United Russia will propose to increase housing costs for people with disabilities

“United Russia” will propose to double budget spending on housing for people with disabilities This was stated by the Deputy Speaker of the State Duma Anna Kuznetsova during the discussion of amendments to the draft budget for the second reading. According to her, in the draft budget for the next three years it is necessary to revise some items of expenditure. “One of the most serious issues, in our opinion, is the issue of providing housing for disabled people who were on the waiting list even before 2005. According to the Accounting Chamber, the rate of provision of residential space is so low that the number of people who, so to speak, solved their housing problem is half the number of people who have lost this right, ”TASS quoted her as saying. Anna Kuznetsova noted that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered by January 1, 2025 to fulfill the obligations taken

In the Russian region, large stores will be allowed only by QR code

In Bashkiria, because of COVID-19, from November 10, large stores can only be entered using the QR code In Bashkiria, from November 10, hypermarkets and other large stores can only be entered using a QR code confirming the fact of vaccination against COVID- 19 or a previous illness in the last six months. This was announced on Monday, November 8, on the website of the head of the Russian region.

Ukraine has calculated the losses of Russian gas transit

Ukrainian gas transmission system operator: gas transit from Russia to Europe reached 35.3 million cubic meters in 10 months Gas transit from Russia to Europe through the Ukrainian gas transmission system (GTS) for ten months of this year amounted to 35.3 billion cubic meters. The calculations are given in the message on the website of the Ukrainian GTS Operator. Last year, during the same period, about 45 billion cubic meters were pumped, that is, volume losses in January-October reached 22 percent. According to the Ukrainian enterprise, the average daily transportation volume in the first ten months is 115.9 million cubic meters. This is more than specified in the contract (109 million cubic meters), but supplies were uneven. If at the beginning of the year Gazprom was constantly buying additional guaranteed capacities, then in September it stopped participating in the auctions.

Angelina Jolie denounces Eternals' ban over same-sex kiss scene

Angelina Jolie called The Eternals' ban in a number of countries ignorant the presence of a same-sex kiss scene in it. The portal news.com.au reports this. The artist called it ignorance that a number of countries decided not to show the picture, and also regretted the viewers who would not be able to appreciate the new blockbuster. “But I'm proud that Marvel refused to cut these scenes. I still don’t understand how there are people in the modern world who don’t want to see all the beauty of the Fastos family, their family relationships and love, ”Jolie said. On November 6, it became known that the film comics directed by Chloe Zhao will not be shown in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar and Oman, where all scenes of intimacy between the characters and other episodes were required to be cut. As a result, Disney decided not to release the film

В турецком зоопарке показали новорожденных львят

Three newly born lion cubs named “Pablo”, “Hera” and “Mia” were seen at the Lion Parkour in Ankara, #Turkey on November 07. pic.twitter.com/focuJ8A2RJ — People's Daily, China (@PDChina) November 7, 2021 В зоопарке Lion Parkour в Анкаре официально представили публике новых жителей — трех маленьких львят. Сообщается, что они появились на свет около месяца назад, но поделиться радостной новостью работники зоопарка решили только сейчас, когда малыши подросли и окрепли. Львятам уже дали имена — Пабло, Гера и Мия. Их мама, для которой котята были первыми, к сожалению, от них отказалась. По словам сотрудников зоопарка, это довольно распространенная среди диких кошек особенность — материнский инстинкт просыпается у них иногда только со второго выводка. Но переживать за львят не стоит — о них заботятся профессионалы. Малышей регулярно кормят молочной смесью из бутылочек, греют и играют с ними. Сообщается, что они все здоровы, быстро растут и набирают вес. Екатерина Гура Еще больше интересного о животных

The swimmer of the Russian national team explained the deprivation of the team silver of the European Championship

Swimmer Kliment Kolesnikov said that the Russian national team was deprived of the European Championship silver due to misunderstanding in the mixed freestyle relay four by 50 meters at the European Championships in Kazan. His words are quoted by Match TV. The athlete explained the incident by inattention and misunderstanding between teammates. “Such is the mistake. Everything became clear after the race. Considering the fact that everything happened too spontaneously and quickly, there was no time to think it over … Everything is in order, no one is upset, “he said. According to Kolesnikov, the team was happy that this did not happen at the Olympic Games. Kolesnikov, Vladimir Morozov, Arina Surkova, Maria Kameneva shared the second place with the Italian national team in the mixed relay on November 7. They had already received silver medals, but were then disqualified due to the protest of the Polish national team. The

The sisters began to sew swimwear and earned tens of millions of rubles in a year

Australian women created a swimwear brand and earned 34.5 million rubles in a year million rubles per year. A related story appeared on the Daily Mail website. According to the material, in 2017, 21-year-old Lucy and 23-year-old Molly Cochrane first asked their mother, Anne, to make them a bikini set. The girls liked the result of her work, and they decided to start creating swimwear with their own hands. The sisters posted pictures of the resulting kits on Instagram, and in a short time they found a large number of buyers. The girls named their brand Leni Swims and began to promote it through TikTok. Thus, in the first year of sales, they managed to earn $ 300 (22 thousand rubles). Over time, the brand began to gain popularity and began to bring the family up to 40 thousand dollars a month (2.8 million rubles). The cost of Leni Swims

Samsung will be sued for self-destructing laptops

Samsung was sued for breaking laptop displays during the use of which the computer screen may break. This was reported by the Bleeping Computer. A class action lawsuit was filed in the US District Court for the District of New Jersey. The plaintiffs complain about the Samsung Chromebook Plus 2-in-1 laptop, which has a defect resulting in device breakdown. It is reported that the device has a hinge, thanks to which it can be folded and transformed into a tablet. However, over time, the hinges that connect the screen and the rest of the device fail and break the display. The users who filed the lawsuit note that Samsung laptops actually self-destruct after a certain period of time. Outraged consumers are confident that the company knew about the defect, but did not withdraw the unsuccessful model from sale. Samsung said in a statement that the company usually promptly replaces the

Russia to discuss Afghanistan at a conference in Delhi

Indian Foreign Ministry: Delhi will host a conference on Afghanistan with the participation of Russia India will host an international conference on security in Afghanistan, reports TASS with reference to the Indian Foreign Ministry. The discussion, in which Russia will also take part, will be held in Delhi under the chairmanship of the National Security Advisor to the Prime Minister of India Ajit Doval. “Iran, Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic will take part in the Delhi Regional Security Dialogue on Afghanistan, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, which will be represented by the respective national security advisers or secretaries of the security councils, ”the ministry said. Earlier on November 8, it became known that Russia had in advance information that representatives of the radical Taliban movement ( banned in Russia as a terrorist organization ) will not meet with resistance when trying to take the capital of Afghanistan Kabul in August this