MSU graduate student and girl found dead in an apartment in Moscow

Police: a graduate student of the biology department of Moscow State University and a girl were found dead in Moscow, we are talking about suicide Born in 2001, found dead in an apartment on Bolshaya Akademicheskaya Street in Moscow. This was reported to RIA Novosti by a law enforcement source. Presumably, this is a matter of suicide. The day before, the father of a graduate student contacted the police, the source said. He received a message from his son stating that he had decided “not to continue living.” girls born in 2001, a native of Omsk, “said the agency's interlocutor, adding that the young man earned money by teaching. Syringes and packages with an unknown substance were found in the apartment. Investigators are checking. On November 1, the former head of the Tajik aluminum plant, the famous Soviet inventor, 90-year-old Mikhail Sinani, was found dead in Moscow. The body of

UK recognizes WHO-approved vaccines

The British Ministry of Transport announced the recognition from November 22 of WHO-approved vaccines against coronavirus health organization (WHO) for emergency use. RIA Novosti reports about it with reference to the statement of the Ministry of Transport of the country. According to the report, the British authorities from 4:00 on November 22 will recognize as valid vaccines listed by WHO for emergency use. Thus, Sinovac, Sinopharm Beijing and Covaxin will be added to the list of approved vaccines for inbound tourism to the UK. This means that Pfizer/BioNTech, AstraZeneca, Moderna and Janssen (J&J) vaccines and WHO approved vaccines including Sinovac, Sinopharm Beijing and Covaxin will be valid in the UK from November 22nd. The British Ministry of Transport clarified that fully vaccinated passengers who received their certificates in one of 135 countries should no longer do a coronavirus test before departure, do a test on the eighth day of arrival,

Poland will close the crossing on the border with Belarus due to the refugee crisis

& nbsp; in & nbsp; connection with & nbsp; the situation on the & nbsp; Polish-Belarusian border from & nbsp; 9 & nbsp; November 07 09:00 Moscow time said in the & nbsp; message. The border service asked the travelers to go to the & nbsp; border checkpoints in Terespol and & nbsp; Bobrovniki. The State Border Committee of Belarus noted that Poland decided to close the border checkpoint in Kuznitsa. “ The Belarusian side does not see any objective reasons for making such a decision. & lt; & hellip; & gt; When the Polish checkpoint is resumed, Belarusian services are ready to provide registration in the & nbsp; regular mode & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; says the & nbsp; message of the department in & nbsp; Telegram. On the & nbsp; border of Belarus with & nbsp; Poland and & nbsp; Lithuania in & nbsp; in recent days,

The State Department announced its intention to continue pressure on Lukashenka

State Department: The United States intends to continue pressure on Lukashenko because of the crisis on the border with Poland Lukashenko because of the situation on the border with Poland. This was announced by the head of the press service of the State Department, Ned Price, quoted by RIA Novosti. According to the State Department spokesman, the United States condemns the use of vulnerable people for political purposes by the Belarusian authorities, as well as the inhumane organization of migration flows to Europe. At the same time, Washington does not intend to immediately impose new sanctions against Minsk. “We are concerned about photographs and messages from the border between Belarus and Poland. As long as the authorities refuse to comply with their international obligations, undermine peace and security in Europe, continue to persecute people, we will continue to put pressure on Lukashenka, “Price said at a briefing. The migration crisis

The State Duma assessed the grounds for the suspension of pension payments

State Duma: Pension fund may suspend payments of pensions due to problems with training certificates Conditions under which the Russian Pension Fund (PFR) may temporarily stop paying pensions, they are sufficient and cannot be done without them, said State Duma deputy, member of the committee on labor, social policy and veterans affairs Svetlana Bessarab in an interview with Duma TV. The deputy noted that more often In total, the decision to suspend the payment of pensions is associated with problems with certificates of education or the loss of a breadwinner. According to Bessarab, difficulties in the process of assigning a pension may arise due to the fact that foreign educational organizations have not adopted a unified form of documents for training. In this case, the FIU each time requests information from the educational institution, after which restores the right to receive a pension as soon as possible. Earlier, the PFR

FBI circulated photo of Russian suspected of cyber extortion

The FBI has extended targeting to the Russian citizen Polyanin, suspected of extortion cyber extortion up to $ 13 million. The pictures appeared on the bureau's Twitter page. According to the FBI, Evgeny Igorevich Polyanin was born on March 4, 1993, presumably lives in Barnaul. Earlier, the United States brought charges against the Russian Evgeny Polyanin on up to $ 13 million in cyber extortion case. According to the head of the US Department of Justice Merrick Garland, the REvil program affected about 175 thousand computers around the world, the cybercriminals were paid at least $ 200 million in ransom. That the US authorities are planning to bring charges against Russian citizen Yevgeny Polyanin and a citizen Ukraine Yaroslav Vasinsky, it became known on November 8. They are accused of conspiracy to commit fraud and money laundering. Both suspects are believed to be members of the REvil organization.

Illegals staged riots at accommodation centers for migrants in Lithuania

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Lithuania: migrants infiltrated from Belarus staged riots in accommodation centers Riots took place in several centers for temporary accommodation of migrants in Lithuania. They were arranged by illegal immigrants from Africa and Asia who entered the republic through Belarus. This was reported by TASS with reference to the representative of the State Border Guard Service under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Lithuania Giedrius Mishutis. According to him, the most serious riots, which involved several hundred people, took place in the accommodation center located at the border guard training school in in the village of Medininkai, Vilnius region. Migrants shouted dissatisfaction with the conditions of detention and ostentatiously swung the fence installed around the center. It is reported that the riot lasted for several hours, dying down and flaring up with renewed vigor. At the same time, when trying to restore order by the police

Romania to discuss with the US an increase in American presence

Romanian Foreign Minister Aurescu: Bucharest is discussing with the US an increase in the US presence Romania is discussing with the US an increase in the US presence in the country through NATO. This was stated by the head of the Romanian Foreign Ministry Bogdan Aurescu, writes RIA Novosti. Before meeting with US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken Aurescu noted that it is planned to discuss how to deepen political cooperation between the two countries and interaction in the field of security. The Foreign Minister also noted that it is necessary to emphasize the importance of close coordination for negotiations on a new strategic concept of NATO, for further consolidation of “deterrent and defense positions along the entire eastern flank, especially in the Black Sea.” In January, the command of the Military- The US Air Force (Air Force) in Europe and Africa transferred a detachment of reconnaissance attack unmanned aerial

Belarus refused to sell electricity to Ukraine

“Economic Truth”: Belarus refused to sell electricity to Ukraine since November the basis of previously concluded framework contracts will not be implemented. This is what Ekonomicheskaya Pravda writes about. According to the newspaper, participants in the energy market received a letter from Belenergo. In particular, a photo of the document signed by the CEO of the company Pavel Drozd on her Facebook page was published by an energy expert Olga Kosharnaya. In a letter dated Monday, November 8, it is also noted that the conclusion of new framework contracts not planned, the company also thanks its Ukrainian partners “for cooperation and interest in purchasing Belarusian electricity.” “. Also, Ekonomicheskaya Pravda notes that the letter “concerns only framework agreements, so the import can technically continue.” Earlier it was reported that Ukraine will increase the import of electricity from Belarus almost 27 times from November 8. On November 6, the press service

US asked Poland to extradite Ukrainian suspect in cyberattacks

US Justice Minister Garland: we ask Poland to extradite Ukrainian Vasinsky committed by the REvil organization. This was announced by the head of the US Justice Department and Attorney General Merrick Garland, he is quoted by TASS. Two months after the United States accused Vasinsky in absentia of burglary, the Ukrainian crossed the border with Poland, the Attorney General noted. “There, at our request, the Polish authorities arrested him in accordance with a preliminary arrest warrant. Currently, we have asked Poland to extradite him to the United States in accordance with the extradition treaty between our countries, “the minister stressed. Earlier, Garland said that the United States had brought charges against the Russian Yevgeny Polyanin in the case of cyber extortion in the amount of up to $ 13 million. According to him, the REvil program affected about 175 thousand computers around the world, the attackers were paid at least