Russian banks began to pay more depositors

“Kommersant”: banks have raised the cost of paying interest on deposits for the first time in two years in the third quarter for the first time in two years, writes Kommersant. Experts predict an increase in payments due to the increase in the key rate of the Central Bank (CB). According to bank reports, in the third quarter, individual depositors received 223 billion rubles in interest, which is five percent more than in the second quarter. At the same time, compared to the same period last year, expenses in the third quarter turned out to be 11 percent lower. Until the end of the year, banks will pay customers even more due to the growth of the key rate and the expiration of the terms of deposits with low rates, believes Vyacheslav Putilovsky, junior director for bank ratings at Expert RA agency. Despite the low interest rates in previous years

Poland announced the approach of a group of Belarusian security officials to the camp of migrants

Polish Defense Ministry: a large group of Belarusian security officials approaching the migrant camp A large group of Belarusian security officials approaching the migrant camp in Kuznitsa. This was announced on its Twitter account by the Polish Ministry of Defense. The Ministry also published a video showing Belarusian fighters moving along the border. It is reported that Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki and Defense Minister Anthony Macerevich met in Kuznitsa with the military who guard the border. On Monday, November 8, a group of migrants from the Middle East gathered at the Belarusian-Polish border and tried to break through the fence. The Polish government has estimated their number at three to four thousand people. In Warsaw, they claim that the camp of migrants is guarded by Belarusian security forces. The State Border Committee of Belarus said that the migrants were driven by the indifference and inhuman attitude of the Polish

Germany urged the European Commission to take measures to solve the migration problem

German Interior Minister Seehofer: The European Commission should help secure the Polish border from migrants on the border with Belarus. This was stated by the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD) of the Federal Republic of Germany Horst Seehofer in an interview with Bild. “We must help the Polish government to secure the external border. In fact, this is the work of the European Commission, ”the diplomat concluded. He called on the European Commission to take the necessary measures to resolve the migration problem as soon as possible. Seehofer expressed support for the Polish authorities, which, according to him, responded correctly to the migration crisis. He said that the EU countries should unite to resolve the current situation and come to structural border security. Earlier it became known that the Polish Border Guard will close the Kuznica checkpoint across the border with Belarus from November 9 due to

Третья волна COVID-19 в России переросла в четвертую, заявил инфекционист

По его словам, наиболее неблагоприятная ситуация по COVID-19 наблюдается в европейском регионе ВОЗ, во многом это связано и с ситуацией в России. «Сегодня у нас ежедневно регистрируется больше 40 тысяч новых случаев COVID-19, наша третья волна плавно переросла в четвертую волну, которая, к сожалению, в большинстве регионов ещё продолжается», — сказал эксперт на пленарном заседании X международной научно-практической конференции «Молекулярная диагностика — 2021».

SOBR officer who died during a special operation will be awarded

Rosgvardia: a SOBR soldier who died during a special operation in St. Petersburg will be awarded for courage an employee of the Special Rapid Response Squad (SOBR) will be presented for a courage award. This was reported to “” by the official representative of the Rosgvardia Valery Gribakin. According to him, the issue of rewarding the soldier for the dedication he showed in completing the task is being considered. On the morning of November 9 a special operation took place on Pulkovskoe highway in the Pushkin district of the city with the participation of employees of the Investigative Committee of Russia, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Russian Guard. They detained suspects in telephone fraud. One of the intruders was driving a Fiat Ducato – he knocked down and ran over a SOBR fighter who blocked his path. The security officer died on the spot from his injuries. The

Tourists massively refused to go to the popular resort because of Prohibition

The ban on the sale of alcohol and the closure of nightlife in Pattaya hit the image of the resort – due to the ban on selling alcohol in restaurants and the closure of nightlife entertainment establishments, foreign tourists massively refuse to come to the resort. The Pattaya News writes about this. It is noted that the ban on the sale of alcohol in the restaurants of a popular Thai resort has been in effect for seven months – the authorities explain the measure by the fact that this is due to the fear of the spread of coronavirus. However, exceptions have been made to such provinces as Phuket, Krabi and Bangkok, which causes confusion among the representatives of the tourism business. In addition, the police conduct unscheduled checks of establishments and arrest tourists who violate the rules and illegally consume alcohol … It is noted that the drastic measures

The Ministry of Health named an unexpected feature of the delta strain

Chulanov, an infectious disease specialist of the Ministry of Health: the delta strain of COVID-19 can elude antibodies The delta strain of COVID-19 can elude neutralizing antibodies. Such an unexpected feature at the plenary session of the X Jubilee International Scientific and Practical Conference “Molecular Diagnostics – 2021” was named by the chief freelance infectious disease specialist of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Professor Vladimir Chulanov. His words on Tuesday, November 9, are quoted by RIA Novosti. The specialist noted that due to this ability to ignore antibodies, the delta strain can cause a more severe course of the disease.