The blogger called frequent mistakes in hair care

Blogger McDown Rapier advised to dry hair without a hairdryer to maintain its quality … The videos appeared on her TikTok page. The McDown Rapier network user regularly shares videos with subscribers in which she publishes recommendations to help maintain hair quality. For example, she advised viewers to use a microfiber towel for drying, not cotton, as it absorbs moisture better. In addition, the girl drew the attention of fans to the fact that it is better to dry hair without using a hair dryer, since it is hot temperatures severely spoil their structure. “Do not blow-dry the head area above the ears, as it often gets dry! Ideally, let your hair dry 90 percent naturally before using the hair dryer, ”she concluded. In addition, according to the expert, when washing your hair, you must first apply conditioner to your hair and then rinse roots with shampoo, since the foam

The son of a McDonald's top manager disappeared in Moscow

“112”: the 39-year-old son of a McDonald's top manager disappeared, his mother contacted the police 39 disappeared in Moscow -year-old son of McDonald's top manager Khamzat Khasbulatov. This was reported by the Telegram channel “112”. His mother addressed the police with a statement about the disappearance of Timur Khasbulatov. According to her, her son left an apartment in the center of Moscow after a quarrel with his wife at the end of September, but still has not been in touch. Law enforcement agencies are checking the woman's request. Khamzat Khasbulatov opened the first McDonald’s in Russia.

Four participants in the brawl in New Moscow declared their innocence

Those arrested for a fight in New Moscow said that they themselves were victims of an attack are innocent of the conflict and themselves are the victims of the attack. This is reported by RT with reference to the Public Observation Organization (POC) of Moscow. At the moment, the arrested are in a temporary detention facility (IVS) at 38 Petrovka Street. According to their version, the conflict began over ten rubles , then allegedly one of them was hit with a bottle. According to the detainees, none of them touched the child during the fight. One of the detainees worked as a salesman, the other as a courier. According to RIA Novosti, one of the four arrested does not speak on -Russian. Earlier it was reported that one of the four who attacked a father with a child in New Moscow turned out to be a native of the near

Народные приметы на 9 ноября: выпавший снег пролежит до весны

9 ноября православная церковь вспоминает Нестора Летописца, которого считали покровителем писателей и журналистов. В народе считали, что если в этот день выпал снег, то он больше не растает до самой весны. Кстати, во многих регионах к этому дню уже открывался санный путь. Наши предки подметили, что если на Нестора снег падает на сырую землю, то скоро начнутся морозы, зато весна придет рано и принесет много подснежников. Утренний туман в этот день обещает оттепель, а вот иней на ветках — похолодание. Подмечено, что если сильный ветер дует несколько дней, то следует готовиться к ухудшению погоды — впереди ждут морозы и осадки. А вот утки и гуси, весь день плавающие в воде, — верная примета того, что в ближайшие дни будет хорошая и теплая погода. Екатерина Гура

Published a map of installation sites in the Moscow region of playgrounds in 2022

Residents of the Moscow region will be able to see on the map the location of the playgrounds in 2022 The official portal of the Government of the Moscow Region has published a map showing 229 addresses at which, as part of the program of the Governor of the Moscow Region, Andrei Vorobyov, children's playgrounds will be equipped in 2022. The addresses can be found on the website of the Ministry of Public Improvement of the Moscow Region. The Governor's program for the installation of new playgrounds has been operating in the Moscow Region since 2013. During this period, more than 1200 of them have been installed. These are modern gaming complexes with an area of ​​300 and 450 square meters with a safe rubber coating. On their territory, in addition to play elements, benches, trash cans, information stands are installed. Recall that 229 playgrounds were installed in the Moscow

Salma Hayek spoke about the expulsion of ghosts from her home

Actress Salma Hayek explains how she chased ghosts from her family home in London how she tried to drive the ghosts from her home. Her words are quoted by the Daily Mail. The 55-year-old celebrity noted that she had not encountered the paranormal personally, however, according to her, her relatives and servants met with the ghosts in Hayek's London house. They complained about spontaneous turning on and off of lights, playing the piano. Hayek's daughter Valentina also said that she had seen ghosts. “I reassured my family and said that I would bring someone. Even if this is not true, at least they will feel psychologically calm from the thought that everything is over, “Hayek said. The artist stressed that the paranormal specialist who came to her family's house frightened the inhabitants of the house even more , stating that he counted about 20 ghosts. The medium added that one

Ученые назвали ключевые факторы для прогноза выживаемости больных с COVID-19 на ИВЛ

«Мы провели сравнительный анализ ряда клинико-демографических переменных среди выживших и умерших пациентов, которым проводилась ИВЛ, — сообщил рассказал заместитель главного врача по хирургической помощи клиники БГМУ Ильдар Галимов. — Умершие пациенты чаще были мужчинами и исходно имели статистически значимо более высокие баллы по шкале SOFA (шкала для определения степени полиорганной недостаточности. — “Известия”), значения отношения числа нейтрофилов к лимфоцитам и содержания маркеров воспаления интерлейкин-6 (ИЛ-6) в крови». Баллы по шкале SOFA выставляют на основе оценки дисфункции основных систем организма: дыхательной, коагуляционной, печеночной, сердечно-сосудистой, неврологической, почечной. Чем выше показатель, тем хуже состояние пациента. У больных COVID-19 наблюдается значительное снижение числа лимфоцитов в крови — главных клеток иммунной системы. Количество нейтрофилов же увеличивается — эти клетки удаляют разрушенные легочные ткани. Поэтому у зараженных COVID-19 обычно наблюдается снижение количества лимфоцитов на фоне увеличения количества нейтрофилов.

The area of ​​housing for the rich in Moscow fell to a minimum

Knight Frank: 60 square meters of housing can be bought in Moscow for a million dollars dollars – the lowest level since 2014. This is reported by Forbes, citing research by the consulting company Knight Frank. The size of housing available to wealthy buyers has decreased by 36 percent – in the third quarter of 2020, the figure reached 94 square meters. A record minimum was recorded in 2014 – for a million dollars it was possible to buy 54 “squares” of elite housing. According to analysts, by September 2021 at Patriarch's Ponds, which are considered the most expensive area of ​​Moscow, for a million dollars it was possible to buy 25 square meters – 8 “squares” less than in 2020. In the areas of Ostozhenka and Prechistenka streets, as well as in Zamoskvorechye, the amount would be enough for 35-36 “squares”. The most affordable options for elite housing were

The conductor kicked a pregnant Russian woman out of the bus

In Bashkiria, a conductor kicked out a pregnant Russian woman from the bus because of a broken terminal The woman told about the incident on the website of the Electronic Reception Office of the authorities of the republic. “I am in the ninth month of pregnancy, although this did not stop the conductor. When I got on the bus, I heard her screaming loudly at the man. Then I got it when I tried to buy a ticket with a card, through the phone. Something happened to her terminal, “the Russian woman said. She added that the conductor accused her of problems with the payment terminal, and then kicked her out of the bus, denying free travel due to a breakdown equipment. According to the woman, she waited for the next bus, where she was able to pay for the ticket. “The situation was as uncomfortable for me as possible,”