The Russians were revealed the ways to avoid annoying ads on social networks

Alexey Fedorov, Avast: to avoid targeted advertising, you need to disable the geolocation Alexey Fedorov, head of the Avast antivirus office in Russia and the CIS, told how to avoid viewing intrusive ads on social networks. He revealed ways to bypass advertising in an interview with Gazeta.Ru. According to the expert, in order to get rid of annoying targeted advertising, you need to turn off location tracking in all applications in the smartphone settings. He clarified that such a function is available for all devices. Fedorov also urged to ignore advertisements and immediately scroll through them. He explained that social networks monitor not only whether a person has watched an advertisement, but also how much time he spent reading it. Another recommendation from the expert concerned the use of profiles and email addresses. “In some social networks, for example, in TikTok, it is possible to view content without registration. If

Datsyuk wanted to deprive the title of honorary citizen in a Russian city

Hockey player Datsyuk is offered to deprive the title of honorary citizen of Yekaterinburg Yekaterinburg. This is reported by Kiselev said that the reason was the demolition of a historic building on Malyshev Street in the city. It was located on the territory owned by the Almi company, which is co-owned by Datsyuk. “They didn't give a damn about the security zone. Leaving Datsyuk as an honorary citizen is to agree with the barbaric demolition of any historical and architectural monument, “the deputy said. Datsyuk became an honorary citizen of Yekaterinburg in 2018. He played for the Russian national team at seven world championships, he has one gold, one silver and two bronze medals. In addition, the striker became an Olympic champion in 2018. The hockey player also took part in public initiatives. In 2019, he turned to Russian President Vladimir Putin with a request to cancel the amendments

Russians revealed an unexpected way to enhance the effect of vaccination against COVID-19

Doctor: to increase the amount of antibodies, the second component of the vaccine can be administered on the 28th day 21st, and 28th day after the first phase. Such an unexpected way to enhance the effect of vaccination and increase the number of antibodies was revealed in an interview with by the Russian doctor-immunologist Nikolai Kryuchkov. The specialist noted that with the introduction of the second phase of the drug, later immunity to COVID-19 sixth to seventh week. “Of course, this does not mean that nothing will happen in a month, just the effect will not be maximum,” Kryuchkov noted. The immunologist emphasized that it is not worth introducing the second component of the vaccine ahead of schedule. < p> In turn, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vitaly Zverev said that the introduction of the second phase later was not contraindicated, although there was no research on

Unexpected headwear turned out to be the new fashion trend of winter

The Guardian: balaclava has become the new fashion trend of winter thanks to Kim Kardashian eye, mouth or face contour has become an unexpected fashion trend for winter 2021. The Guardian writes about this. The journalists came to the appropriate conclusion after a new report by the international service Lyst, which specializes in the analysis of consumer behavior in the fashion industry. According to analysts, in October, the search queries of netizens with the word “balaclava” increased by 18 percent compared with the previous month. The growing demand for these hats was also reported by the online retailer of used clothing Depop: over the past 30 days, consumer interest in masks has been 145 percent higher than a month earlier. Lyst experts associate the popularity of the balaclava with the image of a TV star Kim Kardashian, whom she chose to attend the Met Gala in New York. At the

The owner of the restaurant bought a rare crab for a record amount of 504 thousand rubles

At an auction in Japan, a male snow crab was sold for 800,000 yen a record amount of 800 thousand yen (504 thousand rubles). This is reported by the Kyodo News. On Saturday, November 6, the season for catching snow crab began in Japan. On the same day, an auction was held in Fukui, organized by the prefectural authorities. During it, one of the male crab went under the hammer at an unusually high price. Related materials 00:01 – September 6 ” You constantly realize that you are a stranger here »The story of a Russian woman who left for Japan and saw its dark side00:06 – 15 February 2017 Lords of the SeasPhotographers showed the extraordinary beauty of the underwater world The crustacean was acquired by the owner of the restaurant Toshiaki Nakamura. “The coronavirus pandemic has finally calmed down, and I want people to know that the restaurants

The widow of the main sponsor of the Republicans decided to return to politics

Politico: widow of billionaire Sheldon Adelson held several meetings with Republicans Adelson decided to return to politics and held several secret meetings with Republicans. Politico writes about this with reference to sources familiar with the content of the conversations. According to the newspaper, while the annual conference of the Republican Jewish Coalition was held last weekend at The Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas, built by the Adelsons, the billionaire's widow managed to hold several meetings with representatives of the Republican Party in her home located in the same city. In particular, it became known that Adelson spoke with the leader of the minority in the House of Representatives Kevin McCarthy and the chairman of the National Republican Committee of the US Senate Rick Scott. Adelson also crossed paths with Republicans who are considered the most likely candidates from the party in the presidential election of 2024: former US Secretary of

Tinkoff shares set a record

Tinkoff shares rose to 8506.2 rubles apiece trading on the Moscow Exchange on Monday, November 8. At the peak of the paper rose to 8506.2 rubles per share (plus six percent compared to the close of the previous trading session). At the close of main trading, the share was worth 8360.6 rubles (plus 4.18 percent). TCS Group became the leader among blue chips on the Moscow Exchange. Next came Polyus (plus 2.95 percent, 14,925.5 rubles per share) and Surgutneftegaz (plus 2.89 percent, 34.5 rubles). Only shares of Sberbank (minus 0.32 percent) and MTS (minus 0.02 percent) fell in price. The Moscow Exchange index rose to 4218.27 points (plus 1.04 percent), the RTS index – to 1865, 46 points (plus 0.94 percent). Tesla shares after collapsing at the premarket on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange by 9.5 percent, from 1,069.4 to 968 euros, won back part of the fall. At 18:40 Moscow

Иностранные победители Премии #МЫВМЕСТЕ получат по $10 тыс

Участниками встречи стали представители крупных международных образовательных, волонтерских, медицинских и коммерческих организаций, которые активно работают в гуманитарном направлении: решают важные проблемы и развивают сотрудничество по всему миру. «Мы награждаем волонтеров и организации, которые вложили в оказание помощи людям свой труд, сердце и душу. Этот народный порыв по оказанию помощи — очень важен. Причем как для людей, которым она нужна, так и для добровольцев, которые готовы ее предоставить. Волонтеры — это люди другого сорта. Они чувствуют чужую боль и понимают необходимость поддержки. Мы склоняем голову перед ними и хотим, чтобы их энтузиазма хватило до тех пор, пока пандемия не закончится», — отметил сопредседатель комитета, президент Научно-исследовательского института неотложной детской хирургии и травматологии, доктор медицинских наук Леонид Рошаль. Медвузы отправляют студентов на помощь врачам Прием заявок на международный трек We Are Together стартовал 5 декабря 2020 года на Онлайн-марафоне #МЫВМЕСТЕ, который прошел при поддержке специального учреждения Организации Объединенных Наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры (ЮНЕСКО), Программы добровольцев ООН, Международной ассоциации волонтерских усилий, партнеров из Китая, Индии, Узбекистана и ЮАР. В 2021 темой трека стала борьба с пандемией: его участники — граждане, компании и учреждения, которые внесли в это большой