Russians urged not to wait for a decline in housing prices

Deputy Chairman of the Board of Sberbank Tsarev: housing prices in Russia will not decrease in the next two years expect a decline in house prices in the coming years. He expressed this opinion in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda. He suggested that there are long-term trends on the market that cannot be reversed in a short time. “For example, to instantly increase the supply by quickly building more houses,” Tsarev said. According to the expert, the current situation was established in 2016-2017, and major changes should be expected in two years. The current proposal was laid down in 2016-2017, Tsarev noted. The specialist believes that major changes should be expected in two years. In his opinion, by this time the situation will stabilize: there will be not so much demand and not so much supply. At the same time, the expert noted, prices will not change so dramatically, but

American journalist spoke about Biden, who amused Putin

American journalist Cardillo: Putin and Xi Jinping must have cheered Biden COP26 in Glasgow. The corresponding message appeared on his Twitter account. In his opinion, with his caustic statements, Biden only amused Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping. “This is a shame for the whole world,” the publicist believes. The author mentioned in the article the statement of the American leader about “serious problems with the climate”, which, according to him, are observed in Russia. In response, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said that the United States is pursuing a non-systematic policy in this area, when Moscow is actively and consistently fulfilling its obligations under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. Earlier it was reported that the secret service had “evacuated” Biden from an event at the Glasgow Climate Summit as he prepared to announce a new plan to reduce methane emissions. The American leader

The woman found her lover in bed with others and lost 11 million rubles

A British woman kicked her lover out of the mansion and lost 120 thousand pounds sterling mansion. As a result, she lost 120 thousand pounds (11.5 million rubles), according to the Daily Mail. In 2009, Sharon Blades and financier Chris Rowland, who were lovers at the time, paid £ 1.6 million (RUB 154 million) for a nine-bedroom mansion near Banbury, Oxfordshire. The couple were planning to use it for out-of-town holidays. Related Content 00:05 – November 16, 2019 “And don't tell me that she did not deserve it “What do lovers go to to avenge their betrayal 14:41 – 15 August 2018 “Yesterday we looked at the house together. Today you are with your mistress! ”Lovers go to great lengths to find the cheater. Even detectives are surprised Soon after the purchase, the British woman twice caught Rowland in bed with other women. After that, she forbade him to bring

The Federation Council assessed the intention of the United States to continue pressure on Lukashenka

Senator Pushkov on the US statement about pressure on Lukashenko: there is no logic here Federation Council member Alexei Pushkov appreciated the State Department's statement that The United States intends to continue to put pressure on the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko because of the situation on the border with Poland. He expressed his opinion on his Telegram channel. According to him, there is no logic in the actions of the State Department. “All liberal Europe led by Merkel de facto welcomed the massive arrival of migrants from the Middle East in 2015, called for shelter and even demanded that the dissident countries – Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia accept refugees on the basis of special quotas. And when they refused, she criticized them for it. The US then welcomed the policy of accepting migrants. Now, they condemn the path followed by migrants in the EU, “the senator

Rita Ora starred in chain mail on a naked body

Singer Rita Ora starred in a mini dress with a cleavage and body-chain mail and delighted fans Popular British pop singer Rita Ora backstage of a candid photo session and delighted the fans. Relevant shots and comments appeared on her Instagram page. The 30-year-old celebrity posted the pictures in several images. So, she starred in a body-chain mail with rhinestones, which completely exposed her body, and tight-fitting leggings. In addition, the singer was captured in a black mini-dress with a deep neckline decorated with silver sequins. In the photo, she is posing on the beach with her hair down and nude makeup.

The State Duma assessed the conditions for depriving Russians of pensions

State Duma Deputy Bessarab: Pension Fund may be deprived of pensions due to problems with training certificates Conditions under which the Pension Fund ) can temporarily deprive Russians of pensions, today they are necessary and sufficient. This opinion was expressed to the Duma TV channel by State Duma deputy, member of the committee on labor, social policy and veterans affairs Svetlana Bessarab. The deputy explained that most often the decision to suspend pension payments is due to problems with training certificates. At the same time, payments are resumed “as soon as possible” after the removal of obstacles to receiving. What are the most common problems faced by citizens? Well, this is a discrepancy between rates, especially rates for training. On the territory of the Russian Federation, we have already come to a single form of certificate for students and students receiving a survivor's pension. But, unfortunately, certificates from foreign educational

The reason for the secret transportation of Saakashvili from prison to hospital is named

Minister of Justice of Georgia: Saakashvili was transported from prison to hospital due to refusal of treatment Minister of Justice of Georgia Rati Bregadze said the transfer of former President Mikheil Saakashvili from prison no. 12 in the city of Rustavi to prison hospital no. 18 in Tbilisi was due to his refusal to receive treatment. He told about this on the air of the Georgian TV company Imedi. “Mikhail Saakashvili refused a significant part of the treatment he was receiving and, accordingly, the risk that his health could deteriorate increased,” Bregadze said. He added that this decision was made for the safety of the former Georgian leader, who went on a hunger strike in prison. Then it became known that the politician was transferred from the Rustavi hospital to the Gldani prison clinic. The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry said that it was disappointed with Saakashvili's transfer to the Gldanskaya hospital

The Federation Council responded to Zelensky's criticism of the USSR and the words about the liberation of Kiev

Senator Tsekov compared Zelensky with Nazi accomplices for his words about the liberation of Kiev about the liberation of Kiev in 1943 and criticized the USSR. This is reported by RIA Novosti. The Russian senator compared the Ukrainian leader with Nazi accomplices, since he “actually blames the victory in that war in terms of the losses suffered by the Soviet Union, and does not say a word about the atrocities the fascists themselves. ” In addition, Tsekov pointed out that with such statements Zelensky demonstrates the degree of his political degradation and historical ignorance. Earlier, Volodymyr Zelensky, on the Day of the Liberation of Ukraine from Nazi invaders, wrote a post on his Telegram channel, in which he recalled saying that “the liberation of Kiev is a story of boundless indifference and cruelty of“ great ”leaders and boundless feats of great fighters who liberated the city from the Nazis.”

Lavrov spoke on the phone with the Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov spoke on the phone with his Azerbaijani counterpart Bayramov Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Monday, November 8 with Azerbaijani counterpart Jeyhun Bayramov. This was reported by RIA Novosti. The conversation took place on the eve of the anniversary of the adoption of the trilateral statement of the leaders of Russia, Azerbaijan and Armenia on a complete ceasefire in the zone of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. The heads of the foreign ministries also discussed topical issues bilateral relations and regional agenda. The last war in Karabakh began on September 27, 2020. Within a few weeks of fighting, Azerbaijan regained control of part of the territories lost during the conflict in the early 1990s.

Factors that increase the chances of survival of patients on mechanical ventilation are named

BSMU scientists: great chances of surviving on mechanical ventilation in patients without cancer and heart disease Russian scientists from the Bashkir State Medical University (BSMU) identified three factors that make it possible to predict the chances of death or recovery for patients with coronavirus infection connected to mechanical ventilation devices (ventilators). Izvestia writes about this. The study involved 200 patients with severe COVID-19, who were in intensive care units of city clinical hospitals in Ufa. They were divided into two groups: one required a connection to a ventilator, the other could breathe on their own. As a result, factors such as the score on a scale for determining the degree of multiple organ failure (SOFA), the ratio of the number of neutrophils to lymphocytes (indicating a focus of inflammation) and the number of proinflammatory cytokines (indicating a cytokine storm) turned out to be particularly important. If all these indicators are