A pensioner drowned in a swimming pool in a fitness club in Moscow

The body of an 84-year-old woman was found in the pool of a fitness club in northeastern Moscow -club in the north-east of Moscow, REN TV reports. According to the TV channel, the body was found by a trainer. There were no visible signs of a violent death. An elderly visitor felt sick in the water and drowned, Moskovsky Komsomolets writes. Currently, the police are establishing the causes of the tragedy. Earlier, a resident of Moscow swam in the pool of a fitness club on Leningradsky Prospekt and felt unwell. Then she started to sink. The fitness center staff tried to help the woman, but she died before the doctors arrived.

FSB reveals details of the verdict on the militant for preparing a terrorist attack in Moscow

FSB: the verdict of the leader of the cell of the banned IS that was preparing the terrorist attack in Moscow has come into force »(IS) Khushkadam Solikhov, a native of the Republic of Central Asia, was sentenced to 21 years in prison for preparing a terrorist attack in Moscow. The details of the verdict were disclosed to Interfax in the FSB public relations center. The verdict was passed by the Second Western District Military Court, the court's decision came into legal force. According to intelligence agencies, Solikhov organized a conspiratorial cell IS to carry out terrorist attacks in Moscow using explosives and firearms. The militant was detained by FSB officers in October 2020. His guilt was fully proven, he confessed to the crime. The members of the cell, whose activities were suppressed back in 2016, were also convicted. The FSB seized from IS supporters a large number of weapons,

The Lithuanian government approves the introduction of the state of emergency on the border with Belarus

The Cabinet of Ministers of Lithuania proposed to the Seimas to introduce a state of emergency on the border , the decision must be made by the diet. Delfi reports this on Tuesday, November 9th. The Cabinet of Ministers proposed to the parliament to introduce a state of emergency for a month. It should operate on a territory that is five kilometers away from the border inland, as well as in places where migrants settle in different settlements. On the eve of Lithuania sent troops to the border with Poland and Belarus due to another exacerbation of migration crisis. The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Lithuania Agne Bilotaite made a proposal to introduce a state of emergency. Meanwhile, the migrants who are being held in a temporary detention camp in the Lithuanian city of Rukla staged a protest demanding their release. They want to get to Germany.

Poroshenko proposed to introduce “hellish sanctions” against Lukashenko

On & nbsp; Monday, the State Border Committee of Belarus reported that & nbsp; a large group of refugees from & nbsp; nbsp & np; countries of East Africa & nbs; ; Poland. In the evening, the department said that & nbsp; the situation with & nbsp; refugees at & nbsp; the border of the republic with & nbsp; Poland remains extremely tense: in front of & nbsp; Polish barriers at & nbsp; border line stopped more than 2 thousand refugees, including a significant number of women and & nbsp; children. The Polish security forces & nbsp; do not & nbsp; let them & nbsp; migrants made attempts to overcome the barriers. “ We express our sincere solidarity and & nbsp; support to friendly Poland and & nbsp; Lithuania, which oppose the cynical, inspired by Lukashenka and Vladimir Putin, the president of the Russian Federation & nbsp; invasion & hellip;

Russia began to restore gas transit to Europe

Gascade: Russian supplies through the Yamal-Europe gas pipeline grew 2.5 times Since the beginning of Tuesday, November 9 the transit of Russian gas to Germany via the Yamal-Europe gas pipeline has grown 2.5 times compared to Monday evening, to more than 850 thousand cubic meters per hour. RIA Novosti reports this with reference to the data of the German gas transmission operator Gascade. Gazprom began to restore gas pumping in this direction the day before, at first the volume reached 330-365 thousand cubic meters per hour. On Monday morning, no gas was pumped between Germany and Poland in any direction.

The reasons for the catastrophic state of public transport in Russia are identified

Urbanist Alexei Radchenko: regions prefer to develop automobile infrastructure The disastrous state of public transport in Russian regions is associated with minimal investment in the development of the industry. Some of the reasons for this situation in an interview with Izvestia were named by urbanist Alexei Radchenko. The expert confirmed that public transport is in a difficult situation. In the regions there is not enough financing for the sphere, and cheap equipment is being purchased. According to Radchenko, many cities prefer to invest in automotive infrastructure. “There are many examples in the regions when a junction is being built, the cost of which would cover the maintenance of the entire tram fleet – money could be spent on updating the public transport infrastructure,” the urbanist noted. Among the reasons for this state of affairs, experts also named Changes in funding since the 1990s – during this period, public transport began

Kuznetsov went down in history “Washington Capitals”

Evgeny Kuznetsov finished 11th in terms of points in Washington Capitals history scored three assists in the National Hockey League (NHL) regular season match against the Buffalo Sabers. This was reported by the Lenta.ru correspondent. The 29-year-old forward helped his team to defeat the rivals with a score of 5: 3. Kuznetsov brought the number of points scored for the Capitals to 434 (134 goals and 300 assists). This allowed him to bypass Dennis Maruk and reach 11th place in the history of the club. Alexander Ovechkin is the leader of the franchise by this indicator. He has 1340 points scored. In the match against the Sabers, he scored with an abandoned puck. He chalked up his 741st NHL goal and caught up with Brett Hull, the fourth best sniper in the NHL's regular season. Kuznetsov has been with the Capitals since 2014. Before joining the NHL club, he defended

Crimea appreciated Lukashenka's words about his desire to visit the peninsula

Speaker of the State Council of Crimea Konstantinov: in fact Lukashenko recognized the peninsula as Russian status. Such an assessment was given by the chairman of the Crimean parliament Vladimir Konstantinov, RIA Novosti writes. According to him, people have been waiting for such a statement for a long time. In addition, subordinates in Belarus were waiting for the position of their leadership. “In fact, this is already a confession,” concluded Konstantinov. During a meeting of the Supreme State Council of the Union State, Lukashenko complained that Russian President Vladimir Putin did not take him with him to Crimea. In turn, the Belarusian parliamentarian Andrei Savinykh considered that these words “without any doubt” are the recognition of the Russian peninsula. Crimea became part of Russia in March 2014 after a referendum, where the overwhelming majority of the region's residents who voted supported this decision … Ukraine, the EU countries and the

The wounded elephant trampled on the man who was photographing him

In Thailand, a wild elephant trampled on a journalist from a local newspaper In Thailand, a wild elephant attacked and trampled the journalist who was photographing him. This is reported by Thaiger. Related materials00: 03 – September 12, 2019 The most terrible beastCannibal hippopotamus and bloody festival at the best wildlife shots00: 02 – December 29, 2019 The crocodiles, boars and monkeys have declared war on humans. Nobody knows how to stop them The attack took place on Friday, November 5, in Chanthaburi province. Parinya Kesarathikul, 46, a photojournalist for the local newspaper KomChadLuek, filmed the work of veterinarians of the Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plants of Thailand, who were helping an elephant seriously injured in a fight with relatives. An antibiotic was given to the injured elephant. When one of the department employees shot the animal with a dart with medicine, the elephant panicked, rushed at the

Samsung will give up its own processors

Samsung may stop releasing smartphones with Exynos processors Samsung may abandon Exynos series processors in its smartphones. This is reported by the Dutch edition LetsGoDigital. Journalists refer to the statement of a former employee of the Korean corporation. According to him, the company decided to equip all smartphones of the future flagship Galaxy S22 series with Qualcomm Snapdragon 898 processors. As the authors noted, usually the Korean manufacturer equipped smartphones with its own Exynos chips, released for the European and Asian regions. It was assumed that Samsung's upcoming flagship processor will be the Exynos 2200. A former employee of the company said that the corporation will stop producing its own processors due to the fact that they are too expensive to produce. Samsung allegedly came to the conclusion that buying components for its phones from partners is more profitable. The author also said that the next major presentation of Samsung,