В небо за миллион: Сколько зарабатывают пилоты пассажирских самолётов

Почему у пилотов большая зарплата Одной из новостей дня в России стало обсуждение заявления главы «Уральских авиалиний» Сергея Скуратова о том, что пилоты Superjet (SSJ 100) в авиакомпании Red Wings получают «неоправданно высокие» зарплаты, руководитель авиакомпании назвал такие выплаты «дикими». По словам Скуратова, ситуация, когда зарплата пилотов Superjet выше, чем у пилотов магистральных самолетов Airbus, является «плохой». По его мнению, Red Wings устанавливает завышенную зарплату «благодаря субсидиям». Однако такая ли уж она завышенная? Рассмотрим по пунктам, что из себя представляет профессия пилота и чем она отличается от «земных профессий». Во-первых, подготовить хорошего пилота — процесс затратный. А кому нужен плохой?! Пилоты Red Wings и других компаний в 2010-х проходили обучение в США и Европе. У них такая же сложная и дорогостоящая подготовка, как и у всех, кто водит Airbus, Boeing или «Суперджет». Управлять машиной, внутри которой находится полторы сотни (а то и больше) пассажиров, может только профессионал, и дилетантов к такой работе не допускают. Почему быть пилотом это сложно? Названы самые необычные пассажирские рейсы Теперь о самой специфике. По словам бывшего командира Bombardier CRJ-900 Олега Сопчика, пилотирование — это физически и психологически сложная работа. Ненормированный график, несбалансированное питание (в одних компаниях питание предусмотрено,

The Russian stock market opened with a drop

The Moscow Exchange Index fell 0.3 percent at the opening of trading The Russian stock market opened with a fall in the main stock indexes on Tuesday, November 9. At the opening of the main trading session on the Moscow Exchange, the Moscow Exchange index fell to 4205.61 points (minus 0.3 percent), the RTS index – to 1856.07 points (minus 0.5 percent). The growth leaders ” blue chips “at 10:08 were TCS Group, Sberbank and NLMK. The securities of these companies rose in price by no more than 0.5 percent. Most of all, the shares of Polyus, Polymetal and Gazprom fell in price. The fall did not exceed 0.9 percent. The dollar exchange rate amounted to 71.32 rubles (plus 0.1 rubles), the euro rate – 82.72 rubles (plus 0.2 rubles). Bitcoin traded at $ 67,957.9 per coin (plus 3.09 percent).

A criminal case was opened against the author of videos about the fictional deputy Nalivkin

Pivovarov said that a criminal case was opened against the author of the series about “deputy” Nalivkin Author and producer of the BARAKuda project, which publishes Internet a series about the fictional deputy Vitaly Nalivkin, Andrei Klochkov said that searches are underway in the apartments of all members of the film crew. This became known from the publication in the Telegram channel of journalist Alexei Pivovarov. Pivovarov said that a criminal case was opened against Klochkov and other members of the film crew under Part 3 of Article 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Hooliganism committed with the use of explosives or explosive devices “). According to preliminary data, the reason for the initiation of the case and searches was a video in which Nalivkin solves the problem of low-quality stops with a grenade launcher. “That video was released a month and a half ago, no one

Named the most popular holiday destination among Russians in November

PCT: Turkey ranked first in terms of bookings for November holidays Turkey. RIA Novosti writes about this with reference to representatives of the travel industry. According to the vice-president of the Russian Union of Travel Industry (PCT) Dmitry Gorin, Turkey ranked first in terms of booking tours for the November holidays. The resorts of the UAE and the Dominican Republic are named as another popular destination. “Egypt could not become the first on the November holidays, because charters had not yet flown there. It may become such after November 9, at the end of the New Year season, “Gorin said. Representatives of the tour operator Tez Tour confirmed that 50 percent of the company's tour bookings in November were in Turkey, but the second place in demand (24 percent) occupied Egypt, overtaking the resorts of the UAE (10 percent). Cyprus and the Maldives follow. Earlier in October, the massive tourist

Russian regions complained about the lack of food

Kommersant: residents of Magadan, Sakhalin and Kamchatka complained about a shortage of goods and food Eastern regions of Russia, Sakhalin, Magadan region , Kamchatka Territory and Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, continue to experience an acute shortage of essential goods, including food. Kommersant writes about this with reference to local authorities and residents' complaints. The address of Chukotka residents to President Vladimir Putin, published on the change.org portal, says that food – vegetables, fruits, dairy products and eggs – is scarce in almost all settlements, for example, in Pevek, Bilibino and the urban-type settlement Provideniya … In the last one for the summer came only one ship, the second is hoped to receive this month. The stores also do not have cabbage, carrots, onions, apples, even potatoes are running low. Deliveries to Kamchatka are delayed for up to 60 days. According to the regional authorities, about 1.6 thousand containers remain in the

Millions of rubles were recovered from Russian deputy after FSB check

Kommersant: The Supreme Court of Dagestan recovered 5 million rubles from deputy Magomedov for Lexus and Toyota The Supreme Court of Dagestan ordered to recover 5 million rubles from the deputy of the Makhachkala city assembly Kurakhma Magomedov – the equivalent of the cost of the two Lexus and Toyota cars he bought for corruption proceeds. This was reported by Kommersant. The decision was made at the suit of the prosecutor's office, which, together with the FSB, revealed a violation of anti-corruption legislation by the people's choice. The check in relation to Magomedov was initiated by the former head of Dagestan Vladimir Vasiliev and the government of the republic. In 2017, Magomedov was found with new cars worth 8.3 million rubles, while his total income was 2.7 million rubles. At the request of the prosecutor's office, the Soviet court of Makhachkala ruled to recover 8.3 million rubles from the deputy,

Zakharova proposed to supplement the sanctions list due to migrants in Poland

Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zakharova asked whether Poland would impose sanctions against the Pentagon individuals and legal entities against whom Poland has called for sanctions due to the situation with migrants on the border with Belarus. Zakharova spoke about this in her Telegram channel. “And against Bush Jr. with the Pentagon?” – asked the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry. Thus, she responded to the call of the Polish Foreign Ministry to immediately impose sanctions against everyone involved in the migration crisis. Earlier, Zakharova reminded the Poles about the invasion of Iraq and offered Poland to accept 2,000 Iraqis. She stated that Iraq was destroyed with the active participation of Warsaw. “More than 2,000 Polish soldiers have invaded this sovereign state to establish democracy,” she said. The Polish Border Guard announced the closure of the Kuznica checkpoint across the border with Belarus on Tuesday morning, November 9, due to the

The man secretly replaced his wife's cat with a more educated

The man imperceptibly replaced his wife's evil cat and kept it secret for years her very similar, but more educated, and kept it a secret for years. He shared his story with users in a post on the Reddit website. The author of the post said that he started dating his future wife six years ago. Soon he found out that his chosen one has an evil black cat that attacks guests, ignores the cat's toilet and shits wherever possible. Related materials 00:01 – April 5 ” No more than four deaths a year “A Russian doctor replaced the organs of a deceased patient. He went for forgery so as not to spoil the statistics 00:03 – November 17, 2019 Mozart's SecretThis music has become the most famous in the world. Who actually wrote it? One day a woman went to visit relatives and asked him to look after the

Russia and Belarus agree on gas

Russia and Belarus signed a protocol on gas prices for 2022 on the gas price for 2022, RIA Novosti reports. Moscow and Minsk have agreed on the procedure for setting prices for fuel supplies. “The Protocol determines the procedure for setting prices for the supply of natural gas to Belarus in 2022. The specific level of gas prices will be fixed in a joint document with PJSC Gazprom, based on the conditions of 2021, ”the Belarusian ministry emphasized. The order to sign this document was given in early November. The draft protocol on tariffs for Minsk developed by the Ministry of Energy was approved by the Russian government, and its term was extended by one year, until December 31, 2022. In September, as part of strengthening Russian-Belarusian integration, Moscow and Minsk agreed to form a united the gas market, as well as the oil and petroleum product markets. The principles

Armenia ruled out the presence of Karabakh in Azerbaijan

The Armenian Foreign Ministry stated that Azerbaijan occupied a significant part of Karabakh Nagorno-Karabakh made a statement in which it ruled out the possibility of this territory being part of Azerbaijan. Sputnik Armenia reported this on Tuesday, November 9. Yerevan claims that in the fall of 2020, Baku unleashed an armed aggression with the direct military participation of Turkey and terrorists from the Middle East. “As a result of the destructive 44-day aggression, significant territories of the Republic of Artsakh, including the historical and cultural center – the city of Shushi, were occupied by Azerbaijan. During the hostilities, the Azerbaijani army committed numerous war crimes, ”the statement reads. According to the Armenian Foreign Ministry, these crimes include torture and extrajudicial killings of prisoners of war and civilians, ethnic cleansing, deliberate destruction monuments and churches, the use of indiscriminate weapons for strikes on populated areas. “The Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (Republic of Artsakh,