Russian pediatrician named the signs of COVID-19 in children

Pediatrician Dobretsova: abdominal pain and loose stools are observed in children with COVID-19 Problems with the gastrointestinal tract, including abdominal pain and loose stools are common in children with COVID-19. Such signs of the disease were named by the pediatrician, candidate of medical sciences Irina Dobretsova, her words are quoted by the TV channel “Zvezda”. The pediatrician noticed that the younger the sick child, the more pronounced the problems with the stomach and intestines. “In young children, usually any respiratory infection involves the gastrointestinal tract due to physiological characteristics,” the specialist explained. She also added that children with coronavirus, like adults, face a lack of sense of smell, but not always can tell about it. Therefore, parents need to ask clarifying questions. The rest of the clinical manifestations of coronavirus infection in children are similar to the disease in adults, Dobretsova summed up. Earlier, the Russian immunologist, Ph.D. Nikolai Kryuchkov

Doctor Komarovsky dispelled the myth about milk teeth

Doctor Yevgeny Komarovsky said that “sealing” milk teeth is useless … The corresponding post appeared on the doctor's Instagram account. The TV presenter said that the procedure of “sealing” the teeth, that is, covering them with a special solution consisting of calcium and phosphorus, really helps to protect the child from tooth decay. “Children's teeth have a rather thin enamel, and babies still don't really know how to take care of their teeth,” he said. At the same time, Komarovsky noted that “sealing” is absolutely useless for children with milk teeth. The doctor advised parents to think about this procedure when the child's milk teeth will be replaced by permanent ones. Earlier, the TV presenter told whether it is worth getting vaccinated against chickenpox for adolescents who had never been sick with it before. According to Komarovsky, you can get vaccinated only on one condition: if the child has definitely

EU will help Poland in the migration crisis on the border with Belarus

European Commission Representative Spinant: EU will help Poland in the migration crisis at the border The European Commission (EC) contacts Poland at the border with Belarus, the European Union (EU) is ready to help the Polish authorities in this matter. This was stated at a briefing on Monday by the representative of the EC press service Dana Spinant, the recording of the event is available on the EC website. “We are in very close contact and offer any assistance we are able to provide to influence situation “, – said Spinant in response to a relevant question. Earlier on November 8, the German Foreign Ministry announced that there was evidence of the guilt of the Belarusian authorities in the crisis on the border. A ministry spokesman said that Minsk could expect a “joint response” from European countries to what is happening, in particular new sanctions. The Polish Border Guard posted

Gazprom sharply increased transit through Ukraine

Makogon, Head of the Ukrainian GTS Operator: Gazprom increased gas transit by 54 percent Gazprom has sharply increased supplies, bringing them to the October level. This was announced on his Facebook page by the head of the Operator of the Gas Transportation System (GTS) of Ukraine Serhiy Makogon .. Earlier, he said that on November 1, transit fell to 57 million cubic meters per day, which is almost two times less. than the contracted 109 million. Now pumping is 88 million cubic meters, which is 54 percent higher than at the beginning of the month.

Lavrov called the conditions for resolving the conflict in Ukraine

Sergei Lavrov said that the resolution in Ukraine will accelerate if the US influences Kiev The resolution of the conflict in Ukraine could be accelerated if Washington forced Kiev to respect the position of the United States and the UN Security Council on the observance of Minsk-2. This condition was named by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, TASS reports. The diplomat also said that no new dates for the meeting in the “Normandy format” to resolve the situation in Donbass were being discussed. “We don’t need ostentatious performances … We will have nothing on November 11, we are not discussing any new dates,” Lavrov noted. Earlier, the diplomat announced the position of the Director of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) William Burns on Donbass. According to the Foreign Minister, Burns reaffirmed the importance of fulfilling the Minsk agreements and observing the special status of Donbass.

Coronavirus pill helped airlines and casinos

Casino and airline stocks rise after Pfizer's announcement of coronavirus pills said its coronavirus pill could reduce hospital admissions and deaths among patients by 89 percent, Bloomberg reported. Macau casino stock increased 5.9 percent, the largest gain in two months. while the Asia-Pacific airline stock index rose 4.5 percent, the highest since March. Travel luggage and travel bag maker Samsonite rose 14 percent. The shares of American airlines also rose in price. Delta Air Lines rose 8.05 percent on Nov.5, United Airlines 7.26 percent, Southwest Airlines 6.44 percent and American Airlines 5.77 percent, according to the Nasdaq.

The engineer was given eight years for thallium poisoning of the workers of the Taganrog plant

The court sentenced an engineer to 8 years for thallium poisoning of employees of the Beriev Aircraft Company thallium from employees of the Beriev Taganrog Aviation Scientific and Technical Complex (TANTK). This was reported to “” in the Investigative Committee of Russia. The defendant was found guilty of intentionally causing harm to health. He was sentenced to eight years in prison. The investigation and the court established that in 2017 Shulga, out of personal hostility to several colleagues, mixed a thallium-containing chemical into 19-liter bottles of drinking water. As a result, there was a massive poisoning of employees at the enterprise. Initially, Shulga confessed, but then retracted them, declaring his innocence. According to the results of examinations, a chemical substance containing thallium was found in a bottle taken from the factory and on a chemical balance at Shulga's house. As a result of poisoning, more than 30 people turned to

Infected with coronavirus Valery Garkalin underwent emergency surgery

Artist Valery Garkalin underwent emergency operation on the pleural cavity of the chest People's Artist of Russia Valery Garkalin underwent emergency operation on the chest cavity. This is reported by KP.RU. An actor who has contracted a coronavirus and is in serious condition, air began to accumulate in his chest. He pressed on the lungs. “On November 6, doctors noticed a sharp deterioration in Valery Garkalin's condition. The attending physician examined the man, checked all vital signs and found that the artist had spontaneous pneumothorax. It was decided to urgently operate on the patient, “- said the source of the publication. According to him, the artist successfully underwent urgent surgery, but his condition is still assessed as serious. The artist was taken to hospital No. 40 in Kommunarka on October 2. He was diagnosed with a coronavirus, later he was transferred to a ventilator. It was noted that Garkalin's disease

In Poland announced the largest attempted military invasion of the country

Stanislav Zharin: the biggest attempted military invasion of Poland began A large group of migrants approached the Polish border from Belarus, trying to break into Poland. This was stated by the press secretary of the minister-coordinator of the Polish special services Stanislav Zharin on Twitter. He specified that among the migrants there are mostly young people. “The biggest attempt to invade Poland by force to date has begun,” Zharin noted. Earlier on November 8, it became known that Poland had deployed fighters against terrorists to the border with Belarus to protect them from the crowd of illegal migrants. Border Guard officers of the republic reported that groups of illegal migrants are already making attempts to forcefully cross the border, but so far they have not been able to enter the country. As told by the State Border Guard Service of Belarus, people intend to obtain asylum in Poland. The Polish

In a Russian city, a policeman accidentally prevented the rape of a schoolgirl

A man accused of attempted rape of a schoolgirl was arrested in Omsk A policeman accidentally prevented the rape of a schoolgirl in Omsk. He arrived to the call on a completely different case, but found the attacker right in the process of the crime. At the moment, the accused of attempted rape of a minor has been arrested. This was reported to “” on Monday, November 8, in the press service of the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR) in the region. According to the investigation, on Thursday evening, November 4, the rape was prevented by a criminal investigation officer , who came to the call on a completely different matter – theft. When the policeman entered the entrance, he saw that the man was holding the schoolgirl by force. The law enforcement officer detained the criminal and took him to the police station, where it turned out that the