The cost of bitcoin has updated the historical record for the second time in a day

CoinDesk: bitcoin broke the mark of 68 thousand dollars, breaking the record for the second time in a day cost, for the first time exceeding the mark of 68 thousand dollars. This is evidenced by the data of the CoinDesk portal. It is reported that during trading, bitcoin grew by 4.69 percent, and at 06:44 Moscow time reached $ 68,230. The previous record of the cryptocurrency installed on the night of November 8-9. According to CoinDesk, at 02:40 Moscow time, bitcoin reached $ 67.65 thousand. The bitcoin rate began to rise sharply on the night of Monday, November 8. Then, at the maximum, the price reached 66.34 thousand dollars. The coin was last traded at this level on October 21. Bitcoin reached 67 thousand only on October 20, after which it corrected.

Названа доля знающих способы обезопасить данные банковских карт россиян

Изучением вопроса занималась компания Ipsos. В опросе участвовали 1613 человек в возрасте от 18 до 65 лет: владельцы банковских карт и активные пользователи цифровых услуг кредитных организаций. Опрошенные проживают в городах с населением от 100 тыс. человек. Выяснилось, что 90% опрошенных лишь частично знают, как обезопасить данные своих банковских карт. Хуже осведомлены об этом молодые люди в возрасте до 25 лет. Отмечается, что это делает их уязвимыми перед мошенниками и использованием приемов социальной инженерии. Порядка 15% опрошенных готовы сообщить информацию о сроке действия банковской карты и номер телефона, к которому она привязана, в телефонном разговоре с человеком, который представится сотрудником банка. Там не менее о том, что номер банковской карты и имя ее владельца нельзя сообщать никому, знает каждый второй опрошенный — 54%. Самыми незащищенными от мошеннических схем оказались те, кто еще не сталкивался со злоумышленниками. Говоря о способах защиты платежных данных, 55% опрошенных отметили, что считают двухфакторную авторизацию платежей наиболее эффективной в этом вопросе. Самым распространенным способом защиты платежных данных оказались одноразовые коды подтверждения платежей, которыми пользуются 74% респондентов. В то же время каждый четвертый доверяет одноразовым кодам и считает их эффективными.

Catastrophic Doomsday Drought Forecasted

Climatic Change: Climate Change Threats Africa to Water Depletion Doomsday, like the one that occurred in South Africa in 2018, is 5-6 times more likely. As the researchers warn in an article published in the journal Climatic Change, in regions with arid climates, weather events that threaten water resources will become much more frequent. Due to the catastrophic drought in 2018 and the depletion of reservoirs, Cape Town residents switch to water saving in order to postpone the so-called “Zero Day”, when the city will no longer have access to drinking water. To predict such events in the future, scientists have modeled changes in seasonal surface air temperature and precipitation in the 21st century in Africa. In a scenario in which countries do not make any effort to meet climate change mitigation targets, there are 50 -percentage probability that mid-century temperatures in western, central and southern Africa will be three

Infectionist reveals the number of antibodies that protect against COVID-19 strains

Infectionist Timakov: 300 units of antibodies are needed to protect against the delta strain Infectious disease doctor Yevgeny Timakov said in an interview with RIA Novosti that if for old variants of coronavirus infection it was enough to have 150 units of BAU antibodies in order not to get sick, then the number of antibodies for the alpha strain it should be one and a half times more. According to him, the most aggressive is the delta strain, for it you need to have 300 BAU in order not to get seriously ill. Earlier, the director of the Gamaleya Center, Alexander Gintsburg, based on a study conducted in conjunction with the Moscow Department of Health, said that 300 antibodies in international units are needed to fully protect against the delta strain. He also noted that if this figure is lower, then you need to be vaccinated with Sputnik Light.

Tour organizers arranged paid excursions to the crash site of An-26

“Reserved Amur Region”: paid excursions were arranged to the crash site of An-26 near Khabarovsk To the crash site of An-26 in the reserve ” Bolshekhekhtsirsky “in the Khabarovsk Territory organized paid excursions. This is reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the joint directorate of state nature reserves and national parks “Zapovednoye Priamurye”. According to the press service, on Saturday, November 6, 22 violations of a specially protected natural area (SPNA) were recorded in the area of ​​Khrebtovoy Mountain. “Moreover, to a place where, firstly, it is not so easy to get to, secondly, where people have died recently, and thirdly, where it is forbidden to stay without the permission of the management of the reserve or the directorate of the Federal State Budgetary Institution“ Zapovednoye Priamurye ”, without the accompaniment of our state inspectors, and even more so by car and with dogs “, – said the head

The Federation Council assessed the likelihood of Poland's exit from the EU

Senator Pushkov: Poland will not leave the European Union, but the confrontation within the EU will continue Member of the Federation Council Alexey Pushkov assessed the likelihood of Poland's leaving the European Union after the statement of the Minister of Justice of the country about the refusal to pay daily millions of fines in favor of the European Commission. The corresponding message appeared on the senator's Telegram channel. “Neither Poland will leave the EU, nor the EU will expel Poland, but rather the confrontation will continue within the EU. Moreover, such a situation, when contradictions of a high degree of intensity within the EU persist, can last for quite a long time. One should not expect a quick resolution of the conflict by the victory of one of the parties. But also the exit of Poland from the EU – too, “- wrote Pushkov. Earlier, the Minister of Justice and

The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation has placed almost a billion rubles of pension savings in deposits

The Pension Fund of Russia placed 975 million rubles of pension savings in deposits at the rate of 8.05% pension savings in bank deposits at the rate of 8.05 percent. The auction was held on the Moscow Exchange, according to the PFR website. “The Moscow Exchange has selected applications for placing pension savings in bank deposits. Pension savings funds are placed in deposits at a rate of 8.05 percent per annum for 34 days, until December 13, “the report says. In addition, the PFR invests insurance contributions for the funded pension until they are transferred management companies and non-state pension funds into assets permitted by law. Earlier, the PFR named the conditions under which the payment of pensions in Russia ceases. First, payments stop if a Russian does not receive the due amount within six months. In addition, pensions are no longer accrued to those who have not completed the

Biden commented on the record drop in his rating

Joe Biden on rating: I did not run for president because of opinion polls US President Joe Biden commented on the drop record low rates. According to him, during his participation in the pre-election race, he was not guided by the results of opinion polls. This is reported by TASS. During an interview with WKRC-TV, the American leader agreed that the results of the latest poll by USA Today and Suffolk University did indeed indicate a decline in his rating, but noted that the figures obtained in the polls “could rise and fall.” Biden said he currently enjoys the support of “virtually the same number of Americans” as a number of his predecessors, including Barack Obama and Bill Clinton. “I didn’t run for president because of opinion polls,” Biden said, stressing that the situation could change as his administration's agendas, which will “have a significant impact on ordinary Americans,” move

Malysheva named products that reduce the risk of cancer

Elena Malysheva: fish, carrots and tomatoes are useful for cancer prevention ! ” on Channel One, she named products that can reduce the risk of cancer. The TV doctor's list includes fish, carrots and tomatoes. The episode of the show is available on YouTube. The first product on the list, voiced by Malysheva and her co-host Dmitry Shubin, was a fish. According to Shubin, it contains selenium, a trace mineral that prevents the development of cancer. He explained that in the presence of selenium, immune cells “devour cancer cells that are forming non-stop all the time.” “Today it has been shown in giant studies that people with cancer have low levels of selenium,” Malysheva concluded. Another product that reduces the risk of cancer, doctors called carrots. According to Shubin, carrots contain high amounts of vitamin A, which prevents the development of stomach cancer. In addition, Malysheva noted that the vitamin

The Ministry of Justice will expand the list of diseases that prevent the detention in a pre-trial detention center

Kommersant: The Ministry of Justice will expand the list of diseases that prevent detention in a detention center accused and suspected, and bring it into line with the International Classification of Diseases ICD-10. This was announced on Tuesday, November 9, by Kommersant. On November 9, the deadline for public discussion of the draft law by the Ministry of Justice ends. According to the prepared draft law, commission of crimes in which a number of oncological and infectious diseases, diseases of the respiratory system and the cardiovascular system, as well as vision. Also, for the first time, the list of reasons for medical removal will include ailments associated with pregnancy and childbirth, and conditions requiring palliative care. In addition, the list will include diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue. Among other things, the Ministry of Justice proposes to replenish the list of infectious diseases