The authorities have named the number of Russians who took part in the census

Government of the Russian Federation: more than 120 million people took part in the census The authorities named the number of Russians who took part in the All-Russian population census. The data was published on Monday, November 8, on the official page of the Russian government on Instagram. Thus, it is reported that almost 85 percent of citizens – more than 120 million people – have already answered the census questions. It is assumed that the data provided is used to improve the lives of Russians. On their basis, decisions will also be made on the development of the infrastructure of the country's regions. It is specified that due to the coronavirus restrictions introduced in the country, the All-Russian Population Census was extended until November 14. It is possible to take part in it for the first time online through the portal of state services. Rosstat launched the all-Russian population

Died former Russian energy minister Sergei Shmatko

Former Russian Energy Minister Sergei Shmatko died after contracting COVID-19, he was 55 years old Former Russian Energy Minister Sergei Shmatko died … This is reported by Baza. The 55-year-old politician was hospitalized with coronavirus a week ago, and died in intensive care on the evening of November 7. Sergei Shmatko headed the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation from 2008 to 2012. In 2013, he was appointed to the post of special representative of the President of Russia for international cooperation in the field of electric power. On November 7, it became known about the death of the last Minister of Railways of Russia and former vice-president of Russian Railways Vadim Morozov. He was 67 years old. The cause of death was not specified. He held a ministerial position from October 2003 to February 2004.

Rospotrebnadzor told about changes in typical symptoms of COVID-19

Rospotrebnadzor expert Pshenichnaya announced a greater similarity between the symptoms of COVID-19 and SARS The change in the typical symptoms of the disease to RIA Novosti was told by the Deputy Director for Clinical and Analytical Work of the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Natalya Pshenichnaya. According to her, the vast majority of patients with COVID-19 suffer from runny nose and sore throat. At the same time, the loss of smell and taste faded into the background, the specialist noted. She stressed that in 30-50 percent of cases of infection at the onset of the disease, diarrhea and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract began to occur. Wheat also added that the coronavirus infection can multiply in the intestines of the sick person even after recovery. At the same time, she said that in some it can be found even months after the

Gunzburg named enough antibodies to protect against coronavirus

Gunzburg called 300 units of antibodies as reliable protection against the delta strain of coronavirus from the coronavirus. The results of a corresponding study, conducted jointly with the Moscow Department of Health, he told in an interview with the Izvestia newspaper. According to the scientist, 300 antibodies in international units are required for complete protection against the delta strain. If this figure is lower, then it is necessary to be vaccinated with Sputnik Light. If after that the level of antibodies is in the region of 350-400 units, then you can inoculate with the second component of “Sputnik V”. Gunzburg called an indicator of 500 antibodies and above ideal for protection against infection with COVID-19. 500 neutralizing units ideal for protection against infection with coronavirus level of antibodies As the specialist explained, international units mean banding antibody units, which was recently introduced by the World Health Organization (WHO). The reason

В России за сутки выявили 39 400 случаев заражения коронавирусом

Регионы—лидеры по числу новых случаев: Москва — 4982 (1 866 606 с начала пандемии); Московская область — 3429 (542 376); Санкт-Петербург — 2597 (733 059); Самарская область — 1736 (146 100); Воронежская область — 799 (160 626). За сутки умерли 1190 заболевших COVID-19. Это на 0,93% больше, чем сутками раньше (1179). За все время пандемии скончались 248 004 человека. Выздоровели 25 582 человека, всего — 7 587 560. Регионы—лидеры по числу смертей: Москва —97 (32 112 за все время); Санкт-Петербург — 85 (24 552); Московская область — 59 (9179); Краснодарский край — 46 (7735); Ставропольский край — 43 (4338). С 8 ноября в России начали действовать новые сертификаты о прививке от коронавируса. Утром многие россияне пожаловались на сокращение сроков действия QR-кодов на шесть месяцев, что привело к обнулению некоторых. Минцифры и Минздрав сообщили, что причиной изменения сроков стали технические работы на «Госуслугах», сейчас QR-коды восстанавливаются.

Russia introduced new certificates of vaccination against coronavirus

In Russia, from November 8, a new uniform certificate of vaccination against COVID-19 is being introduced In Russia, from November 8, a new certificate will be issued about vaccination against coronavirus or about a past illness. This was reported on the official Internet portal of legal information. The document can be obtained in electronic form on the portal of public services no later than three days after the completion of vaccination. It will also be available in paper form, but this will require a visit to the MFC. Previously issued certificates will be reissued automatically until March 1, 2022. Earlier, the Ministry of Health showed a new single-sample certificate of vaccination against coronavirus. It is automatically generated as an electronic document in Russian and English. The document also provides for a place for a QR code. In October, the director of the Gamaleya National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology,

New certificates of vaccination against coronavirus began to operate in Russia

Since November 8, Russia has changed the form of the COVID-19 vaccination certificate coronavirus, medical contraindications to it or a previous illness. The corresponding order of the Ministry of Health has been published on the official Internet portal of legal information. The document will be available in two languages ​​- Russian and English. You can get a certificate in both paper and electronic form. To obtain a paper version, you must visit the MFC. An electronic file will be generated on the public services portal no later than three days after the completion of vaccination. Certificates containing information about the vaccinations received or the transferred infection, which were received before this date, will be renewed automatically until March 1, 2022. New section The new certificate will contain detailed information about its owner: last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, gender, address of residence of the Russian and the date

The conductor wanted to drop off the Russian schoolchildren who paid the fare on the bridge

In Krasnoyarsk, the conductor on the bridge asked to drop off the schoolchildren who paid for the fare In Krasnoyarsk, the conductor asked the driver of the schoolchildren who paid for the fare. This is reported by “TVK”. According to the passenger, one of the boys at first gave a blank card by mistake, but then paid off the other. The conductor started shouting at the child and accusing him of wanting to ride as a hare. An eyewitness to the conflict emphasized that all the children were polite. She said that the woman wanted to drop three Russian schoolchildren in the middle of the bridge, but in the end the driver drove to the Ostrov Otdykha stop and dropped them off there. “For some reason, the conductor thought that they wanted to fool her. She screamed that she was tired of stupid children who make fun of her and

Peskov said there is no interethnic motive for the fight in Vatutinki

“There, in fact, we are talking about & nbsp; offenses by & nbsp; the part of Russian citizens and is important. And & nbsp; the investigating authorities are bringing charges, investigative actions are underway. If these charges are proven in & nbsp; court, then & nbsp; accordingly, these citizens of Russia will be held accountable. There is no national motive here and & nbsp; can not be. All citizens of Russia & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said Peskov.

Москва возвращается к привычному ритму

В Москве закончились нерабочие дни. Вновь начинают функционировать магазины, рестораны и кинотеатры, но для музеев и театров ограничения остаются. Посетить их можно только по QR-коду. В столице, по словам властей, ситуация стабилизировалась, но заболеваемость в регионах по-прежнему высока. Из-за этого власти Татарстана, например, ввели беспрецедентные ограничения на работу общественного транспорта. Когда можно ожидать эффекта от прошедшего локдауна? И будут ли власти ужесточать ограничения? Об этом — Даниил Бабкин. Нерабочие дни закончились в большинстве российских регионов. Локдаун продлили только в пяти областях — Челябинской, Брянской, Курской, Новгородской и Томской областях, где рекорды заражений фиксировались всю последнюю неделю. Хотя в Крыму, например, заболеваемость неуклонно растет уже почти два месяца, но и там, и в Севастополе не просто не продлили нерабочие дни, но и даже разрешили заселяться в гостиницы без QR-кода. В Москве же, по словам мэра Сергея Собянина, ситуация более-менее стабилизировалась. 7 ноября, например, заразились меньше 5 тыс. человек — последний раз столько было 13 октября. Но чтобы сдержать пандемию, меры должны быть жестче, считает главный врач сети клиник «К+31» Борис Чурадзе: Главный фактор — это количество госпитализаций, занятость коек и реанимационных мест, число тяжелых пациентов. Что касается показателей, то в Москве система здравоохранения, хоть и с большим напряжением и трудом, но справляется.