Opening dates of popular resorts of Vietnam for tourists announced

ATOR: Vietnam will open to foreigners from November 20 on the principle of “sandbox” This is reported by the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR). Thus, the Asian country plans to start receiving guests from November 20 on the “sandbox” principle. At the first stage, travelers who have completed a full course of vaccinations or have recovered from COVID-19 will be able to visit Phu Quoc Island, Da Nang resort, as well as the provinces of Quang Nam, Khanh Hoa and Quang Ninh. At the same time, the passage of mandatory quarantine for vacationers is not provided. The launch of the second stage is scheduled for January 2022. For tourists with immunity from coronavirus, after a week's stay at the first destination, travel to other destinations will be allowed. Related materials 00:10 – 12 April 2017 June 15-15, 2016 Save on sleepers10 life hacks, tricks and tricks by train

EU proposed to ban cryptocurrency mining

The Swedish financial regulator has proposed to the EU to ban mining Head of the Swedish Financial Conduct Authority (Finansinspektionen) Eric Tedeen and the head of the Environmental Protection Agency ( Naturvаrdsverket) Bjorn Reisinger proposed to the European Union to prohibit mining of cryptocurrencies using the Proof-of-Work (PoW) algorithm. The joint statement has been posted on the Finansinspektionen website. The mining of digital money is holding the region back from meeting the goals of the Paris Agreement on climate change, officials say. Proof-of-Work is a mechanism by which the authenticity and integrity of cryptocurrency transactions is verified. PoW-based systems are extremely resource intensive. Currently, this algorithm is used by most of the most popular cryptocurrencies – Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Dogecoin and others. Ethereum developers have already announced plans to move from PoW to another mechanism – Proof-of-Stake (PoS), which does not require mining. The University of Cambridge and the Digiconomist

Kadyrov recommended giving up physical contacts

In Chechnya, a new edition of the decree of the head of the republic on antiquated measures came into force the decree of the head of the region Ramzan Kadyrov on antiquity measures in a new edition. This was reported on the website of the government of the republic. According to the document, mass events with the participation of more than 50 people are temporarily prohibited in Chechnya. In addition, unvaccinated citizens over 60 years of age must comply with the regime of complete self-isolation, except for cases when they need to seek medical help. Kadyrov recommended reducing the number and scale of religious events, limiting the number of believers attending them, abstaining from physical contact when expressing condolences and greetings. It is also recommended to postpone wedding ceremonies for a favorable time, or limit the number of participants in the celebrations. In July, Chechnya introduced compulsory coronavirus vaccination for

The teenager distracted the crocodile with a stone and saved his brother

In the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, a teenager rescued his brother who was attacked by a swamp crocodile In the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, a teenager distracted a crocodile stone and saved the 17-year-old brother from death. This is reported by the Indian newspaper The Tribune. A swamp crocodile unexpectedly attacked 17-year-old Vikas when he washed his hands in an irrigation canal after working on a farm. The predator grabbed him by the right leg and dragged him along. Related materials 00:00 – January 7 “I'm not a timid tenth, but it scared even me” In 2020, not only coronavirus raged, but also animals. Even the most innocuous people rebelled against people 00:04 – 8 November 2019 “It was an ordinary life” She fled from Stalin, and he fled from Hitler … Then they got married and killed thousands of crocodiles The young man shouted and resisted, but

Lavrov linked NATO exercises in the Black Sea with a desire to provoke Russia

Sergey Lavrov: NATO exercises in the Black Sea are related to the containment of Russia by the United States Black Sea, are associated with Washington's desire to provoke Moscow and pursue a policy of containment. This was stated by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, quoted by RIA Novosti. The diplomat recalled that such provocations by the North Atlantic Alliance contradict the Russia-NATO Act signed in 1997 after the end of the Cold War. According to Lavrov, the alliance pledged “not to move its military infrastructure to the east,” but is already thinking about creating naval bases in Romania and Bulgaria. “This is a direct violation of the document that was signed, and which everyone extolled as a model for peaceful coexistence and forging partnership between Russia and NATO, “the Foreign Minister stressed. The United States began naval operations in the Mediterranean and Black Seas on October 30. The operations will

Poland attracts fighters against terrorism to protect against illegal immigrants

Poland has transferred anti-terrorist units to the border with Belarus Poland has transferred anti-terrorist units to the border with Belarus to protect illegal migrants from the crowd. This was announced by the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration of the Republic Maciej Wonsik on the air of Polish television. According to him, the border forces of the republic are maximally mobilized. “There are additional Border Guard patrols there. Today, anti-terrorists have also been sent to the border, ”said Polish Deputy Interior Minister Maciej Wonsik. At the same time, Polish Border Guard officers report that groups of illegal migrants are already attempting to forcefully cross the border, but so far they have not been able to pass on the territory of the country. Earlier, the Polish Border Guard published a video showing crowds of migrants walking to the Polish-Belarusian border. The footage shows people of all ages with bags and

United Russia became the only participant in the elections in Primorye and Buryatia

All parties, except for the “United Russia”, ignored the elections in Primorye and Buryatia In Buryatia and the Primorsky Territory, municipal elections were held, in which only representatives of the “United Russia” showed interest from the parties. Experts believe that other parties did not participate in the campaign due to the fact that work in the field implies great responsibility, “and the results of the work are not always visible and not immediately.” Self-nominated candidates and United Russia divided the mandates approximately equally. Experts of the Independent Public Monitoring spoke in more detail about the results of monitoring campaigns. In Buryatia, elections were held for deputies of the villages of Barguzinskoye and Turan, as well as the Severomuisky urban settlement. “According to the results of the municipal elections, 45 percent of the mandates were received by representatives of the United Russia party, the rest of the mandates were distributed among

Infectionist assessed the need to vaccinate in case of insufficient antibody titer

Infectionist Timakov: do not run to get vaccinated if the level of antibodies is below 300 If the level of neutralizing antibodies is below 300, do not make an urgent decision on vaccination. This is how the infectious disease doctor Yevgeny Timakov estimated the need for vaccination with an insufficient number of antibodies to protect against the delta strain, Life reports. Earlier, the head of the Gamaleya Center, Alexander Gintsburg, named a sufficient number of antibodies to protect against coronavirus. According to him, 300 antibodies in international units are needed for complete protection. The specialist called an indicator of 500 antibodies and above ideal for preventing infection. With insufficient immune protection, the specialist urged Russians to be vaccinated or re-vaccinated. According to Timakov, 150 neutralizing antibody units were initially required to protect against the Wuhan variant of COVID-19. The specialist noted that the level antibodies below 300 does not always

Lavrov announced the position of the CIA director for Donbass

Sergei Lavrov: CIA Director Burns confirmed the importance of the implementation of the Minsk agreements Moscow was reaffirmed the importance of fulfilling the Minsk Agreements and observing the special status of Donbass. His position was announced by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, RIA Novosti reports. “And at the meeting of Presidents [Russia and the United States] Putin and Biden in Geneva in June this year, and during recent visits by US Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and CIA Director Burns during their contacts with Russian leaders – at all these meetings both the US President and his subordinates directly confirmed the need to implement the Minsk Agreements, including the special status of Donbass, “Lavrov said at a press conference. Burns flew to Moscow on behalf of US President Joe Biden on November 2. He met with the Secretary of the Russian Security Council Nikolai Patrushev and spoke on the