Перевозчиков призвали вернуть деньги за сгоревшие в «ковикулы» билеты

После объявления о периоде нерабочих дней в октябре-ноябре в связи со вспышкой заболеваемости коронавирусом было отменено множество мероприятий, закрыты кафе и рестораны, учреждения досуга и культуры, а также другие заведения. На это же время выпали школьные каникулы, на которые родители спланировали совместный отдых с детьми и поездки в организованные туры в другие города, купив невозвратные билеты на самолеты и поезда. «Из-за принятия новых ограничений сложилась непростая ситуация с посещением образовательных и культурных мероприятий детьми в составе организованных групп. Все мероприятия отменились или были перенесены», — указал Илья Зотов в своем обращении. При этом возврат денег или обмен билетов на другие даты по действующим правилам невозвратных тарифов перевозчиков не предусмотрен. Реализация предложения позволит родителям с детьми перенести свой отдых на другой период, считают в ООП.

Rospotrebnadzor disclosed the proportion of Russians vaccinated against influenza

Rospotrebnadzor: more than 40 million Russians were vaccinated against influenza, which is 29% makes up 29 percent of the population. This was reported on the website of Rospotrebnadzor. In terms of the total population, the epidemic thresholds for influenza and SARS were exceeded in 37 Russian regions. It is noted that the incidence is mainly due to the circulation of respiratory viruses of non-influenza etiology. At the same time, the department added that an increase in the proportion of influenza viruses is noted in the general structure of detected respiratory viruses. Rospotrebnadzor stressed that exceeding the weekly thresholds for the incidence of influenza and ARVI is observed mainly among the adult population. Earlier, Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova said that on average in Russia, the proportion of those vaccinated against coronavirus with the first component is 67.8 percent of the planned number. According to her, this fall Russia was supposed

Container ship ran aground due to storm in Primorye

Rescue services: the container ship ran aground and got a leak in the Nakhodka area in Primorye The container ship deviated from the course, ran aground and got a leak in the Nakhodka area in the south of Primorye. This was reported by TASS with reference to a source in the region's rescue services. “People are safe. There is no oil spill, “the source said. On October 9, in the Moscow region, the four-deck motor ship” Konstantin Korotkov “ran aground in the Moscow Canal and blocked shipping traffic.

Russia resumed flights with nine countries

Air traffic with & nbsp; Netherlands resumed on & nbsp; directions Moscow & nbsp; & mdash; Amsterdam (seven flights per & nbsp; week), Moscow & nbsp; & mdash; Eindhoven (two flights per & nbsp; week), St. Petersburg & nbsp; & mdash; Amsterdam, Zhukovsky & nbsp; & mdash; Amsterdam, Yekaterinburg & nbsp; & mdash; Amsterdam, Kaliningrad & nbsp; & mdash; Amsterdam and & nbsp; Sochi & nbsp; & mdash; Amsterdam (& nbsp; two per & nbsp; week). Air traffic with & nbsp; Norway has been restored on & nbsp; routes St. Petersburg & nbsp; & mdash; Bergen and & nbsp; St. Petersburg & nbsp; & mdash; Oslo (by & nbsp; two flights per & nbsp; week), with & nbsp; Oman & nbsp; & mdash; in & nbsp; direction Moscow & nbsp; & mdash; Muscat (two in & nbsp; week), with & nbsp; Slovenia & nbsp; & mdash; on the & nbsp;

An infectious disease specialist named a dangerous manifestation of postcoid syndrome in children

Doctor Pozdnyakov: children after COVID show multisystem inflammatory syndrome that the latest outbreaks of coronavirus infection showed that children, as well as adults, began to get sick more often and more severely. His words are quoted by RIA Novosti. The specialist emphasized that unpleasant consequences, such as multisystem inflammatory syndrome, can appear in children weeks after recovery. “Most likely, AIM in children is a variant of a cytokine storm, but it manifests itself not during, but 1-4 weeks after the illness,” he said. Pozdnyakov added that most often the coronavirus itself in these children the course was mild or “subclinical”. The doctor added that a possible reason for its development is the body's hyperimmune reaction to the infection, only, in comparison with adult patients, delayed in time. According to the infectious disease specialist, the multisystem inflammatory syndrome is characterized by the rapid onset of fever with an increase in body

Accused of harassment, the star of the movie “Only Old Men Go to Battle” quit

Actor Talashko resigned from the university after being accused of harassment resigned from the Karpenko-Kary Kiev National University of Theater, Film and Television after being accused of raping a 17-year-old girl. This was announced by actress Victoria Mushtei on her Facebook page. Related materials 00:02 – 2 August “People were afraid of him … He inspired terror. ”Surveillance, bullying, threats. How Harvey Weinstein avoided punishment for harassment for years00:01 – November 16, 2018 Refused to initiate It became worse for everyone According to her, the actor wrote a statement of his own free will. “Now there is a precedent for the official investigation of harassment in a creative university and its successful denouement,” the actress said. Mushtei added that a group is currently working at the university to investigate harassment, but instead is trying to ” hush up the situation. ” According to the artist, she contacted the group and

The financier warned the Russians about the danger of a quick loan closure

Financier Pereslavsky on early termination of the loan: a conflict may arise quick loan closure. He told the Prime agency that in the event of a partial repayment, a conflict situation with the bank may arise. At the same time, the financier recalled that no organization can prohibit closing the entire debt ahead of schedule. “The fact is that quite often there are cases when banks either generally prohibit partially repaying a mortgage loan, or give the opportunity to make one or two payments, and this is usually fixed in the loan agreement,” he explained. > Pereslavsky also gave advice on how to make such payments. According to him, the most profitable thing is to shorten the term of the loan, that is, to reduce it for the maximum possible period in one payment. The expert explained that together with the principal debt, the interest on the loan will be

The Catholic Church will pay off the victims of pedophilia

Reuters: Catholic Church will sell real estate and pay off victims of pedophilia violence. This is reported by Reuters. The President of the Episcopal Conference, Eric de Moulin-Beaufort, said that the Church recognized its “institutional responsibility” and decided to go “along the path of recognition and redress, which provides victims with the opportunity to mediate and compensation. “ The bishops will create a fund” financed to any extent necessary by the sale of real estate and other assets, “de Moulin-Beaufort, Archbishop of Reims and head of the French Bishops' Conference, told reporters. “If necessary, we are also ready to take loans to fulfill our obligations,” added de Moulin-Beaufort, without specifying details of the amount of compensation and how the church intends to pay it. In addition, The bishops also decided to ask the Pope to send special envoys to them to oversee how each bishop and diocese deals with individual

US Protester Seeks Political Asylum In Belarus

According to & nbsp; Newman, in his homeland, six criminal cases were opened against him. “They added my photo to the & nbsp; FBI's Most Wanted Criminals List with & nbsp; asking for help from the public to identify me. And & nbsp; some of my friends warned me about this. I have many friends who work for the & nbsp; government. I & nbsp; knew that & nbsp; I would be immediately identified, and & nbsp; so the first thing I did was & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said the man. Newman had a bag business and left the country under the guise of a business trip. The man flew to Italy in March, and then took the train to Switzerland, where he got into a car and drove to the Ukrainian Zhitomir. After a few months in & nbsp; Ukraine, Newman, according to & nbsp; he, noticed

Рейтинги губернаторов пострадали от COVID-19

«Значительная часть глав субъектов, позиции которых отличаются в рейтинге негативной динамикой, пока не могут эффективно противостоять распространению пандемии», — пояснил «Известиям» глава АПЭК Дмитрий Орлов. По его словам, способность управлять развитием эпидемии, сдерживать ее — сегодня очевидный фактор оценки эффективности работы глав субъектов. Сильнее всего в рейтинге АПЭК за октябрь потеряли губернатор Саратовской области Валерий Радаев (с 28-го на 41-е место) и глава Еврейской автономной области Ростислав Гольдштейн (с 68-го на 73-е место). Как отмечается в докладе АПЭК, продолжается нисходящий тренд для руководителя Республики Крым Сергея Аксёнова (с 23-го на 27-е место). Субъект занимает шестое место в России по количеству выявленных заболеваний COVID-19. Впрочем, как пояснили «Известиям» авторы рейтинга, основным фактором снижения рейтинга губернатора стали обыски и задержание главы Евпатории Олеси Харитоненко. Кроме того, теряют позиции главы регионов, чаще других обсуждаемые в качестве возможных кандидатов на досрочную отставку. В их числе руководитель Кировской области Игорь Васильев (с 70-го на 75-е место), губернатор Томской области Сергей Жвачкин (с 75-го на 83-е место), глава Хакасии Валентин Коновалов (с 84-го на 85-е место).