Germany explains Ukraine's role in Nord Stream 2 certification

BNetzA: Ukraine will not be able to veto the certification of Nord Stream 2 Naftogaz of Ukraine and GTS of Ukraine will be able to express their point of view during the certification of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline by the German Federal Network Agency (BNetzA), but no more. Thus, the role of Kiev was explained by the representative of the regulator Fita Wolf, RIA Novosti reports. He answered negatively to the question whether Ukraine can veto certification. This is the role of Poland, which was separately involved in the process back in September.

Found a new way to vaccinate against COVID-19

Scientists from Korea and the United States have developed a new way to deliver vaccines against COVID-19 Researchers from Korea and the United States have developed a new way to deliver molecules to skin cells, similar in principle to the mechanism of work of medical cans. Dedicated to a promising method of delivering vaccines against COVID-19, an article by scientists was published in the journal Science Advances. To combat the coronavirus pandemic, many vaccines have been developed, the action of a significant amount of which is based on the work of nucleic acids. The latter enter the host cells and force them to produce proteins that induce an immune response. However, if nucleic acids are not protected when they are transfected, they quickly degrade. Researchers from Rutgers University and GeneOne Life Science have found a new way to deliver nucleic acids, similar in principle to medical cans. After the introduction

Criticism of the USSR Zelensky linked to Kiev's desire to please the West

Historian Buranov: criticism of Zelensky against the USSR is beneficial to Western curators of Kiev from the Nazis are based on the unscrupulous historical writings of Western researchers. This opinion was expressed by the expert of the Russian Military Historical Society Nikita Buranov in an interview with Izvestia. This is about Zelensky's words about the indifference of the Soviet authorities to the soldiers who heroically defended Kiev. The head of state noted that Soviet soldiers were not registered with the military, “so as not to worsen the statistics.” In addition, they allegedly had no military uniform and were very poorly armed. According to the historian, this statement has no connection with reality. He explained that Western countries systematically falsify history, belittling the role of the Soviet Union in World War II, and Ukraine simply adheres to this conjuncture, which is beneficial to its Western curators. “This is not a story

Italy saw slyness in Biden's rejection of America First

Political scientist Tiberio Graziani noted that US policy has not undergone significant changes “Are rhetorical. Political scientist and chairman of the Vision & Global Trends think tank (Italy) Tiberio Graziani saw the cunning in the words of National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, he shared his thoughts in a commentary to He noted that US foreign policy, at least after the collapse of the Soviet Union, in general terms, has not undergone significant changes. “America First” [Donald] Trump and “America is Back” Biden are formulas behind the rhetoric of which the United States' constant project to preserve and fulfill its hegemonic role at the international level is hidden, “Graziani emphasized. The two presidents may have different communication methods and tactics, but regardless of who occupies the Oval Office, Washington considers China and Russia to be threats, not just global competitors. Related materials 00:02 – Today American-style split. Why Americans are

Explained the growth of COVID-19 patients with ARVI symptoms

Immunologist Kryuchkov: the number of seriously ill COVID-19 increased in proportion to the infectivity Kryuchkov. According to him, one cannot talk about a decline in the pandemic, paying attention only to the symptoms of the majority of those infected with COVID-19, the specialist said in an interview with Earlier, Deputy Director for Clinical and Analytical Work of the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Natalya Pshenichnaya said that the symptoms of coronavirus are increasingly reminiscent of influenza and ARVI. The vast majority of COVID-19 patients suffer from runny nose and sore throat, she said. At the same time, the loss of smell and taste faded into the background, the specialist noted. She emphasized that in 30-50 percent of cases of infection, diarrhea and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract began to occur at the onset of the disease. Wheat also added that coronavirus

Gray Zelensky became the subject of discussion on the network

Volodymyr Zelenskyy published a photo with gray hair and surprised subscribers The gray hair of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in the new photo became the subject of discussions on social networks. The corresponding shot and comments appeared on his Instagram page. The head of state shared a selfie in which he was captured in a tight black long sleeve for sports. On the posted picture, gray hair is visible in the politician's hair. “Good sports morning. I'm drying my jacket. Goodbye, last night's dinner. Deserved lunch. #ZdorovayaUkraina “, – he signed the post, which scored 238 thousand likes. Subscribers were surprised by the appearance of the aged Zelensky, about which they began to write in the comments under the published images. “Uncle is turning gray”, “Sad eyes, gray hair – this is the price of the presidency. Was it worth it? ”,“ Turned gray specifically ”,“ How old he has

Investigation of the case of the death of the daughter of actor Vladimir Konkin in the pool is completed

The ICR announced the completion of the investigation into the death of the daughter of actor Vladimir Konkin Sofia Konkina, daughter of the Honored Artist Vladimir Konkin. The official representative of the department, Svetlana Petrenko, reported this to The provision of services that do not meet safety requirements is imputed to the founder of the Jump fitness club, Anna Andrianova. The deceased was found in the pool of this club. During the investigation, the property of the accused, worth 11 million rubles, was arrested. It is also reported that the case was sent to the court for consideration on the merits. According to the ICR, on September 22 last year, Konkina began to sink while sailing. They could not provide her with timely medical assistance, since there were no medical staff nearby, and there was no swimming instructor on duty. As a result, the victim died two days later

Due to the delta strain in Russia, children began to get sick with COVID-19 tenfold more often

Doctor Timakov: the incidence of COVID-19 in children has increased tenfold due to the delta strain Children in Russia have become tens times more often to become infected with COVID-19 with the appearance of the delta strain. This was stated by the doctor-virologist Yevgeny Timakov, his words are reported by TASS. “Since the appearance of the delta strain, since the middle of summer, we have been actively talking about the fact that children are sick, are sick from birth, are sick dozens of times more often than before, ”he said. The specialist emphasized that if all family members are sick, the probability of a child's illness is 80-90 percent. He also noted that children are becoming the main distributors of coronavirus infection. Earlier, Russian Health Minister Mikhail Murashko, during a working trip to the Ryazan region, announced an increase in the incidence of coronavirus among children in the country. He