shares

Twitter users voted for Elon Musk to sell 10% of Tesla shares , supported the sale of 10 percent of Tesla shares. This follows from the results of a survey conducted by the entrepreneur on Twitter. In particular, 57.9 percent of respondents were in favor of the sale of securities, while 42.1 percent were against. In total, over 3.5 million people took part in the voting. The billionaire himself said that the sale of shares is the only way to pay taxes. Earlier, Elon Musk said that “there has been too much discussion lately that unrealized profits are a means of tax evasion.” In this regard, he asked the users for advice on whether he needed to sell 10 percent of the shares of Tesla, which he founded, and said that he would make a decision based on the results of the vote. On November 1, Elon Musk's fortune increased

Russia to take out Afghans with Russian citizenship from Kabul

Ambassador Zhirnov: Russia will take Afghan citizens with a Russian passport from Kabul on a special flight Russia will send a special flight to Kabul, from there Afghanistan with a Russian passport. This was announced by the Russian Ambassador to the country Dmitry Zhirnov on the air of the Russia 1 TV channel, RIA Novosti reports. As Zhirnov said, humanitarian aid, including food and flour, will be delivered to Afghanistan on a special flight. “With the same special flights in November, we will take out Afghan citizens who have Russian citizenship,” he added. The next flights from Kabul will deliver students who are enrolled in Russian universities under special quotas and internships. “They simply do not have money for tickets, and training must continue,” Zhirnov said. According to him, representatives of the radical Taliban movement ( banned in the Russian Federation ) support this. Earlier, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov

Virologist assesses the chance of emergence in Russia of the COVID-19 strain that is leaving vaccines

Virologist Agranovsky allowed the emergence in Russia of the COVID-19 strain that is leaving vaccines Russia may develop a strain of coronavirus that will have the ability to move away from existing vaccines. He stated this in an interview with The virologist noted that a new variant could arise in any country where there are many cases of COVID-19 infection. He stressed that it is very difficult to predict the properties of such a strain. For example, it can be a strain that is leaving vaccines, the expert explained. At the same time, Agranovsky noted that while the delta strain of the virus dominates, which creates an obstacle to the emergence of new variants. In addition, the specialist said that variations of the coronavirus appear constantly while viral replication occurs. “When large populations are infected, there is a higher chance of selecting those mutations that are beneficial to the

Non-working days ended in Moscow and Moscow region

Non-working days ended in Moscow Non-working days ended in Moscow and Moscow region. As reported on the official portal of the Moscow government, the decision not to extend it was made due to the fact that the situation related to the coronavirus pandemic has stabilized. However, a number of restrictions will continue to apply in the capital. In particular, preferential and free travel on public transport will be suspended for citizens observing the home regime. This group includes citizens with chronic diseases, Muscovites over 60 years old, as well as those who have not been vaccinated and have not had COVID-19 in the past six months. In addition, it will be possible to visit theaters and museums only upon presentation of a QR code. It is mandatory to show them, as well as to wear protective masks, at concerts, entertainment, cultural, entertainment, sports events where more than 500 people are

Iraqi prime minister spoke about assassination attempt

Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazimi: I know who tried to kill me Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazimi commented on the attempt on himself. This is reported by RIA Novosti. According to him, he knows who tried to kill him using a drone with explosives directed at the residence. The prime minister noted that those who committed this crime will be prosecuted and exposed. He also stressed that the assassins of the officer of the Iraqi National Intelligence Service, Colonel Nebras Farman, who was injured in the attack, will be held accountable for their actions. Earlier, the Iraqi Interior Ministry called the attempted assassination of Mustafa al-Kazimi a terrorist act. The representative of the department emphasized that the attack was carried out using three unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), two of which were shot down. At the same time, the third drone hit al-Kazimi's house – as a result, several of the