Epidemiologist named the most protected category of people from COVID-19

Epidemiologist Favorov: those who have been ill and vaccinated are most protected from COVID-19 The most protected from coronavirus category of people are those who have been ill COVID-19 and was vaccinated six to nine months later. This category was named by the doctor of medical sciences, epidemiologist Mikhail Favorov, reports Echo of Moscow in its Telegram channel. According to him, this group of people can live a normal life. The doctor stressed that they will still be forced to wear masks, while the lack of personal protective equipment for them is not dangerous. “Those who were not sick, vaccinated and revaccinated – it is advisable to be vaccinated with a different vaccine than vaccinated, so that antibodies had a wide spectrum so that everything was different, “- said Favorov. He explained that it is better for the vaccinated Sputnik V to be vaccinated again with CoviVac in six to

Porsche tore in half on the way to St. Petersburg

On the 162th km of Scandinavia, the Porsche driver lost control and crashed into a post An accident involving a Porsche car occurred on the side of St. Petersburg. This was reported in the group “Accidents and Emergencies | St. Petersburg “in” VKontakte “. According to one of the subscribers, the accident occurred at about 11:00 on Monday, November 8, at the 162th kilometer of the way. It is known that the driver of the foreign car lost control and crashed into a pole, after which the vehicle was torn in half and thrown into a ditch. According to preliminary data, the motorist survived, but received a back injury. Eyewitnesses provided him with first aid and called doctors, who subsequently took the victim to the hospital. The press service of the FKU Uprdor “North-West” told “Fontanka” that the accident occurred on the city section of the highway, 700 meters away

British doctors will be prevented from earning more for the sake of justice

Times: British doctors will be banned from moving to wealthy areas of the country This will prevent them from earning more, but will lead to greater fairness in the availability of medical services for the British, writes The Times, citing data from the analytical center. It is clarified that the head of the Ministry of Health Sajid David and Prime Minister Boris Johnson in this way want to tackle the disease of inequality, that is, to improve the quality of medicine in those parts of the UK where the population is less affluent. Currently, there are noticeably fewer doctors in these regions than in richer ones. Earlier in October, the Russian Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Health finalized a draft reform of payments to medical workers: their salaries will be determined according to the same rules for the whole country, and will consist of from salary and incentive

The Russian national team has lost two players before the decisive matches of the selection at the World Cup

Zakharyan and Samoshnikov will not help the Russian team in the decisive qualification matches for the 2022 World Cup Dynamo midfielder Arsen Zakharyan and defender »Ilya Samoshnikov will not help the Russian national team in the decisive matches of the 2022 World Cup qualification. This was reported in the Telegram channel of the national team. The national team lost its players due to medical reasons. Due to the injuries of the players, Zenit defender Danil Krugovoy received a call to the national team. On November 11, the Russian national team will play at home with Cyprus. Three days later, Valery Karpin's team will meet Croatia on the road. These matches will be the final matches in the World Cup qualification. At the moment, the Russians are leading the qualifying group with 19 points, two points ahead of the second-ranked Croats. Samoshnikov has played 13 matches in the Russian Premier League

Possible organizers of assassination attempt on Iraqi prime minister named

Orientalist Truevtsev: the attack on the Iraqi prime minister was organized by those dissatisfied with the election results are representatives of radical pro-Iranian groups. This assumption in a conversation with “Lenta.ru” was expressed by a leading researcher at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences Konstantin Truevtsev. According to him, these groups may be associated with the pro-Iranian coalition Al-Hashd al-Shaabi (People's Mobilization Forces), which is unhappy with the defeat in the October elections and is now protesting and demanding to reconsider the voting results. The orientalist noted that such an attack is just a separate element of pressure on the political elite and, in particular, on the Iraqi government. “The version that al-Kazimi organized it himself is too false,” Truevtsev noted. Related materials 00:03 – June 24 “The world order must be changed” Former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad – on the collapse of the United

The Kremlin answered the question about Gazprom's failure to comply with Putin's request

Peskov addressed to Gazprom the question of gas supplies to Europe The Kremlin does not believe that Gazprom did not fulfill the request of the Russian President Vladimir Putin on increasing gas supplies to Europe. This was stated by the press secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov, answering the relevant question of journalists, RIA Novosti reports. The Kremlin representative offered to address the question to the company. “Of course, there was an order from the president, here you heard the words of the head of the holding, but as for such daily management, you need to contact them, to Gazprom,” Peskov said.

Gunzburg reveals a way to overcome COVID-19 in a few months

Gunzburg: COVID-19 will be overcome in a few months with an increase in the number of vaccinated coronavirus in Russia can be overcome in a few months if the number of people vaccinated daily increases sharply. He stated this in an interview with Izvestia. Gunzburg noted that restrictive measures in themselves are practically useless. The head of the center explained that they must be combined with a sharp increase in the number of vaccinated against COVID-19. So, he recalled that Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin announced a fourfold increase in the number of people vaccinated per day over the past 10 days. At the same time, according to him, this number must increase 10 times so that the disease can be overcome in a few months. Earlier, Gunzburg disclosed the level of antibodies sufficient to protect against coronavirus. Gunzburg noted that, according to a study by the Gamaleya Center, conducted jointly

The doctor warned about the “atomic bomb” when combining COVID-19 with other diseases

Pulmonologist Babak compared the combination of COVID-19 and lung diseases with an “atomic bomb” Pulmonologist Sergey Babak and lung diseases with the “atomic bomb” that explodes in the human body. He told about this in an interview with radio Sputnik. Babak explained that the coronavirus primarily affects the lungs, and if the virus is superimposed on other serious diseases of this organ, then the danger increases many times over. He noted that there is such a disease as idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), which manifests itself in people aged 70 and older, in which the lungs “shrink”. Against the background of coronavirus infection, the same processes occur in the lungs, the pulmonologist added. It is noted that the risk of developing this disease increases with smoking. In addition, the doctor said that there is still chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, which also manifests itself in smokers. He noted that the combination of

Russia wanted to simplify the issuance of visas to foreigners for vaccine tours

Chapter “Travel Assistance”: a visa for vaccine tourists should be issued according to a simplified procedure foreigners who want to come to Russia for the vaccine. The head of the Turpomosch association Alexander Osaulenko told Izvestia about this. According to him, the term for issuing such visas is proposed to be reduced to 1-3 days. The expert emphasized that the visa for those entering under this program “should be a prototype of an electronic visa” and be issued according to a simplified procedure. “The decision on this issue must now be approved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Internal Affairs,” Osaulenko clarified. The head of Tourist Assistance also noted that a large influx of foreigners is expected for the Russian single-component vaccine Sputnik Light, since the drug has already been proven its effectiveness. The launch of organized vaccine tourism is scheduled for January 2022. In September,

Candidates who changed their surnames were offered to restrict the right to participate in elections

RT: Russia has proposed to ban those who have changed their surnames from participating in elections as candidates participation in elections to Russians who have recently changed their surnames. The corresponding letter was sent to the head of the Federation Council of Russia Valentina Matvienko, reports RT. According to the political scientist, the namesakes of real political figures are often used in election campaigns. If there is no such person, then to participate in the elections, as so-called spoilers, they found those who are ready to quickly change their first and last name. In this regard, Orlov proposed to prohibit those who changed his name during the year preceding voting day. An exception will be cases when the surname has changed after the registration of marriage. In September, the electoral commission of St. ballots of candidates who changed their first and last name to the same as his. They noted