The Ministry of Justice recognized the Soviet film as extremist

The Ministry of Justice recognized the Soviet film Secret and Explicit as extremist. Aims and deeds of the Zionists “ The Russian Ministry of Justice declared the 1973 Soviet film“ Secret and obvious. Aims and deeds of the Zionists ”. This is reported on the agency's website. The Ministry has included an anti-Zionist film, filmed in 1973 at the Central Documentary Film Studio in Moscow, in the list of extremist materials. The film is considered pseudo-documentary and was not shown in wide distribution. The decision to ban the film was made by the Syktyvkar City Court following a linguistic study. The study showed that the film contains “a negative assessment of a group of persons identified by a combination of characteristics: national and ideological -” Zionists “, as well as Jews as a national group in general.” in relation to “Arabs, Czechs, Slovaks”, as well as Palestinians. In addition, they

Germany announced the urgent need to launch Nord Stream 2

Bundestag deputy Ernst: there is an urgent need to launch Nord Stream 2 -2 “. This opinion was expressed to RIA Novosti by the deputy of the German Bundestag from the Left party, the former head of the Committee on Economy and Energy Klaus Ernst. According to him, Germany needs gas at reasonable prices, and German consumers feel an urgent need to start work pipeline. “The fact that Nord Stream 2 is now virtually completed, and all that remains is to get the approval of the Federal Grid Agency – this is a huge progress. It is obvious that now the gas that Germany needs can be supplied to Germany at reasonable prices, “Ernst said. According to the deputy, other options, especially gas produced by fracking from the United States, would have cost more. < “So, in my opinion, there is an urgent need for German gas consumers and to

US Republicans Seek Sanctions Against Nord Stream 2

As stated in the & nbsp; press release distributed by Riesch's office, he & nbsp; together with & nbsp; five fellow lawmakers & nbsp; on & nbsp; appropriations for & nbsp; US defense & nbsp; 2022 & nbsp; amendments to stop & ldquo; Nord Stream & nbsp; & mdash; 2 & rdquo ;. The report states that the amendments oblige to impose sanctions against the pipeline operator. stream & nbsp; & mdash; 2 '' during the presidency of the current head of state Joe Biden, which causes the disagreement of influential Republicans in the Senate. The US defense budget in & nbsp; recently proposed to expand and & nbsp; other amendments from & nbsp; non-adjacent areas, for example, to provide in & nbsp; a partial boycott of the Olympic Games in & nbsp; Beijing. The Nord Stream gas pipeline & nbsp; & mdash; 2 '' stretches from the & nbsp;

Crew Dragon splashed down off the coast of Florida

Crew Dragon with four astronauts on board splashed down off the coast of Florida coast of Florida after the return of the crew from the International Space Station (ISS). This is reported by RIA Novosti with reference to NASA. American astronauts Shane Kimbrow, Megan MacArthur, astronaut of the European Space Agency Tom Peske, as well as astronaut of the Japan Aerospace Research Agency Akihiko Hoshide are on board. In September, NASA announced that Crew Dragon will send American, European and Japanese astronauts into low Earth orbit, as well as an unnamed crew member, to the third and fourth missions to deliver people to the International Space Station (ISS) using the Crew Dragon. >

The blogger showed the “reverse side” of perfect photos on Instagram

Australian model Bree Lenehan showed a real figure without retouching and delighted fans networks and delighted the fans. Relevant shots and comments appeared on her Instagram page. Body positivity activist Bree Lenehan regularly shares pictures in which she demonstrates how her figure actually looks without Photoshop. In the latest published collage, she poses sideways to the photographer, sucking in her stomach and bending over in her back. According to the girl, this position of the body visually makes her slim. In another image, Lenehan is captured in a relaxed position, which is why fat folds appeared on her stomach. In addition, irregularities are visible on the blogger's skin, namely, cellulite and stretch marks. She emphasized that there is no retouching at all in the picture. “I'll just leave it here. Your real body – without posing, legs apart, and abdomen pulled in – looks amazing! You don't have to change

A helicopter with rescuers flew to the rescue of the crew of a grounded container ship

Rosmorrechflot: the helicopter flew to the rescue of the crew of the grounded container ship Rise Shine, which ran aground off the coast of Nakhodka in Vostok Bay in the Sea of ​​Japan. This was reported by RIA Novosti with reference to Ivan Agarevsky, director of the Primorsky branch of the Rosmorrechflot Marine Rescue Service. “A helicopter took off to remove the crew (of the Rise Shine vessel),” Agarevsky said. Earlier in the regional department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations was informed that the helicopter could not take off because the weather conditions did not allow. In particular, strong waves up to four meters high interfered – rescuers could not get close to the vessel. Container ship Rise Shine deviated from the course, ran aground near Cape Kozino and got a leak in the area Finds in the south of Primorye. There are 14 foreign sailors on board. The

The Russian rested for a month in the resorts of the Crimea and was surprised at the costs

A Russian tourist spent 41.7 thousand rubles for a month of living in Crimea in the fall to heal health, and was surprised at the expenses for a month. He spoke about this in his personal blog on the Yandex.Zen platform. The traveler admitted that he decided to go for the healing air of the Crimean resorts in order to get rid of the frequent bronchospasms, and therefore came to Alupka in the fall. The man spent a month on the peninsula and spent 41.7 thousand rubles. The most expensive item of expenses was housing – renting a studio in a garage cost him 20 thousand rubles. “Demand for apartments in Crimea does not fall at all with the cooling of the water on the beaches. Many people come here at the turn of September and October just for warm weather, “the Russian explained. The man spent 17,500 rubles on

In Russia, they decided to ban films with sex perversions in online cinemas

“Vedomosti”: Roskomnadzor decided to ban video services from showing films with sex deviations with “non-traditional sexual relationships and sexual deviations.” Vedomosti writes about this on Tuesday, November 9. The publication refers to the list of proposals for changes in the current legislation, which was discussed at a meeting of the Public Council under the department. According to the newspaper, a slide with the emblem of Roskomnadzor was presented on it, which presented a number of restrictions for video services related to the demonstration of such content. What are sex deviations? As the sexologist and psychiatrist Irina Ayriyants explained to the publication, sexual deviations (perversions) include pedophilia, exhibitionism, sadism and masochism. The list of mental illnesses changes regularly. For example, previously it included homosexuality and transsexuality, and in the latest edition, homosexual attraction was excluded. A new update of the disease classifications is expected in about two years. Ayriyants recalled that

Russians predicted the future in the changed labor market

Labor market expert Andrey Alyasov: Russians will be able to adapt to changes it has a good position, proving its competitiveness. This idea was voiced by Andrey Alyasov, the founder and head of the platform for the development of young talents Changellenge, within the framework of the large-scale project “New Society”. Speaking about the key changes in the labor market, the expert pointed to the widespread use of remote specialists and ubiquitous robotization. “No one is ever ready for global changes. But our people are strong, they know how to withstand serious difficulties – it has been proven by history, “the specialist assured. According to Andrey Alyasov, the ability to adapt to changing conditions is inherent in a person, regardless of his occupation:” This is, in principle, the ability of any the human body. As the famous American businessman, founder of the investment company Bridgewater Ray Dalio said, progress is

Strong waves prevent the start of the evacuation of a grounded container ship in Primorye

The Rise Shine, which ran aground near Nakhodka in Primorye, cannot be evacuated ran aground and broke in half off the coast in the Primorsky Territory, unable to evacuate due to strong waves up to four meters high. This was reported by RIA Novosti with reference to a representative of the rescue unit of the port of Nakhodka. “The rescuers arrived at the site, but there is a strong wave, it is impossible to get close, there is a four-meter wave overwhelming the ship. They do not allow approaching the vessel, “the port employee said. Earlier on November 9, it was reported that Rise Shine deviated from the course, ran aground and got a leak in the Nakhodka area in the south of Primorye. As reported by a TASS source in the rescue services, people are safe, there is no oil spill. According to Interfax, there are 14 foreign sailors