In Turkey, they complained about Russian tourists because of their greed

Turkey's tourism sector prefers German tourists to Russian tourists because of the large tips do not leave enough tips for hotel staff. The president of the platform for help and solidarity of Antalya tourism employees, Emine Gulshah, complained about the greed of vacationers, writes Turkiye Turizm. was due to restrictions due to the pandemic. According to her, 95 percent of foreign travelers preferred by hotel employees are Germans, as they pay the most tips to maids, waiters, bellmen, porter, cooks and others. “This year, tourism employees did not receive enough tip to “live” through the winter season, as the share of German tourists was at a very low level. Russians don't leave a lot of tips. They give a maximum of one dollar, “Gulshah complained. It was noted that the Swiss and Scandinavians are considered generous in tips, followed by the Dutch, British, Belgians, Czechs, Luxembourgers and Austrians. It is

The Bundestag worried about the delay in the certification of “Nord Stream 2”

Bundestag deputy: EU intervention will delay the approval process for Nord Stream 2 Bundestag deputy from the Alternative for Germany party worried that the intervention of the European Union (EU) would delay the approval process for the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline. Izvestia quoted him as saying. “Nord Stream 2 could be certified immediately so that the pipeline could be put into operation in a few weeks. However, there are still fears that the EU will intervene and delay this process, “he said. Cotrets drew attention to the fact that more and more experts are expressing concern about the rise in gas prices. He believes that the launch of the gas pipeline will reduce energy prices. “This gives hope that the importance and advantages of the SP-2 will be recognized in the future,” the deputy concluded. Earlier, Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Seder called for the launch of the Nord Stream

Russian rapper was scared to offend Stas Mikhailov and played ping-pong with his face

Rapper ST had to play ping-pong on his face because of his refusal to swear at Stas Mikhailov Russian rapper ST (real name – Alexander Stepanov ) became a guest of the Comment Out show, where he was afraid to offend the singer Stas Mikhailov and agreed to play ping-pong with his own face. The recording of the program with his participation was published on the Chicken Curry YouTube channel. Stepanov's rival in this episode was the performer Mitya Fomin. ST was given the task to leave a comment on Mikhailov's Instagram account and swear at him, calling him “whistler – *****”. The hip-hop artist refused to write such a message, and he had to agree to the ping-pong assignment. “He is a devout man, a people's artist,” ST said about Mikhailov. In addition, he showed a photo in which the singer was captured with the head of Chechnya, Ramzan

Russia knew in advance the details of the Taliban seizure of power in Afghanistan

Ambassador Zhirnov: Russia had information in advance that the Taliban would not meet resistance that representatives of the radical Taliban movement ( banned in Russia as a terrorist organization ) will not meet with resistance when trying to take the Afghan capital Kabul in August this year. This was stated by the Russian ambassador to Afghanistan Dmitry Zhirnov, reports TASS. According to him, Russia knew about a number of details of the Taliban's impending seizure of power in the country. In particular, it was known that the Afghan military would not support the regime of President Ashraf Ghani, because he did not pay them. “And most importantly, we had information from various sources, including the Taliban camp, that the entrance It will be peaceful for the Taliban to Kabul, that there will be no bloodshed and there will be no threats to the Russian diplomatic mission, like all other diplomatic

In Poland, told about the fate of illegal immigrants who broke into the country

Border guard: illegal immigrants who can break through to Poland will be sent back to Belarus sides of Belarus, told about the fate of those illegal immigrants who manage to break into the territory of the country. This is reported by RIA Novosti. According to the representative of the border guard Katarzyna Zdanovich, the migrants will be returned back to the adjacent side. She noted that none of those who approached the Polish-Belarusian border applied for asylum. “If they cross the border as they are trying at the moment, then, of course, these persons will be immediately returned to Belarus, ”Zdanovich said. Earlier on November 8, it became known that Poland had deployed fighters against terrorists to the border with Belarus to protect them from the crowd of illegal migrants. Border Guard officers of the republic reported that groups of illegal migrants are already making attempts to forcefully cross the

The real value of the house from “The Simpsons” is named

Realtors from the USA have estimated the cost of the house from the animated series “The Simpsons” at 450 million dollars if he existed in real life. The value of the real estate was named by the American real estate agency Garretts Real Estate Group. According to the agency, if such a house really existed in one of the suburbs of the United States, its value would have amounted to almost 450 thousand dollars (about 32 million rubles). The company's representatives gave their assessment based on the sales of similar homes that they recently bought in Springfield, Oregon. The heroes of the animated series lived in the city with the same name. The realtors also appreciated the detailed plan of the house itself. “Nice two-story house with a basement. An arched entrance door leads to the foyer. On the left is a cozy living room with a bay window, and

The bride invited her bridesmaids to lose weight for her wedding and quarreled with them

The bride quarreled with her bridesmaids over the list of rules for wedding guests The bride made a list of rules for wedding guests and had a falling out with bridesmaids. She spoke about this in a post on Reddit. The girl said that she plans to get married in July 2022. She chose her sister as a witness and asked her to create a chat for bridesmaids in order to send rules to it to prepare for the ceremony. Among other things, the bride offered the girls several dress options to choose from and added that she would be grateful if they lost weight. However, she stressed that she does not insist on diets. In addition, the bridesmaids had to cover travel and hotel expenses. They were also invited to the bachelorette party, provided that each would pay for herself. For some girls, the offered dresses and the hotel

Spetsnaz soldier surrendered to police after attempted murder of ex-wife and her new husband

In Khakassia, the TFR detained a special forces soldier “Thunder” who attacked the ex-wife and her husband with a knife 33- a summer resident of Chernogorsk on suspicion of attempted murder of his ex-wife and her new husband. This was reported to “” in the press service of the regional department of the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR). According to the agency, on the evening of November 7, the suspect met his three-year-old son on the street, accompanied by his ex-wife's partner. There was a skirmish between the men over the child's late walk. The ex-spouse intervened in the conflict, after which the suspect took out a knife and attacked her and the man, inflicting several blows on them, after which he fled. A 42-year-old woman and a 33-year-old man were hospitalized with knife wounds. The suspect is a soldier of the special forces unit of the Ministry of Internal