The network tested the theory of six handshakes and got to Hitler in three

We got to Hitler on Twitter through dating Elizabeth II and Rustam Minnikhanov Netizens decided to test the theory of six handshakes people are separated by no more than five levels of common acquaintances, and they counted how many acquaintances each of them had before famous historical figures. A corresponding discussion appeared on Twitter. For example, a user with the nickname @kocizum found out that he needed only five handshakes to get to the Fuehrer of the Third Reich, Adolf Hitler. Among the “connecting links” of the chain, he mentioned the President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov, the British Queen Elizabeth II and the wife of the former King of Great Britain Wallis Simpson. For some, it took only three handshakes – thanks to a chain through the former USSR Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov, who personally met Hitler in Berlin in 1940. User @AlcoHistory gave almost a similar number of acquaintances,

Saakashvili was hospitalized in a prison hospital

Mikheil Saakashvili was transferred to a prison hospital in the Gldani district of Tbilisi a prison hospital in the Gldani district of Tbilisi. This was reported by the Novosti-Georgia portal with reference to the Special Penitentiary Service. The organization said that the ex-president was transferred there “to avoid deteriorating health and due to the increased danger”. “We will gradually provide the public with additional information,” the department said. The politician's lawyers strongly objected to the transfer to the hospital of the Gldani prison. They insisted that Saakashvili was in danger, since there are dozens of prisoners, including those with mental disorders. Earlier, the ex-president's mother said that he was taken out of the prison in Rustavi by helicopter. < p>

Chechen champion fighter detained with drugs at Vnukovo airport

“112”: a prohibited substance was found in the MMA fighter Dzhamaldaev during the search at Vnukovo airport Russian fighter of the mixed style (MMA) detained with drugs at Vnukovo airport. This was reported in the Telegram channel “112”. According to the source, the Chechen athlete could not fly to Grozny, because a prohibited substance was found in his possession during the search. It is noted that the fighter was taken to the department. A criminal case was opened against him for drug trafficking. Jamaldaev is a fighter of the Akhmat club and a former champion of the WFCA and ACB promotions in featherweight. He has 20 victories and two defeats in fights under the MMA rules. In July 2021, two-time Olympic silver medalist in rowing Nathan Baggali was sentenced to 25 years in prison for attempting to smuggle drugs worth about 147 million dollars. The athlete, together with his brother,

A group of hackers attacked several large companies around the world

Palo Alto Networks: unknown hackers attacked nine companies from critical sectors An unknown group of hackers attacked several large companies around the world. The number of victims of the attack, which, with reference to analysts at Palo Alto Networks, is reported by the Bleeping computer edition, included organizations involved in health, energy, defense and education. In total, we are talking about nine organizations. At least one of them is located in the United States. According to experts, cybercriminals have stolen various system passwords, which helped them gain access to data that employees of the affected organizations exchanged by mail. Also threatened were documents stored on work computers. Palo Alto Networks did not comment on who could be responsible for a major attack. According to the researchers, some of the tactics and methods used point to groups from China. The US National Security Agency declined to comment on the situation. Earlier,

In schools of the Russian region, a mask regime was introduced for children and teachers

In schools of the Voronezh region, a mask mode was introduced for students and teachers mask mode for students and teachers. This was reported on Monday, November 8, on the official portal of the authorities of the Russian region. It is also specified that children are returning to full-time education “taking into account all existing epidemiological security measures.”

A giant plastic recycling plant will appear in Russia

RT-Invest will launch Russia's largest plastic processing plant by 2023 Rostec subsidiary RT-Invest “Will launch a giant recycled polymer processing plant by 2023, writes RBC. On November 8, the company signed a contract for the construction of a factory with the Ministry of Investments, Industry and Science of the Moscow Region and the management company of the Kashira Park Special Economic Zone. The plant, which will appear near Kashira, will become the largest in Russia – its capacity will be more than 100 thousand tons of finished products per year. RT-Invest said that this figure for existing and planned enterprises in Russia is, on average, half as much. The factory will use the used plastic containers and packaging to produce “green” PET granules that are suitable for recycling. This material can be useful in a wide variety of industries – bottles, food packaging, children's toys, fabrics, building materials, polymer pipes

FSIN inspector sentenced to 7.5 years for drug smuggling in Bashkiria

A former FSIN officer in Bashkiria received 7.5 years in prison for drug smuggling drug smuggling to convicts and bribes. This was reported to “” on Monday, November 8, in the press service of the Directorate of the Investigative Committee of Russia (ICR) in the republic. According to the investigation, the 24-year-old former junior inspector of the supervision group of the security department of the IC -2 periodically received bribes from one prisoner. For money, the inspector, during off-duty hours, bought mobile phones, drugs, nasvay and other things, which he then carried to the colony and handed over to the convict. The price for the service ranged from 2.5 to 15 thousand rubles. In January 2021, the inspector was caught by employees of the colony's security department. In total, the inspector received 34 thousand rubles for his illegal services. The inspector pleaded guilty to the crimes committed, was dismissed from

70 Italian mafiosi jailed for up to 20 years

ANSA: In Italy 70 Ndrangheta Mafia Members Sentenced to 20 Years Italy “Ndrangheta”, was sentenced to different prison terms. This decision was made by the court following one of the largest investigations related to the mafia. The ANSA agency writes about this. The hearings were held on November 6 and 7, 91 clients were brought to trial. Some of them received maximum sentences – up to 20 years in prison, others received shorter sentences (from 10 months or more). The trial in Calabria began in January 2021. It is expected to last at least three years. Meetings are held in a specially equipped bunker. The charge includes more than 400 counts. In the future, at least 355 more people will appear before the court.