The price of housing in New Moscow has broken the psychological mark

“Bon Ton”: the average price of an apartment in New Moscow has reached 9.9 million rubles square meter of housing under construction in New Moscow reached 201 thousand rubles, exceeding the figure of a year ago by 25 percent and breaking through the psychological mark of 200 thousand rubles, according to the report of the real estate agency “Bon Ton”, received by the editorial office of “”. Over the past month, new apartments in Troitsky and Novomoskovsky districts have risen in price by 3.3 percent, analysts calculated. On average, a lot there costs 9.9 million rubles. The most expensive housing is offered to buyers in the settlements of Ryazanovskoye, Mosrentgen and Sosenskoye. The lowest price tags are in the settlement of Marushkinskoye. A total of 8.8 thousand lots in new buildings are put up for sale in New Moscow. Over the year, the volume of supply increased by 32 percent,

The West reminded Ukraine about the reform of the SBU

The EU, the US and NATO called on the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to adopt a bill on reforming the SBU Verkhovna Rada deputies should vote for the law on reforming the Security Service Ukraine (SBU), as this will help the country move closer to the standards of the European Union (EU) and NATO. Such an appeal was made by representatives of the EU, the EU Advisory Mission, NATO and the United States in the publication Evropeyskaya Pravda. According to Western diplomats, in order to get closer to global practices, the SBU should be deprived of its powers of pre-trial investigation, as well as significantly reduced the number of security officials and demilitarize the special services. In addition, the diplomats recalled strengthening the mechanisms for overseeing the activities of the SBU and eliminating the service from investigating economic crimes. “A historic opportunity opens up for Ukraine to step forward on

Netflix games coming to iPhone

Netflix games will be available on iPhone as separate titles Netflix plans to release its own games on iOS. This was reported on Bloomberg's Power On mailing list. Journalist Mark Gurman refers to developers who have studied the Netflix application code. According to the data, the Netflix Games gaming service, which was launched in early November, will not appear on Apple devices. However, iPhone and iPad users will still be able to run titles on their devices. Most likely, Netflix decided to release games from the service as separate titles. They will be available through the App Store. The gourmet noted that due to restrictions from Apple, the company cannot open a full-fledged service with games for iPhone and iPad users. The material states that the games will be available to Netflix subscribers for free. To confirm their status, they will need to enter their username and password from the

There were details of the death of a 21-year-old Russian volleyball player

21-year-old Russian volleyball player did not die of coronavirus, the club does not advertise the reason not from the coronavirus. Denis Taipov, the head of the press service of the Ufa Ural, told Sport-Express about this. According to him, the exact cause of death was not named out of respect for the athlete's relatives. The family of the deceased can provide details at their discretion. “In the last month, she was diagnosed with a widespread, serious illness. We decided not to advertise it. Unfortunately, everything went according to the worst scenario, ”Taipov added. He also noted that Khambikova died on November 7. Information about the death of the volleyball player appeared earlier on Monday, November 8. The athlete died at the age of 21. The last time Khambikova went to the site was in October. Ufimochka-USPTU plays in the second-strongest Russian division and is part of the Ural system. The

The German Ministry of Health answered the question about the recognition of “Sputnik V”

The German Ministry of Health said that they could not provide a mechanism for the recognition of the Sputnik V vaccine The German Ministry of Health answered the question of recognition Russian vaccine against coronavirus “Sputnik V” and said that they could not provide a mechanism for the recognition of the drug through booster immunization with a vaccine recognized in the territory of the European Union (EU). This was reported by RIA Novosti. A representative of the German Ministry of Health at a briefing said that such a mechanism had not yet been considered. Earlier, the German Embassy, ​​when asked about the recognition of the Sputnik V vaccine, said that it is necessary to complete the procedure for the equivalence of the Russian drug with vaccines approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMA). At the moment, Sputnik V is registered in 70 countries, with a total population of about four

Google and Telegram fined millions of rubles in Russia

A Russian court fined Google and Telegram 6 million rubles on the territory of Russia information. This is reported by TASS with reference to the representative of the instance. “The court considered the administrative protocol against Telegram under Article 13.41 of the Administrative Offenses Code of the Russian Federation (“ Failure to delete information by the owner of an information resource on the Internet if the obligation to delete it is provided for by law RF “) and imposed a fine of four million rubles,” the statement says. It also became known that Google was fined two million rubles. Earlier, representatives of Roskomnadzor disclosed the total the amount of fines issued since the beginning of 2021 against Internet companies for refusing to remove materials containing prohibited information.

Nude students filmed for a calendar on the street

University of Cambridge students posed nude for charity British students of Cambridge University staged a candid outdoor shoot for Jimmy's calendar in support of Cambridge charities Teenage Cancer Trust, Student Minds, and Rainforest Trust. This is reported by the Daily Mail. According to the material, 78 students filmed naked on campus and in various popular locations in the city of Cambridge in order to earn money from the sale of the calendar. It is noted that athletes from the teams of the University of Cambridge took part in the photo session. Among them, for example, gymnasts, football players, tennis players, swimmers and volleyball players, as well as hockey players, boxers and others. In the footage, men and women pose nude, covering their exposed body parts with sports equipment. “We used the attributes of our sport to maintain some modesty despite being naked,” said the filmmakers. Andrew Wilkinson). According to him,

Девочка из США нашла в озере утонувшее 39 лет назад кольцо

7-летняя Айседора Роуз из города Бисмарк во время похода со своей семьей на озере Нью-Джонс в Северной Дакоте заметила в воде у берега блестящий предмет, который оказался школьным именным кольцом 1982 года. На внутренней стороне кольца была сделана гравировка инициалов владельца, название средней школы Мак-Класки и упоминание, что владелец украшения был баскетболистом. Забрав украшение домой, семья Роуз решила разыскать владельца и опубликовала в соцсетях пост с фотографиями находки и информацией. И долго ждать не пришлось — спустя пару дней на пост обратили внимание друзья Керри Хелма, бывшего баскетболиста школы Мак-Класки, умершего пять лет назад от приступа астмы. С их помощью Робин Роуз, мать Айседоры, смогла связаться с вдовой Керри Шерил Хелм, которая рассказала, что ее муж потерял школьное кольцо во время выпускного вечера на берегу озера 39 лет назад. Семья Роуз лично встретилась с Шерил и вернула ей кольцо ее покойного мужа. Вдова отметила, что была невероятно рада получить личную вещь супруга и добавила, что считает это хорошим знаком того, что Керри присматривает за ней с небес и таким образом передает привет, пишет UPI. 11.11 – на AliExpress начинается главная распродажа года!Скорее за скидками Екатерина Гура

К Земле летит астероид размером с Эйфелеву башню

Объект классифицируется ведомством как «потенциально опасный». Длина небесного тела составляет 330 метров. Для сравнения, высота Эйфелевой башни достигает 300. Тем не менее, по данным NASA, в следующий раз астероид окажется настолько же близко к Земле лишь в 2112 году. Тогда минимальное расстояние между ним и планетой, предположительно, составит около 2,6 миллиона километров. Еще больше интересного о науке и технологиях