The therapist named the timing of the increased temperature in COVID-19

Therapist Chernenko: the temperature in coronavirus can last up to ten days During COVID-19, elevated temperatures can last up to ten days. This term was named by the therapist Elena Chernenko, reports “Doctor Peter”. “It is very important to understand whether [the temperature] is getting lost and whether it is going to decrease. If it grows by the seventh or eighth day, an urgent examination by a doctor is necessary and hospitalization is possible, “the doctor said. According to her, at the same time, a stable temperature above 38 degrees on the seventh or eighth day for those who do not suffers from chronic diseases, does not speak of danger. In such a condition, it is necessary to bring down the temperature with the help of antipyretic drugs, Chernenko emphasized. She added that she had encountered patients with COVID-19 who lay for ten days with a temperature of 39, and

In Novosibirsk, a passenger wounded a taxi driver

In Novosibirsk, a passenger shot a taxi driver with a traumatic pistol In Novosibirsk, a taxi passenger opened fire in a car with a traumatic pistol. This was reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the region. The incident took place on November 7 near a house on Parkhomenko Street. According to preliminary information, the conflict arose on a domestic basis due to a verbal skirmish. During the dispute, one of the participants fired two shots. As a result, the taxi driver with bodily injuries was taken by an ambulance to the hospital. The passenger who shot fled the scene. Currently, the police are looking for him. Earlier in the Moscow region, a drunk passenger attacked the driver and threatened to cut his throat. A video of the incident was posted online. The footage

The validity period of QR codes has been reduced in Russia

In Russia, the validity period of QR codes has been reduced from one year to six months vaccination reduced from one year to six months. This follows from the data published on the website of state services, RBC reports. Certificates of vaccinated users, which were previously valid for a year, from November 8 appear as valid for six months, according to state services. Later at the federal operational headquarters, the change in the validity period of QR codes was called a program failure. The Ministry of Health said that the electronic document also continues to be valid for a year. Earlier, the Ministry of Health announced the need to shorten the validity period of QR codes. They added that the vaccination certificate is valid for a year, because initially its validity period was designed for the Wuhan strain of COVID-19. From November 8 in Russia, residents can receive new certificates

The State Duma commented on the statement of the virologist about compulsory vaccination

State Duma deputy Kurinny: compulsory vaccination will not affect the statistics on coronavirus Russia. It is necessary to act by other methods, commented on the statement of the virologist Pyotr Chumakov, member of the State Duma Committee on Health Protection Alexei Kurinny in an interview with the radio station “Moscow speaking”. According to him, the virologist's methods need to be disclosed. Currently, almost all mechanisms are involved, with the exception of the introduction of the so-called compulsory vaccination at the federal level. “In my opinion, it will not solve anything, because those categories that fall under such compulsory vaccination, in fact already vaccinated somewhere in 80 percent, somewhere a little more, somewhere a little less, “concluded Kurinny. Earlier, RAS Corresponding Member Peter Chumakov spoke in favor of compulsory vaccination in Russia. The well-known virologist noted the low level of vaccination and said that “we must shout about it.” At the

The State Duma responded to the reduction in the validity of vaccination certificates

Khinshtein: the decision to shorten the validity of the certificates must be announced in advance announce in advance, and not create massive inconveniences for citizens, especially at times of peak load. This is how the chairman of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy Alexander Khinshtein reacted to the situation in his Telegram channel. “Thank God, the Government had the wisdom to restore the status quo, canceling the previous decision of the Ministry of Health to reduce the validity of QR codes.” , – he noted. On Monday, November 8, some users of public services noticed that the validity of vaccination certificates changed from 12 to 6 months. This happened due to the technical work that was carried out on the portal. Later, the Ministry of Digital Science and the Ministry of Health explained that the QR codes that Russian citizens receive on public services after being vaccinated against COVID-19

In the Moscow region, the daily record of detected cases of COVID-19 was updated

Headquarters: 3429 cases of COVID-19 were detected in the Moscow region, this is a new record 3429 cases of COV were detected in the Moscow region , reports the operational headquarters for the fight against infection in its Telegram channel. 3429 cases of COVID-19 detected in the Moscow region in a day This is a new record since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic. A day earlier, 3297 cases of infection were recorded in the Moscow region. 59 patients with COVID-19 died in the Moscow region per day, since the beginning of the pandemic – 9179. The daily recovery rate was 3025, the total – 472 223. > In total, 39 400 new cases of coronavirus were detected in Russia over the past 24 hours.

The Federation Council appreciated the words of Gordon about Russia's participation in anti-vaccination rallies

Tsekov: Gordon's words about Russia's participation in anti-vaccine rallies sound too small in Ukraine and Moldova they sound small. This assessment was given by a member of the Federation Council from Crimea Sergei Tsekov in an interview with At the same time, the politician ridiculed the TV presenter's words that “the hand of Moscow is visible all over the world.” “Maybe the hand of Moscow is all over the world, maybe it should have been expressed to him? In general, Gordon is an obvious Russophobe. Whatever happens in Ukraine, he always blames the Russian Federation for it, “Tsekov noted. He specified that anti-Russian sentiments are constantly provoked or fueled in Kiev, such actions are very harmful to Ukraine. According to the politician, this country needs “very good relations with Russia”, because only in this case, peace and order will come to Ukraine. Earlier, Gordon said that Russia could be

The Russians were told about the difference between the symptoms of coronavirus and SARS

Virologist Netesov stated that it is possible to distinguish ARVI from COVID-19 only with the help of tests In acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) and COVID-19 there is no difference between the symptoms, the disease can only be clarified through testing. This was stated by virologist Sergei Netesov in an interview with The specialist clarified that the coronavirus is of the same nature as ARVI. The diagnosis is made after PCR tests, tests for antibodies of the IgA class and antibodies of the IgM class are ready. “You cannot distinguish them by eye. Symptoms, if someone says that he knows how to distinguish, this is a very self-confident person, “Netesov explained. Earlier, a pulmonologist Sergei Babak compared the combination of COVID-19 and lung diseases with an” atomic bomb ” that explodes in the human body. According to him, if the virus is superimposed on other diseases of organs, in

The Kremlin told about the conversation between Putin and the director of the CIA

Kremlin spokesman Peskov: President Putin spoke on the phone with the CIA director Russian President Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with the director of the Central Intelligence Agency ( CIA) by William Burns, who came to Moscow. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told about this, writes TASS. According to the press secretary of the head of state, during the conversation, the sides touched upon bilateral relations, the crisis situation in diplomatic practice, as well as the exchange of views on regional conflicts. In addition, Putin and Burns discussed cybersecurity issues. The fact that Burns flew to Moscow on behalf of US President Joe Biden became known on November 2. The purpose of his visit is to hold a series of meetings with representatives of the Russian authorities and discuss issues of US-Russian relations. In turn, the United States Embassy in Moscow reported that the meetings are scheduled for November 2-3.

The Kremlin commented on the information on the shortening of the validity period of QR codes

Peskov stated that the shortening of the validity period of QR codes in Russia was not discussed or vaccination against COVID-19, from a year to six months has not been discussed or discussed. This was stated by the official representative of the Kremlin Dmitry Peskov, he is quoted by TASS. The press secretary of the president stressed that the disruptions in the validity period of the digital document are related to technical work on the portal. The service of public services is constantly being improved, its functionality is expanding – this process is sometimes accompanied by failures, Peskov noted. Earlier, some users of public services discovered that the validity period of QR codes has been reduced from one year to six months. At the same time, some regional Ministries of Health stated that such an initiative was not coordinated with them and the vaccination certificate continues to be valid for