Maslyakov spoke about the future of KVN after the suspension of the filming of the show “Game”

TV presenter Alexander Maslyakov: KVN has a bright future, we are not going to close down accused the creators of the comedy show “Game” on TNT, the filming of which was suspended, of plagiarism and spoke about the future of his project. His words are reported by The TV presenter denied rumors about the closure of KVN, which appeared after the launch of the “Game” show, the format of which was considered by many to be similar to Maslyakov's project. According to the head of the club, the authors of the program on TNT “took and stole the idea” of KVN. “KVN has a bright future. We're not going to close. Why on earth? We know the capabilities of KVN, we know the interests of young people, “he stressed. Maslyakov also recalled that recently a new project, Children's KVN, was launched on Channel One. “So everything will be fine,”

The State Duma named the best way to accelerate the pace of vaccination in Russia

Deputy Leonov urged to look at the mortality statistics to accelerate the rate of vaccination in Russia is to look at the mortality statistics for coronavirus. This decision was called by the deputy of the State Duma, deputy chairman of the parliamentary committee for health protection Sergei Leonov. His words on Monday, November 8, are quoted by So he commented on the statement of the famous Russian virologist, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of the Cell Proliferation Laboratory at the Engelgardt Institute of Molecular Biology Pyotr Chumakov, who spoke for compulsory vaccination in Russia. Leonov also noted that, as a doctor, he considers vaccination necessary in the current conditions. “The more people will be vaccinated, the less problems we will have with providing medical care to those patients who suffer from COVID-19,” he said. As of November 8, over the past day in Russia 39.4

Man adopted immediately after birth found his own mother 40 years later

An American for 40 years has been looking for his own mother and found using a website to find relatives In San Diego USA, Tobay Houghton was reunited with his own mother , who gave him up for adoption immediately after birth, after 40 years of separation. This is reported by the Daily Mail. Houghton began searching for his biological mother in 1982. The man said that the adoptive father was always frank with him and never interfered with his meeting with the parent. At the age of 12, the American sent a request to the adoption agency, but did not receive any information about the mother, and began an independent investigation, which lasted 40 years. Related materials00: 03 – January 24, 2020 Parallel Lives The separated twins met after 39 years. The striking resemblance made them famous all over the world00: 06 – 23 May 2019 “It was a

New data of the incident with the WizzAir plane landed in Kiev with the Russians

Ukraine checked passengers on a WizzAir plane that landed in Kiev due to fog in Moscow In November, he operated a flight from Budapest to Moscow, but landed in Kiev because of the fog in the Russian capital. An informed source told about the new data on the incident. According to the interlocutor of the publication, the Ukrainian authorities did it for verification. “The fact that the Ukrainian authorities first gave permission to fly to Moscow, and then revoked it – a game of time – they checked the list of passengers. They probably wanted to find something, because there were only citizens of the Russian Federation on board, “he said, noting that the check could have been carried out by the security forces. One of the passengers told REN TV about the transfer of the passenger lists to the Ukrainian authorities. The Russian noted that the employees of

The Ministry of Health highly appreciated the work of the Lipetsk region in the fight against COVID-19

The Ministry of Health noted the professionalism of the Lipetsk region administration in combating COVID-19 In the Lipetsk region, effective routing of patients with COVID-19 has been organized, high rates of vaccination have been recorded, including among the older generation and pregnant women, and compliance with the introduced anti-epidemic measures is being monitored. All measures are being taken by the regional government against the backdrop of a difficult epidemic situation. This was stated by the Deputy Minister of Health of Russia Sergey Glagolev at a meeting with the Governor of the Lipetsk Region Igor Artamonov, where the measures taken by the administration to combat the spread of COVID-19 were discussed. The deputy head of the Federal Ministry of Health is on a working visit to the Lipetsk region together with Olga Kobyakova, director of the Central Research Institute for Organization and Informatization of Healthcare (TsNIIOIZ) of the Ministry of Health

“Leaders of Russia” will be engaged in space technologies

The finalists of the “Leaders of Russia” headed the corporation “New Space” Anton Alekseev and Ilya Babenko, finalist of the specialization “Finance and Technology”, headed the “Corporation for Aerospace Activities” New Space “”, which will be engaged in the development of space and digital technologies. This was reported in a press release received by on Monday, November 8. Alekseev was appointed CEO of the corporation, and Babenko was appointed First Deputy CEO. ” The New Space Corporation was created to implement breakthrough projects in the space and digital spheres for the innovative and technological development of our country … I am sure that the new format and capabilities of the corporation will be able to bring projects in the space sector to a qualitatively new level, “Alekseev said. p> He added that a number of projects have already been launched in the southern regions of Russia. In turn, Babenko

Russian lawyer spoke about the procedure for obtaining new vaccination certificates

Lawyer Gavrishev: vaccination certificates will be replaced with those updated before March 1, 2022 The original COVID-19 vaccination documents will be automatically replaced with updated before March 1, 2022. Data on re-registration will be communicated to each citizen in a personal account on public services. Alexey Gavrishev, a lawyer and head of AVG Legal, told Izvestia about this procedure. It was difficult to combat the massive falsification of vaccination certificates in Russia before the introduction of a single sample, the expert noted. “The form introduced by the ministry should help in identifying and revoking fake certificates,” Gavrishev explained. He suggested that previously issued fake certificates would be automatically revoked using a complex technical renewal procedure. If a person wants to receive an updated vaccination document in paper form, he needs to apply with the appropriate application to the MFC. In addition, a paper version of the certificate can be ordered

Russian epidemiologist predicted the end of the coronavirus pandemic

Epidemiologist Favorov: The coronavirus pandemic in Russia will end by 2023 will end by 2023. His words about the end of the unusually strong epidemic of COVID-19 are quoted by the radio station Echo of Moscow. He believes that the rise in the disease, which may occur in the autumn-winter period of 2022, will be enough to vaccinate the entire population. > “As I said that 2023 will be met without a mask, I continue to say so. Although, of course, I have fears that with such fighters – I did not expect at all that these people are ready to put their lives on the altar of the fight against the vaccine, “said the Russian specialist, noting that there are doctors among the fighters against vaccination. p> Earlier, Favorov named the category of people most protected from coronavirus. In his opinion, these are those who have had COVID-19 and

Political scientist spoke about Lukashenka's hybrid migration war with Europe

Political scientist Bolkunets: the migration crisis in Belarus will end in bloodshed at the border other government officials to put pressure on Europe, said political analyst Dmitry Bolkunets. In a conversation with “” he said that, most likely, this format of a hybrid special operation will end in bloodshed at the border. He also did not rule out the likelihood of terrorist attacks and noted that Lukashenka is planning a military hybrid operation against Poland. Earlier on November 8, a column of people walking along the highway near the Polish-Belarusian border was captured on video. Presumably, this is a crowd of illegal migrants heading from Belarus to Poland. Blackmail and bloodshed Bolkunets is sure: the hybrid migration crisis, which began in the summer, was created artificially, by the forces of the top leadership of Belarus, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, special services, carriers. In his opinion, Lukashenka decided to take