The Federation Council compared anti-vaccination with extremists

Senator Krugly: calls from anti-vaccines are more dangerous than calls from extremists This comparison was made by a member of the Federation Council Committee on Social Policy, Honored Doctor of Russia Vladimir Krugly, who is quoted by the SenatInform Telegram channel. According to the senator, the official information policy in Russia should be clearer. So, more open data is needed. Currently, there is not enough reliable information about COVID-19 and vaccinations on the Internet, Krugly said. He added that the proportion of people opposed to vaccines is five to seven percent. At the same time, the majority of Russians who have not been vaccinated are doubting citizens who cannot understand whether they need a vaccine or not. The senator also said that the World Health Organization (WHO) has experience in monitoring social networks when resources spreading false information are tracking. As long as anti-vaccination activities continue, people are dying every

Число выявленных случаев COVID-19 в мире превысило 250 миллионов

По состоянию на 16.30 мск в понедельник, число зафиксированных в мире случаев COVID-19 достигло 250 005 427, за все время скончались 5 051 993 заболевших. Наибольшее число заражений выявлено в США, Индии и Бразилии.

Crime boss Hans will be released after 12 years in prison for murder

URA.RU: Tyumen authority Yuri Tishenkov is preparing to leave the colony where he spent 12 years Criminal authority Yuri Tishenkov underworld like Hans, preparing to leave the colony, where he spent 12 years for organizing murders. This is reported by URA.RU. He is to be released on November 9 from a strict regime colony located in the village of Potma, Zubovo-Polyansky district of the Republic of Mordovia. Tishenkov has been in custody since November 11, 2009, the verdict of the Tyumen Regional Court entered into force on December 8, 2010. The release of Hans will not affect the crime situation in the region, moreover, he does not intend to stay in Tyumen, indicates the source of the publication. According to him, Tishenkov is going to a sanatorium for treatment as soon as he is released. After his release, Hans plans to lead a calm lifestyle, not getting involved in dark

In a camp in Lithuania, migrants staged a protest demanding to let them go to Germany

Migrants in a Lithuanian camp demanded to be released to Germany In a Lithuanian temporary detention camp in the town of Rukla, migrants staged a protest demanding their release. Presumably, they wanted to be released so that they could leave for Germany. Reported by Delfi. Related materials 16:12 – Today Hundreds of migrants break through to Poland from Belarus. Polish troops are pulled up to the border and prepare for defense millions of refugees. Why are they now hated, considered terrorists and want to drive them out? Several dozen illegal migrants protested at the fence in the temporary detention camp. They shouted slogans, displayed posters and even broke part of the iron fence. Refugees shouted “Freedom!” While holding the flags of Lithuania and the European Union. Law enforcement officers did not allow journalists to approach the refugees and find out their demands in more detail. According to the head of

Saakashvili was taken from prison by helicopter

Saakashvili's mother said that he was taken from prison in an unknown direction mother of the politician Giuli Alasania. This was reported by “Georgia Online”. A helicopter appeared over the building of the penitentiary. In addition, two armored vehicles left the territory. Relatives and lawyers of the ex-president are not allowed to jail. It is assumed that Saakashvili, who has been on hunger strike for over a month in prison, was taken to a military hospital. “We waited for two hours, but we were not given an answer. Some time ago he was taken out in an armored car, and then, apparently, put into a helicopter. He disappeared somewhere … The fact is that my son is no longer here, “the politician's mother said in an interview with Earlier on Monday, November 8, Saakashvili's personal doctor said that by the decision of the Ministry of Health, the medical council

Zakharova reminded the Poles about the invasion of Iraq amid the migration crisis

Zakharova invited Poland to accept 2,000 migrants due to participation in the invasion of Iraq the Belarusian-Polish border reminded the Poles about the invasion of Iraq and invited Poland to accept 2,000 Iraqis. She wrote about this in her Telegram channel. The diplomat said that Iraq was destroyed with the active participation of Warsaw. “More than 2,000 Polish soldiers invaded this sovereign state to establish democracy,” she said. Zakharova recommended that the Polish government let “at least as many“ grateful Iraqis ”enter the country, whose ancestors did not dream of such a life, building their own in their own country, until the shameless democratizers broke in there. ” The migration crisis on the borders of Belarus and the European Union began at the end of May. Large groups of illegal migrants from Africa and the Middle East began to storm the borders of Lithuania, Poland and Latvia in the hope

Polish opposition calls for NATO consultations over migrants

Polish opposition leader Tusk: Poland is on the verge of aggravating relations with Belarus Warsaw is on the verge of aggravating relations with Minsk due to the migration crisis on the Polish-Belarusian border, which requires consultations within the framework of NATO. This was stated by the former head of the European Commission (EC), former prime minister of Poland and the current leader of the opposition Donald Tusk, RIA Novosti reports. Related materials00:01 – November 3 Ours is a stranger. Europe has accepted millions of refugees. Why are they now hated, considered terrorists and want to drive them out? 00: 02 – July 14 “He called himself the savior of Europe” Lithuania was flooded with refugees … What awaits the EU and how is Lukashenka involved in this? The politician said that he is very concerned about the situation on the eastern border, where hundreds of illegal migrants are attempting to

Broadcasts of the marathon “Houses with” Knowledge “gained more than 25 million views

The Knowledge Society held an all-Russian online marathon “Houses with Knowledge” From October 30 to November 7, the Knowledge Society held the All-Russian online marathon “Houses with Knowledge”. Each day was dedicated to its own topic: history, science, IT, medicine, inclusiveness, there was also a day for schoolchildren and students, a game day and a day of national unity. 126 authoritative speakers took part in the marathon. The marathon began with the day of history and fascinating lectures about the secrets of Ancient Russia, social and political movements in Russia in the second half of the 19th century and the place of our country in modern history. < p> The second day was about inclusiveness. “Not only infrastructure, but also the digital environment in Russia is not yet sufficiently inclusive and barrier-free for people with disabilities. This issue needs to be addressed both from an educational point of view –

The city with the dirtiest air is named

World Air Quality: the capital of Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek, has become the city with the dirtiest air The capital of Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek, has become the city with the dirtiest air. This is evidenced by the data of the World Air Quality project, published on the website. The concentration of fine particles PM2.5 in the air of Bishkek as of November 8 was 294 micrograms per cubic meter – this figure is 10 times higher than the world norm. The capital of Kyrgyzstan moved up in the ranking the Indian city of Delhi, which dropped to second place. The concentration of fine particles in Delhi's air was 261 micrograms per cubic meter. The third place was taken by the city of Lahore in Pakistan. The top five also included Indian Kolkata and Mumbai. Moscow was ranked 42nd – the concentration of fine particles in the air was 55 micrograms per cubic meter.

Link between wildfires and climate change confirmed

Scientists in California have confirmed that fires in the western US are linked to climate change confirmed the link between climate change and the increase in the area of ​​land affected by major forest fires. This is reported in an article published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Over 17 years, from 1984 to 2000, the average area burned in 11 western US states was 683 thousand hectares per year. Over the next 17 years, until 2018, the average area burned up was approximately 1.35 million hectares per year. And in 2020, according to a report from the National Interagency Coordination Center, the amount of land devastated by wildfires in the West reached 3.5 million hectares. To determine the cause, scientists used artificial intelligence, which analyzed data on climate and fires. This made it possible to identify the role of the key factor contributing to the