The doctor called the “multivitamin bomb” to strengthen the immune system

Nutritionist Ryl: sea buckthorn is a “multivitamin bomb” for strengthening immunity Sea buckthorn can be called a “multivitamin bomb” contains more vitamin C than citrus fruits. Such a product was named by nutritionist Irina Ryl, she is quoted by RIA Novosti. “It also contains vitamins A, E, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, E, PP. Sea buckthorn contains a lot of carotenoids and flavonoids, so it perfectly strengthens the immune system, has an unlawful and wound healing effect, “Ryl said. She added that sea buckthorn oil is also used in the treatment of skin diseases. The enzymes contained in the berry trigger the production of serotonin and reduce blood clotting. In this case, sea buckthorn can cause allergic reactions, the specialist emphasized. She added that it should not be consumed by people with kidney stones and gallbladder. Previously, nutritionist Dianova said that autumn foods of a certain color will help strengthen

Roskomnadzor discusses ban on LGBT propaganda in online cinemas

Roskomnadzor discusses amendments to the & nbsp; law & nbsp; On & nbsp; Information, Information Technologies and & nbsp; Information Protection & raquo ;. Amendments can be made to & nbsp; Articles 10.5 and & nbsp; 10.6, which regulate the obligations of owners of online video services and & nbsp; social networks. Materials “promoting non-traditional sexual relations and sexual deviations” are proposed to be included in the list of grounds for inclusion in the register of prohibited information. Providers and & nbsp; operators are required to block pages with & nbsp; materials from the & nbsp; registry. The agency is also discussing amendments to the & nbsp; law on & nbsp; the protection of children from & nbsp; information harmful to their & nbsp; health and & nbsp; development. It is proposed to add a restriction on the & nbsp; demonstration or description of such relationships to the & nbsp;

Lavrov spoke about the reasons for xenophobia in Kazakhstan

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov: xenophobia in Kazakhstan was the result of external influence Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that the population of Kazakhstan was the result of the influence of external forces that want to cause discord between Moscow and Nur-Sultan. He spoke about this in the article “Russia and Kazakhstan: cooperation without borders” published in “Rossiyskaya Gazeta”. “Unfortunately, recently we have witnessed a number of resonant manifestations of xenophobia towards Russian-speaking citizens of Kazakhstan. Individual cases are largely the product of the use of special informational techniques from outside, “the minister said. He stressed that this is how local nationalism is implanted in Kazakhs and discrediting cooperation with Russia. However, such actions, according to Lavrov, are quickly suppressed due to strong bilateral relations between the countries. “According to the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Russian language is endowed with the official status and is used on

The cost of mortgages has increased in Russia

OKB: since January 2021, the cost of mortgages has increased on average by 0.6 percentage points Since the beginning of 2021, the total cost of mortgage loans increased on average from 8.6 percent to 9.2 percent per annum. Experts attributed the growth to several reasons, including the increase in the key rate. The rise in mortgage prices is reported by TASS with reference to the United Credit Bureau (OKB). The cost of loans for housing increased by 0.6 percentage points. The reasons that caused such dynamics, in addition to increasing the key rate, were also attributed to the change in the conditions of the preferential mortgage program – from July 1, 2021, the maximum loan amount was reduced to three million rubles for all regions. According to experts, in September In 2021, the average size of a mortgage loan increased by 96 thousand rubles – from 2.89 million rubles to

New payments for children proposed in Russia

Newborn Russians were offered to pay 100 thousand rubles from part of the tax on mineral extraction tax … Such an initiative was made by the director of the Institute for Social Research and Development of Civil Initiatives Maxim Petunin, reports RT. He proposed opening accounts for newborns and adding money there, which they can use after 18 years. “As a mechanism, we propose to fix at the legislative level the practice of annually transferring funds to the Fund for Future Generations in the amount of 10 percent of the mineral extraction tax (MET),” Petunin said. According to his idea, each newborn will have to receive 100 thousand rubles on his account. Petunin stressed that such a practice has already been adopted in a number of oil-producing countries and such accounts will help stimulate the birth rate in Russia and give parents confidence in the future of children. Earlier, Russian

The UK will check the information about the residence of three children with a drug-addicted father in the Urals

The UK will check the information about the residence of three children with a drug-addicted father in Nizhny Tagil will check the information about the residence of three children in Nizhny Tagil of the Sverdlovsk region with their father who is a drug addict. This was reported by RIA Novosti. “In the Sverdlovsk region, the investigation of the Investigative Committee of Russia organized a pre-investigation check according to a report in the media. On November 8, 2021, on the air of one of the federal TV channels, a program was published about a large family from the city of Nizhny Tagil, in which three minor children are raised by one father. The man's wife and the mother of these children had died earlier, ”the message says. It is known that the accusation was made on Channel One in the“ Male/Female ”program. According to the participants in the release, their deceased

The impact of social networks on the chances of getting a job revealed

SuperJob: every fifth employer refused to hire a job seeker because of posts in social networks Analysts of the Superjob job search service conducted a study and found out how social media affects your chances of finding a job. The data is given by TASS. The poll was conducted from October 21 to November 3, 1000 companies and 3000 economically active Russians from different regions of the country took part in it. It turned out that one in five employers refused a job seeker because of posts in social networks. At the same time, the indicator decreased over the year. According to analysts, in 2020 there were 25 percent of such companies. In 13 percent of companies, such situations did not happen, although the Internet activity of job seekers was monitored. At the same time, in more than half (55 percent) of companies, the management was not interested in the

Zakharova reminded Poland of human rights due to the crisis on the border

Zakharova reminded Poland about the protection of human rights due to the migration crisis at the border Official representative of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) against the background of the migration crisis on the border between Poland and Belarus, she reminded Warsaw about the protection of human rights. She wrote about this in her Telegram channel. “I watch a video in which Polish security forces spray some kind of chemical poison in the face of Iraqi migrants breaking through the Belarusian-Polish border, and I think that Poland is a member of the UN Human Rights Council, “the diplomat wrote. Prior to that, Zakharova reminded the Poles about the invasion of Iraq and invited Poland to accept 2,000 Iraqis. She stated that Iraq was destroyed with the active participation of Warsaw. “More than 2,000 Polish soldiers have invaded this sovereign state to establish democracy,” she said. On the eve

The doctor warned the Russians about the dangers of a fashionable way to lose weight

Nutritionist Zharovskaya: Intermittent fasting can cause health problems She said in an interview with Sputnik radio, why intermittent fasting is dangerous. Intermittent fasting divides the day into two periods, in one of which it is forbidden to eat. For example, the 16/8 regimen, in which you can eat for 8 hours, and then you need to fast for 16 hours. “There are people who genetically can eat more rarely, this method of nutrition is suitable for them, but this is only 20-30 percent of people. There is also research that intermittent fasting works well for insulin resistance, when high insulin and impaired glucose tolerance, ”- clarified the nutritionist. Zharovskaya added that intermittent fasting can cause health problems in other people. This method affects the pancreas, liver and gallbladder. Long breaks between meals lead to the accumulation of bile, stagnation, the risk of stone formation increases, the doctor explained. She concluded

Lavrov said about cases of xenophobia against Russian speakers in Kazakhstan

“To & nbsp; Unfortunately, in & nbsp; lately we & nbsp; have witnessed a number of resonant manifestations of xenophobia against citizens of Kazakhstan in & nbsp; Individual cases are largely the product of the use of special informational techniques from the outside, aimed at & nbsp; cultivating local nationalism and & nbsp; discrediting cooperation with & nbsp; Russia & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; Lavrov wrote. At the same time, the minister noted that the level of bilateral relations with Nur-Sultan makes it possible to promptly take joint measures for each alarming case. “ For this, we will use direct communication channels & nbsp; & mdash; on the & nbsp; line of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, law enforcement agencies and & nbsp; justice, and & nbsp; also presidential administrations. The coordinated work of the nongovernmental sector, the expert and & nbsp; journalistic community of the two countries &