Germany called the terms of certification of “Nord Stream-2”

Bundestag deputy Ernst: certification of Nord Stream 2 may end in 2022 Former head of the German Bundestag committee in Economics and Energy, Klaus Ernst said that the certification of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline by the German regulator Bundesnetzagentur could be completed in January 2022. This is reported by RBC. According to Ernst, now there is a need to launch the project as soon as possible. The MP also noted that he agreed with the opinion of the Prime Minister of Bavaria Markus Seder, who had previously stated the need to speed up the commissioning of the pipeline. “If more gas comes to the market, then the demand for it will stabilize and prices will decrease. Now the supply does not meet the high demand, “the politician said. The Polish oil and gas company PGNiG, participating in the certification procedure, insists on the refusal of certification due to

The doctor named products that can withstand COVID-19

Doctor Koroleva: during a pandemic, unrefined vegetable fats should be consumed newspaper “reported that animal and unrefined vegetable fats should be an integral part of the diet during the coronavirus pandemic. The doctor noted that foods rich in them can provide anti-inflammatory protection. In particular, animal and unrefined vegetable fats are able to resist the spread of the virus, the specialist noted. The specialist recommended including ghee oil in the diet – it should be consumed 1.5-2 teaspoons a day. The Queen also emphasized that a chicken or quail egg for breakfast is a good source of fat-soluble vitamins A, D and E In the morning, the doctor also advised to eat a piece of bacon, and during the day – nuts and seeds. According to the specialist, during the coronavirus pandemic, fish of the northern seas, olive oil, sprouted wheat oil should also be consumed. avocado and argan tree.

The three main allergens in the home are named

Immunologist Bolibok: you can get rid of allergens in the house by airing and damp cleaning Immunologist Vladimir Bolibok named three main allergens that can be encountered in the house, and how to get rid of them. The doctor conditionally divided all allergens into three groups. The first is food allergens. It includes any foods that can cause allergies. They are mainly concentrated in the kitchen. The second group Bolibok identified molds. “Their spores can form on damp corners, walls, if they freeze, along water pipes where condensation accumulates,” the expert explained, noting that mold can also appear under the carpet that hangs on the cold and wet wall. < p> House dust was the third group of allergens. According to the doctor, the strongest irritant in this category is house dust mite, as well as the epithelium of some domestic animals, including cats, dogs, parrots and other pets, which

The Russians named the simplest professions

“”: Russians consider the most simple professions of a courier, security guard and loader loader. This is stated in a study of the service “”, writes RIA Novosti. It is noted that about 60 percent of respondents named the simplest profession of a courier. Half of the respondents noted the activity of a security guard, and 48 percent – a loader. A third of the survey participants consider the profession of a conductor and flight attendant to be easy, another 26 percent called the profession of an actor easy. It is noted that every sixth citizen considers the activity of a marketer to be simple. Another 15 percent of respondents named the work of an athlete and a designer. At the same time, almost every tenth Russian surveyed noted that there are no simple professions. The study was conducted in November among six thousand economically active Russians over 18 years

Frequent traveler Russian reveals common airport tricks

A Russian traveler told how airport light makes people spend more money the most common tricks for passengers at airports. He revealed the manipulations of the air harbors in his personal blog on the Yandex.Zen platform. The traveler drew attention to the fact that all modern airports are built in a minimalist style, as, according to him, large bright spaces with a natural source of light soothe passengers and make them spend more money. “By the way, it was noted long ago that people are more willing to enter a room with a natural light source than with an artificial one, and, accordingly, spend money there, “the Russian added. Related materials00: 10 – 12 April 2017 June 15-15, 2016 Save on sleepers10 life hacks, tricks and tricks by train The author of the blog also highlighted that there are no seats in the uncontrolled area of ​​the air harbor. This

US Senators Propose Adding Sanctions Against Nord Stream 2

US Senators have proposed to introduce sanctions against Nord Stream 2 in the 2022 defense budget US defense budget for 2022. This is reported by Reuters. The corresponding proposal was sent by six lawmakers, led by Risch. As specified in a press release distributed by Risch's office, amendments to the US Defense Appropriation Act (National Defense Authorization Act, NDAA) for fiscal 2022 were introduced to “stop Nord Stream 2”. The amendments oblige to impose sanctions against the gas pipeline operator. Earlier, a member of the German Bundestag from the Left party, former head of the Committee on Economy and Energy, Klaus Ernst, assessed the role of Ukraine and Poland in the certification of the Russian Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline. According to Ernst, Ukraine should not take part in the certification of Nord Stream 2. The country's only task is to pay gas bills, the parliamentarian believes. On November 8,

Russian banks will be allowed to destroy paper contracts without the consent of customers

Izvestia: Russian banks will be allowed to destroy paper contracts without the consent of clients with clients. Izvestia writes about this with reference to the department. The Ministry, within the framework of the Digital Economy program, has developed a bill that provides for the creation of the possibility of converting bank documents into another format while maintaining their legal significance. The department believes that this will help businesses save billions of rubles. Now the law requires the preservation of many paper documents for 75 years, for which entrepreneurs annually spend 3.5 billion rubles. The document has already been submitted to the State Duma and is awaiting consideration in the first reading. It provides for the destruction of paper originals of contracts only with the consent of each of the parties to the multilateral document, secured by a strengthened qualified electronic signature (UCEP). However, the Ministry of Economic Development considers this

Belarus will stop selling electricity to Ukraine

“Economic Truth”: Belarus will stop selling electricity to Ukraine from November the basis of previously concluded framework contracts will not be implemented. Writes about this “Economic Truth”. According to the newspaper, participants in the energy market received a letter from Belenergo. It says that no new framework contracts are planned. In addition, the company thanks its Ukrainian partners “for cooperation and interest in purchasing Belarusian electricity.” to Ukraine. ” Russian gas Earlier, Gazprom refused to increase the transit of natural gas to Ukraine. The Russian company did not begin to book additional capacities for pumping fuel through the territory of a neighboring country on November 9. At the same time, in just 2021, gas transit from Russia to Europe through the Ukrainian gas transmission system (GTS) decreased by 22 percent compared to the same period in 2020, amounting to 35.3 billion cubic meters. 35.3 billion cubic meters was the volume

Digital projects for social assistance to citizens will appear in Russia

“Modern technologies and & nbsp; digital solutions should be actively implemented in all sectors of the economy. This is one of the & nbsp; National Development Goals approved by the President & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; Mishustin said. Thus, a single centralized digital platform will help get rid of paperwork. In 2024, about 80% of Russians will be able to receive federal assistance without unnecessary information, the Prime Minister said. > It is also expected that the & nbsp; portal & quot; Work in & nbsp; Russia & raquo; will make the search for vacancies convenient. “ We & nbsp; said that & nbsp; state aid should be accessible, prompt, individual. And & nbsp; this & nbsp; is already happening now. However, with & nbsp; any digitalization should remain variability & nbsp; & mdash; for example, if a person does not & nbsp; want to resolve issues on the

In Ukraine, they were afraid of the loss of a number of territories due to the decision of Russia

Political scientist Golovachev: Ukraine may lose territories when Moscow recognizes the DPR and LPR Political scientist Andrey Golovachev said that Ukraine may lose a number of territories if Russia recognizes the self-proclaimed DPR and LPR. The relevant material was published in the edition of Glavred. The specialist believes that after this step of Russia, the previously unrecognized republics will make claims to the entire territory of Donetsk and Luhansk regions. “Medium-term (10-15 years) the prospect of Ukraine is being in a state of permanent war with Russia, economic degradation, a rapid population decline, turning into a gray zone and, probably, further reduction of the sovereign territory, “the political scientist believes. According to Golovachev, if Kiev will continue to pursue an unpredictable and “freaky” foreign and domestic policy, the United States may refuse to “contain” Moscow.